I know this has been mentioned a time or two, and the shoutbox is really a poor substitute for a chat, so I went ahead and set up a Discord for any who want such.
For now there is a basic text and voice chat room, as well as split versions of each for DMs if they want voice for event co-ordination. More can be added if needed. Staff will need to message me to get permissions set.
All voice chat rooms require a Push-to-Talk key.
Link to Discord
Due to the consistent trouble we've had with banned players bypassing restrictions and accessing the Discord server, the admins are discussing increasing the security requirements on new additions to the Discord.
In the meantime, if you register on Discord and do not immediately change your username to match your forum profile name or NWN Login/username, you will be banned from the Discord.
We are sorry to have to do this, but it has become a necessity, as the banned player in question has been stalking the Discord, starting up hostile and accusatory conversations, farming discussions for "proof" of his allegations, and otherwise making the Discord a far less pleasant place to be.
We aren't particularly fond of having to do this, but it's clearly become a necessity.
If you are banned in error because of this, contact the admins on the forums via PM and one of us will get you unbanned ASAP. We apologize in advance to anyone caught in the crossfire here as a result.