Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Deities and Pantheons => Topic started by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:24 PM

Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:24 PM
Orc Pantheon

Evil beings worship evil powers; witness the drow and their deities as an example. The orc pantheon represents another such group of deities, not as sophisticated perhaps, but powerful protectors and advocates for their people nonetheless.

  • Bahgtru
  • Gruumsh
  • Ilneval
  • Luthic
  • Shargaas
  • Yurtrus
Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:16 PM
The Strong, the Leg Breaker, the Son of Gruumsh

Lesser Orc Deity
Symbol: Broken thighbone
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Loyalty, stupidity, brute strength
Worshipers: Barbarians, followers, orcs, physically strong beings, warriors, wrestlers
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, [Orc]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "Crunch" (unarmed strike)

Baghtru (Bog-true) is an awesomely stupid god of incredible might, who scorns all arms and armaments or workings of magic and values only physical strength. He is said to challenge and battle all manner of archetypal beasts and roam the planes tearing the landscape asunder.

The church of Bahgtru is largely subservient to the temple of Gruumsh, not unlike the relation between the son and the father. His clergy are often the strongest members of the tribe, leading the elite males of the tribe who serve as bodyguards for the chieftain. Gruumsh's son insists his clerics remain unquestioningly loyal to the chieftain of the tribe until he is defeated in a challenge of physical prowess or slain. They engage in near constant physical training as well to improve their strength and thus the overall strength of the tribe. For the Leg Breaker's faithful, loyalty extends only to the clan, thus rivalries between clans are to be encouraged, for doing so strengthens the orc race as a whole.

Clerics and adepts of Bahgtru pray for their spells at dusk, when the Son of Gruumsh tears the sun from the sky. Many clerics multiclass as barbarians, even in fairly civilized tribes, although some multiclass as fighters.


Bahgtru is the son of Gruumsh and Luthic. He is said to have killed the first béhir, breaking each one of its legs in the process and earning him his moniker. Bahgtru is feared by the other orc gods for his incredible strength, yet they call on him for assistance when they have need. Ilneval secretly resents Gruumsh's stupid, but loyal, son, for he dares not challenge the One-Eyed Good while Bahgtru remains loyal to him. Bahgtru is implacably opposed to the goblinoid deities, although he attacks them only when Gruumsh permits. He also hates the Seldarine and other sylvan deities, whose physical weakness he scorns. While Bahgtru respects the might of the dwarven gods, he still wishes to crush their skulls. Bahgtru also opposes the most obvious plots of deities of deception, including Baravar Cloakshadow, Cyric, and Mask.


The mighty shall crush the weak, thus strengthening the tribe. Scorn the shields of weakness and rely only on your physical prowess, for strength is enduring. Think not crafty thoughts, for they undermine the strength of the tribe. Loyalty to your leader is all that is required of you.
Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:17 PM
He Who Never Sleeps, the One-Eyed God, He Who Watches

Greater Orc Deity
Symbol: Unwinking eye
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Orcs, conquest, survival, strength, territory
Worshipers: Fighters, orcs
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War, [Cavern], [Hatred], [Orc]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "The Bloodspear" (spear)

Gruumsh (groomsh) is the driven and aggressive leader of the orc pantheon. Constantly battling other deities for the things he feels were stolen from him at the dawn of creation, he drives the orcs of the world to follow his example and conquer and slay their enemies. His great spear is covered in the blood of elves and his ever-burning torch is reflected in his one remaining eye.

Gruumsh's church relates the legends of the orcs from generation to generation and spreads the worship of the deity through fear, inspiration, and an iron hand. The church takes an active role in the clan leadership, undermining a secular leader that opposes its goals. They are responsible for the elimination of the sick, weak, lame, or unfit members of the tribe, regardless of age or status.

Clerics and adepts of Gruumsh prepare their spells in the dark of night. Their holy days are the times of the new moon and anniversaries of great battles against elves, dwarves, or other orc tribes. Those in wild areas sometimes multiclass as barbarians, while those living near or in civilization commonly multiclass as fighters. Particularly zealous clerics gouge out their left eye as a sign of devotion.


