ShargaasThe Night Lord, the Blade in the Darkness, the Stalker BelowLesser Orc Deity
Symbol: Skull on a red crescent moon
Home Plane: Nishrek
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Night, thieves, stealth, darkness, the Underdark
Worshipers: Assassins, blackguards, orcs, shadowdancers, thieves
Domains: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Trickery, [Orc]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: "Nightblade" (short sword)
Shargaas (shar-gas) is a dark and brooding deity of terrifying cruelty and evil. More cunning than even Ilneval, his scheming is cold and calculated. His hatred of non-orcs is rooted in a basic hatred of life itself, and he views even orcs as little more than killing tools to be eventually discarded. He is thought to lurk in the depths of the earth, deep beneath the caves of most surface-dwelling orcs, and is considered the patron of orc tribes that dwell in the Underdark.
The church of Shargaas is secretive in nature, its adherents usually hiding their affiliation from the rest of their tribe. The temple is a powerful hidden force with most tribes, regularly culling the weak in order to strengthen the tribe as a whole. Clerics of Shargaas can strike fear into even the most powerful orc chieftain, for they regularly eliminate leaders they perceive as cowardly or ineffectual with a sharp blade in the back in the darkness. The church of Shargaas also works on the margins of enemy battle groups, eliminating those who might raise the alarm or muster an effective defense against a burgeoning horde.
Clerics of Shargaas pray for their spells at midnight, when the world is shrouded in darkness. The Night Lord's clergy gather under the darkness of each new moon to honor the Stalker Below in a grim ceremony know as the Chant in the Abiding Darkness. Supplicants are required to bring an object of great value to its prior owner to sacrifice to Shargaas, preferably the heart of some foe. The assembled faithful then begin chanting a series of ritualistic prayers to the Night Lord pledging to server as his silent, deadly weapons. Many clerics multiclass as assassins, blackguards, divine seekers, rogues, or shadowdancers.
History/Relationships:The Night Lord's hatred of all life extends to a hatred of other deities as well. Nevertheless, he has found it prudent to ally himself with the other orc deities and manipulate them to serve his ends. Shargaas maintains a cold alliance with Yurtrus, in particular, counterbalancing the more militaristic Gruumsh, Bahgtru, and Ilneval. He also secretly reveals Ilneval's treacheries to Gruumsh as a way of cementing his own position within the pantheon and undermining the One-Eyed God's overly ambitious lieutenant. Shargaas has no allies outside the orc pantheon, but reserves his greatest hatred for the dwarf, gnome, and goblin deities.
Dogma:The darkness is cold and everlasting, but provides a dark mantle for the blade in the night. With silent stride and hidden hand, cull the weak from the tribe and eliminate all other races. Go down into the deep tunnels and wage war with those who dare abide in the demesne of Shargaas. Be alert for weakness in the eyes of the chieftain, for his mistakes may spell your own doom.