Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Ask the Staff Anything => Topic started by: arcknight25 on Nov 09, 2020, 07:51 PM

Title: Events for new players?
Post by: arcknight25 on Nov 09, 2020, 07:51 PM
I just learnt that to progress in level you need to participate in Events run by ADM/DM/Admin.

I looked at the calendar just to see how often they run. I was surprised by the frequency of events, but disappointed to see that they are full for the next 2 months. Also it would seem that they are continuations of previous events, and that the majority of them are for 16+ level characters.

It is just disheartening to see the last few weeks I have been playing and RPing to be abruptly halted by this event mechanic. Since I can no longer progress with my main, creating an Alt is the obvious next option, but once they get to level 12 or so, I run into the same problem.

Is there anywhere to post looking for an event, or to talk with ADM/DM/Admin on getting one created for newer players/low level alts of long standing members.

I've only been around a month, while I am sure there are people who have been around 10+ years, who are staples in this community. I am just looking for more direction. I enjoy playing on this server, but to wait 2 months for an event to be ready to progress my main character seems a bit long to wait.
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Blackheart on Nov 09, 2020, 07:55 PM
There's a quest request thread to post an idea you have, vague or specific.

You're also free to reach out to DMs specifically.
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Jazzmyra on Nov 09, 2020, 08:07 PM
Also, do keep in mind progression is not actually blocked. You get 300RPXP every day with the daily fairy ticks, and there is scripted quests like the bounties or gem of life to advance them as well.

Quests and where they are found can be seen here

How RPXP works and info on the ticks and what not here
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 09, 2020, 08:09 PM
You still get up to 300XP daily just for logging in and RPing, exploring, or dungeoning. There's also several scripted quests that give you RPXP between 11-13, and bounties available at level 13+. Getting to level 14-15 is a fairly easy thing to do. The reason you see most quest activity happen here is because this is the range with the most characters. If you need help finding where to go or what to do, just ask!

Some DMs to state in there event sign-ups that there is a preference to new players and that players who see a lot of activity will be given an alt slot moved to the bottom of the possible roster. It's just that with how active the staff is, the calendar is much fuller and takes longer to resolve plotlines. New events are still posted pretty frequently and if you see one that's full but in your level range, still sign up as an alt as sometimes the DM will expand the roster or people might not be able to make it.

My biggest recommendation, though, is to not get too hung up on your level or how fast you're leveling compared to others. Just log in and have fun playing the game. I've been burned out here so many times by becoming obsessed with that and it's an easy mindset to fall into. And the bulk of our playerbase is newer players who have only come around in the past year or two since the move to EE.
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Fox² on Nov 09, 2020, 08:29 PM
Firstly, to clear up a misconception: You do not need to participate in quests to level or to progress your character. We have an auto faery system that delivers RP XP periodically as long as you're active, up to a cap of 300 RP XP a day. This assures everyone can mechanically progress their character through their levels without the need of a DM to give RP XP via drops -- which this system has replaced; or by the availability quests which logistically not everyone can always be involved in. This is a paced rate so that players aren't skyrocketing their characters to max level. This system encourages you to spend time on your character between dungeons when your combat XP is capped to roleplay with others and to develop your character's story.

I suggest you read our post about this system, here:

Secondly: Quests and events are the means from which we, the staff, help engage players in the setting and in our server. We have a very large and very active DM roster that cover most timezones. We run quests when we are personally able to; and when we do, we try to diversify our audience as much as possible. Many quests take the form of plotlines which take course over multiple parts, often spanning weeks and sometimes months.

Each quest we run takes a significant amount of time behind the scenes to bring from idea to paper, and then into your games for you to enjoy. This effort does mean that our schedules become quite full when we're running something, and so we're only able to run so many things at any one time. So when we have a long plotline going on we might not be able to continuously put out new quests for people to sign up to, or we might not have the energy in us to run spontaneous ad-hocs in game.

Every now and then we'll have multiple DMs engaged in various plotlines, and new quests for sign up become just a little bit less frequent, but I assure you: they are still being made and posted all the same when we're able to.

We occasionally have periods where some DMs will focus on creating new quests giving preference to new players, to low level characters, or to players who haven't been in many quests lately. We make our best efforts to be as inclusive and fair to everyone as we can.

So if you haven't been able to find yourself a quest to sign up for, just be patient! More awesome stuff is always around the corner.

Thirdly, we have a forum for quest requests where you can post your ideas for a personal quest for a DM to pick up. These are up to the purview of an interested DM, and so there's no guarantee that a quest request will be fulfilled. We only run quests that we are personally interested in and capable of running, when we're able to. We'd hate to run a quest just because someone asked if we'd under deliver on it. This forum can be found here:

Fourthly, we have various scripted quests and bounties around the server that give one time RP XP rewards that can be used to supplement your RP XP in addition to your faery XP across different level ranges. I suggest taking a read about this here:

Fifth(ly?): Welcome to CD!
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: arcknight25 on Nov 09, 2020, 09:04 PM
So a few more questions then.

1)Where are these scripted quests? is there a place to find them on the forums?
2) 300xp daily. This is the ticks of 15xp correct. Can you just log in and sit in a room to get them, or RP is necessary to get the ticks to continue?
3) I will post in the requests thread then.
4) Thank you all for the info. Much appreciated, and it was quick in coming as well.
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Garage Trashcan on Nov 09, 2020, 09:15 PM
Fox linked the thread with the list of scripted quests in part 4 of her reply.

For the daily RPXP, you need to actively be doing something. You can't just be AFK in a corner of the server doing nothing. This can be exploring the server, fighting in dungeons, or RPing with other players.
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Fox² on Nov 09, 2020, 09:16 PM
arcknight25 Avatar
1)Where are these scripted quests? is there a place to find them on the forums?

Where the different quests and bounties can be picked up from is listed in the thread I linked ( Exact directions to where you then need to go isn't provided, but both the names of the quests and the dialog from the NPCs who give them should clue you in somewhat, especially as you become more familiar with the server.

There are often people in Arabel Square who can help with more in game, and we have a #lfg (Looking For Group) channel for organizing groups for dungeons, bounties, or get togethers in our discord server:

arcknight25 Avatar
2) 300xp daily. This is the ticks of 15xp correct. Can you just log in and sit in a room to get them, or RP is necessary to get the ticks to continue?

Your character should be active during this time; either by roleplaying, dungeoning, or exploring the server. You won't earn RP XP by doing nothing.
Title: Events for new players?
Post by: Sir Ven on Nov 10, 2020, 06:59 AM
Worth pointing out that 300xp a day is also pretty generous (I appreciate that it may not always feel that way).  - But given it works out at 2,100 xp a week.   In just two weeks you can get more than enough RP ticks to get to level 12 and then get level 13 a week after that.

Naturally, as you get to higher levels things begin to slow down - that can be mitigated initially by the scripted quests mentioned above, but pretty quickly you'll find you're in that 15+ Level range to take part in the vast majority of events being posted.


Finally, while you're correct that a lot of quests involve multiple-parts and it can seem difficult to 'break into' them, scheduling conflicts, real life and even just game-fatigue can mean there are no-shows to events.   Unless it specifically says otherwise, you can always ask about signing up as an alternate (backup) for a quest chain that's already in progress.