Gruumsh is said to have lost an eye in a battle with Corellon Larethian, although the orcs' version holds that he always had one eye. Orc myths tell that when the races of the world drew lots for the land, there were none left for Gruumsh, but he took his spear and smote the earth to create caves, blighted glades, and badlands for his people to dwell. He holds absolute authority over his pantheon and considers no non-orc his ally. He particularly hates the elven and dwarven deities.


Seek unceasing war against your enemies, and kill or enslave those who oppose you. Acquire territory and living space. Destroy elves, their homes, and their lands. Crush the dwarves and take their deep caves for your own. Be strong, and be prepared to show your strength at any moment. Showing weakness is the key to an early death. Those that are too weak to fight for your tribe should be put to the spear. The greatest gift that He Who Watches gave to the orcs was the ability to survive where the weaker races would die. Build your strength in these lands and use them to overrun your enemies.
Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:17 PM
The Horde Leader, the War Maker, the Lieutenant of Gruumsh

Lesser Orc Deity
Symbol: Bloodied longsword
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: War, combat, overwhelming numbers, strategy
Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, orcs
Domains: Destruction, Evil, War, [Orc], [Planning]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "Foe Smiter" (longsword)

Ilneval (ill-nev-all) is the daring war leader, always leading the charge into battle with nothing but victory and destruction on his mind. Before a battle commences, however, he carefully plans his strategy so as to maximize his chances of winning and inflicting terrible damage. Ilneval is more cunning than Bahgtru and nearly as strong. His bravery inspires great loyalty among his followers, yet he does not transfer that loyalty to his own superior.

The War Maker brooks no challenge to his position, systematically destroying any potential rival. Ilneval is seen as the patron of powerful orc crossbreeds, particularly orc-ogres (orogs) and tanarukks.

The church of Ilneval occupies a prominent position in orc tribal life, second only to the church of Gruumsh, and they work in concert to oppress other faiths in order to ensure that position remains unchallenged. Many members of the clergy are officers in tribal armies, answering only to their chieftain. Although the church of Gruumsh is responsible for issuing the call to summon a horde, it falls to the temple of Ilneval to marshal the fractious tribes into a horde united against a common foe.

Clerics and adpets of Ilneval pray for their spells at dusk in preparation for the night's battles. The church of Ilneval observes few holy days, other than token obeisance to those honoring Gruumsh in a calculated display of loyalty to the One-Eyed God, for Ilneval is not interested in remembering past victories but plotting new ones to come. The most sacred celebration of the year is held annually at Greengrass, when Ilneval's clerics assemble hordes of orc warriors to swoop down on civilized lands in an orgy of destruction and violence. Many clerics multiclass as fighters. Only adepts of the most primitive tribes multiclass as barbarians.


Ilneval serves Gruumsh as battle lieutenant, commanding the One-Eye God's armies when his master does not wish to do so himself. The Crafty Warrior has destroyed one or two orc demigods before, and he secretly works to undermine Bahgtru as well. Gruumsh does not trust his self-serving lieutenant for good reason, but Ilneval remains loyal enough while the One-Eye God and Bahgtru remain on the same side. Ilneval loathes both Shargaas and Yurtrus, for their underhanded approach smells of cowardice. However, the War Maker is smart enough to use their talents effectively in battle with the gods of other pantheons. Despite his difference with the other orc gods, Ilneval loathes the goblinoid gods, the dwarven gods, the elven gods, and all the other traditional enemies of the orc pantheon and would never betray his race.


Strength is as much a function of the mind as one's body. Train hard and think craftily in preparation for war, for all life is an endless battle. Unite your tribe into a raging storm, for there is great strength in numbers if all can work in concert. Once the time for combat is nigh, however, charge into the fray undaunted and let the blood fly where it may. Only through personal courage do you prove yourself fit for the mantle of leadership.
Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:18 PM
The Cave Mother, the Blood Moon Witch

Lesser Orc Deity
Symbol: Orc rune for home
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Caves, orc females, home, wisdom, fertility, healing, servitude
Worshipers: Monks, orc females, runecasters
Domains: Earth, Evil, Healing, [Cavern], [Family], [Orc]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: A hand with long claws (unarmed strike or kama)

Luthic (looth-ick) has a strong affinity for the earth on which her enduring strength is built. Although hardly kind, she tends to the injured with brusque efficiency and is the quiet bedrock on which the orc pantheon rests. The Cave Mother does not take kindly to those who abuse her name, inflicting wasting diseases on those who do. She has a nasty temper that can erupt at any time. Although outwardly servile to the male orc gods, she is cunning enough to manipulate Gruumsh and Bahgtru and through them often get her way.

