MabMaedbhb, the Queen of Air and Darkness, Medbh, MaeveDemigod
Home Plane: Faerie
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Worshipers: Unseelie Court fey, spriggans, winterwights, fossegrimen, redcaps, glitterhaunts, mimis, rimefire eidolons
Domains: Air, Chaos, Darkness, Moon, Trickery, Water
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: CG, TN, CN, CE
Favored Weapon: Spear
Ashes and Oak: The Winter Court of the Unseelie
"Think of every fairy-tale villainess you've ever heard of. Think of the wicked witches, the evil queens, the mad enchantresses. Think of the alluring sirens, the hungry ogresses, the savage she-beasts. Think of them and remember that somewhere, sometime, they've all been real. Mab gave them lessons."-Jim Butcher, "Small Favor"
The Unseelie Court, or Winter Court, is the opposite and counterpart of the Seelie. Whereas the Seelie are seen as beautiful, kind, and benevolent, Winter fey are often described as cruel, vicious, evil, and ugly. Like those perceptions of the Seelie, such descriptions of the Unseelie are inaccurate at best.
The Winter Court is the court associated with destruction, as the counterpart to the Seelie's focus on creation. It is comprised of fey who are associated with the aspects of nature attuned to death, decay, cold, and darkness. They manifest the aspects of nature that deal with the end of cycles, the destruction of life required for other life to thrive, the hollow cold that clears dead waste and old fading life from the world to make space for new growth, and the culling of the weak, old, ill, and infirm.
While they may seem cruel and heartless to the sentiments of mortals, Winter fey are not always malicious; they are simply pragmatic and calculating, understanding that their place in the cycle of existence is a necessary but unpleasant one. Many Winter fey are also plain and unprideful creatures, uncaring for the adoration or allure of mortal or fey (save their Queen), and as such often do not bother with the use of glamour to conceal or disguise. As a result, the perception of Unseelie fey as cruel, vicious, and horrific creatures in opposition to the beautiful, gentle, and carefree Seelie has been allowed to take a stronger hold in the minds of mortals. Most Unseelie fey neither care to correct this mistake nor care for how they are perceived; they have more important things on their minds. As the manifestation of growth and life among Seelie is not always to the benefit or happiness of mortals, so the focus on death and destruction among the Unseelie is not to their disadvantage, either. Rather than evil or malicious, Winter fey are better described as focused upon the "survival of the fittest", cutting away the dead, dying, and weak aspects of existence so that there is room and resources to spare for the rest to survive on.
However, this is not to say that Winter fey are in any way kind. Their pragmatism, focus on survival by strength and skill, and willingness to cull and cleave away anything that strikes them as weak, old, or useless makes them often sinister creatures--lacking any sense of mercy or capacity for gentleness. It is not in their nature to consider peace or coddling the innocent, if they have deemed them in need of destruction. While not universal, some species of Unseelie fey are actively malevolent in their methods--taking pleasure in death and pain and suffering; thus fear and care in dealing with them is often highly advised. Types of fey usually associated with the Unseelie Court include spriggans, winterwights, fossegrimen, redcaps, glitterhaunts, mimis, and rimefire eidolons.
The Unseelie Court is located within the demesne of the Winter Queen, the Arctic Tor. A harsh and unforgiving place, the Tor exists in a perpetual winter, alternating between cold dark nights to sharp windy days with vicious blizzards and thunderstorms that last for weeks on end. The wildlife there is harsh, hardy, and vicious; only the strongest specimens of each species are able to survive the unforgiving climate. What plant life exists is adapted to the extreme weather, powerful fauna, and unrelenting cold. They often form crystalline shapes and coloration that blurs the line between flora and ice formation that are regularly covered in barbs, blades, thorns, and/or natural toxins.
The ruler of the Winter Court is Maedbhb, the Queen of Air and Darkness; she is sometimes also referred to as Mab, Medbh or Maeve. Mab generally appears as a tall, icy-skinned sídhe woman of stern demeanor and sharp countenance, with glassy hair, a crown-like a halo of darkness, and wreathed in a robe of glacial blues and purples. Her heiress is Isolde, the Lady of Frost, and her consort a warrior sídhe known only as the Lord of Winter. The court is served by the trickster herald Greymaulkin, Cheshire Lord of the Caitsídhe. Winter court patrons are Chaotic Neutral and grant divine followers access to the Air, Chaos, Darkness, Moon, Trickery, and Water domains. Their favored weapon is an icicle (represented as a spear).