Mak Thuum NgathaThe Nine-Tongued Worm, The Nine-Tailed Worm, King of WormsElder Evil
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: A fan of nine wavy lines radiating from a puzzle piece, glyph, or pyramid
Home Plane: Far Realm
Serves: Bolothamogg
Portfolio: Worms, dark knowledge, forbidden secrets, crossing boundaries
Domains: Destruction, Knowledge, Luck, Travel
Worshipers: Nilshai, psurlons, tsochar, worms-that-walk, other intelligent wormlike creatures; mad loreseekers, scholars, and wizards
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: A worm (morningstar)
Mak Thuum Ngatha, called the Nine-Tongued Worm, was a horrid elder evil of the Far Realm worshiped by some wormy aberrations and certain crazed cultists. Outside the insane chaos of the Far Realm and its aberrant adherents, few folk were even aware of the Nine-Tongued Worm, only some alienists, cultists, and half-farspawn things, and fewer still knew much about it.
It was known that Mak Thuum Ngatha was given homage by the Nilshai, a tentacled race of things from the Ethereal Plane that threatened the star elves of Sildëyuir; by the psurlons, psionic worm-like creatures dwelling in the Underdark; and by the tsochari, masses of tendrils that inhabit the bodies of others and infiltrated Undermountain and the Shadowdusk family. The tsochari were the most zealously faithful of all aberrations and the priesthood of Mak Thuum Ngatha was the most powerful caste within their society.
Unlike a lot of the potent and terrible denizens of the Far Realm, who stood either aloof or unaware of the affairs of mortals, Mak Thuum Ngatha possessed a disturbing degree of interest in the Material Plane. However, what its plans were or what it wanted one could only guess at and dread, but be sure they would be inimical to all life in the Material Plane. Among such aberrations as worshiped it, it was believed the Nine-Tongued Worm was a proponent of bringing down all barriers, spanning all of space and time, and obtaining infinite knowledge. Its priests saw themselves as emissaries or messengers with a divinely given purpose to take worship of Mak Thuum Ngatha to other lands and races, together with its dangerous eldritch knowledge. But this often meant invading worlds of the material plane home to humanoids; plundering their riches; sacrificing their people to the glory of the Nine-Tongued Worm; and converting those who were reckless, power-hungry, or crazy enough to follow them to the faith.