The chruch of Luthic is prominent within most orc tribes, if only because it can claim the bulk of the female population as its worshipers, but outwardly weak in comparison to the other orc gods' clergies and is subservient to the clergy of Gruumsh. In truth, the church of Luthic forms the stable base of most tribes, ensuring that a steady stream of future orc warriors are born each year. Clerics of Luthic tend to the general health of the tribe, healing those injured in battle, ministering to the young and females in childbirth, and generally maintaining moral among the tribe. They also teach simple healing and herbalism to orcs, skills that enable orc warriors to survive many battles.

Clerics and adepts of Luthic pray for their spells each day whenever the moon is highest in the sky. Luthic's holy days are tied to the new moon, the symbol of orc fertility. The Feats of the Moon is celebrated by the Cave Mother's followers as the Coming of the Winter Cave, for most tribes must retreat to Luthic's domain during the winter months. Many young are conceived during this festival, ensuring another generation of warriors. A few clerics multiclass as runecasters, a form of magic learend from the giants that sometimes dwell alongside orc tribes. Rumors exist of a secret group of Luthicar monks existing within some tribes, attacking unarmed since they are denied the use of weapons by males.


Luthic is the wife of Gruumsh and the mother of Bahgtru, although only the latter pays her heed. The Son of Gruumsh honors his mother's commands, even above Grummsh, a small rebellion on the part of his otherwise loyal son that the One-Eye God tolerates only grudgingly. The other orc gods pay her only a modicum of respect and then only because she is the wife of Grummsh, treatment she grudgingly accepts as her lot even if she detsts it. Luthic harbors a deep enmity for the traditional enemies of the orc pantheon, including the goblinoid gods, the dwarven gods, and the elven gods.


Life is sheltered within the earth from which it springs. Honor the wisdom of the Cave Mother, whose strength is the backbone of the horde and the root of valor in battle. Understand your position within the tribe and do your part to strengthen the tribe The cave is the sheltering embrace of Mother of Bahgtru and the bastion of orc strength. Endure all hardships.
Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:18 PM
The Night Lord, the Blade in the Darkness, the Stalker Below

Lesser Orc Deity
Symbol: Skull on a red crescent moon
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Night, thieves, stealth, darkness, the Underdark
Worshipers: Assassins, blackguards, orcs, shadowdancers, thieves
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Trickery, [Orc]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "Nightblade" (short sword)

Shargaas (shar-gas) is a dark and brooding deity of terrifying cruelty and evil. More cunning than even Ilneval, his scheming is cold and calculated. His hatred of non-orcs is rooted in a basic hatred of life itself, and he views even orcs as little more than killing tools to be eventually discarded. He is thought to lurk in the depths of the earth, deep beneath the caves of most surface-dwelling orcs, and is considered the patron of orc tribes that dwell in the Underdark.

The church of Shargaas is secretive in nature, its adherents usually hiding their affiliation from the rest of their tribe. The temple is a powerful hidden force with most tribes, regularly culling the weak in order to strengthen the tribe as a whole. Clerics of Shargaas can strike fear into even the most powerful orc chieftain, for they regularly eliminate leaders they perceive as cowardly or ineffectual with a sharp blade in the back in the darkness. The church of Shargaas also works on the margins of enemy battle groups, eliminating those who might raise the alarm or muster an effective defense against a burgeoning horde.

Clerics of Shargaas pray for their spells at midnight, when the world is shrouded in darkness. The Night Lord's clergy gather under the darkness of each new moon to honor the Stalker Below in a grim ceremony know as the Chant in the Abiding Darkness. Supplicants are required to bring an object of great value to its prior owner to sacrifice to Shargaas, preferably the heart of some foe. The assembled faithful then begin chanting a series of ritualistic prayers to the Night Lord pledging to server as his silent, deadly weapons. Many clerics multiclass as assassins, blackguards, divine seekers, rogues, or shadowdancers.


The Night Lord's hatred of all life extends to a hatred of other deities as well. Nevertheless, he has found it prudent to ally himself with the other orc deities and manipulate them to serve his ends. Shargaas maintains a cold alliance with Yurtrus, in particular, counterbalancing the more militaristic Gruumsh, Bahgtru, and Ilneval. He also secretly reveals Ilneval's treacheries to Gruumsh as a way of cementing his own position within the pantheon and undermining the One-Eyed God's overly ambitious lieutenant. Shargaas has no allies outside the orc pantheon, but reserves his greatest hatred for the dwarf, gnome, and goblin deities.


The darkness is cold and everlasting, but provides a dark mantle for the blade in the night. With silent stride and hidden hand, cull the weak from the tribe and eliminate all other races. Go down into the deep tunnels and wage war with those who dare abide in the demesne of Shargaas. Be alert for weakness in the eyes of the chieftain, for his mistakes may spell your own doom.
Title: Orc Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:19 PM
White Hands, the Lord of Maggots, the Rotting One

Lesser Orc Deity
Symbol: White hands on a dark background
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Portfolio: Death, disease
Worshipers: Assassins, monks, orcs
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Orc, Suffering
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: TN, LE, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Pale white hands (unarmed strike)

Yurtrus (yer-truss) is the embodiment of life-destructive principles, an ever-present terror to be feared and propitiated and dread by most orcs. Whereas Shargaas embodies the fear of what lurks below in the darkness, Yurtrus represents the ever present thread of death and disease that orcs must live with on an ongoing basis. The Lord of Maggots does not speak or communicate in any fashion, although he sometimes seems receptive to properly respectful entreaties and sacrifices to spare an particular individual or tribe from the ravages of disease. He is depicted as an orc with rotting sore-covered flesh everywhere except his pale clawed hands.

Aside from the certain orders of monks, the church of Yurtrus is loosely organized, its clergy scattered across countless clans and tribes. Clerics of the Rotting One are rarely tribal leaders, but the terror in which their deity is held allows them a great deal of independence. Members of the clergy act as intermediaries between their tribes and Yurtrus, interceding with him whenever the tribe is ravaged by disease or plague. In addition, clerics of Yurtrus dispose of the bodies of the dead, whether they died of disease, in battle, or of old age (a rare event indeed). The church of Yurtrus is also conceded authority over tribal foodstores, determining whether meat is too rotted to eat or water too tainted to drink. In this respect, some tribes have begun to venerate the Lord of Maggots as a deity of sustenance and health or rather the reverse of such and thus to be propitiated.

Clerics and adepts of Yurtrus pray for their spells at dusk in the dying of the day. The church of Yurtrus recognizes two major holy days. The firs,t known as the Ceremony of Contagion, is celebrated on Midsummer Night. On this day the deity's contagion is said to take root, sapping the world of life in a relentless spiral that leads inexorably to the winter and the death of the year. After a bloody ritual of sacrifice to spare the orcs from the ravages of plague, the clerics of Yurtrus venture forth, spreading disease and death across the world, particularly among other races. The second holy day, known as the Putrescent Death, is celebrated on Midwinter Eve. On this night, the clergy of Yurtrus recognize the death of the world, symbolized through the sacrifice of sentient beings of other races. Sacrifices are typically made to the Rotting Lord through the deliberate infection of a victim with a particularly horrible disease. Many clerics multiclass as assassins, divine disciples, or monks.


By his very nature, Yurtrus is not prone to forming relationships. He gives his silent backing to Shargaas in the latter's efforts to subtly counterbalance the influence of the three orc war gods. The Rotting One is also thought to maintain some sort of relationship with other gods of death and disease, such as Talona, although it may be more of a rivalry than an alliance. Like the rest of the orc pantheon, Yurtrus loathes the gods of the dwarves, elves, and goblins, and opposes them at every opportunity.


Death is inexorable and eventually claims all life. The ravages of plague are simply death claiming victims who have yet to fall in battle, leaving all creatures to simply choose the manner in which death will most likely strike. The touch of White Hands can be forestalled only by bowing down to the Rotting Lord and begging his mercy, but, in time, plague strikes all living things. Fear him, for death lurks in the shadowed corners of Luthic's cavern and it will inexorably come again.