Cormyr and the Dalelands

General Category => Off Topic => Topic started by: foo on Oct 21, 2015, 11:12 AM

Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: foo on Oct 21, 2015, 11:12 AM
The fact that this guy won't make more of this makes me sad, but the fact that this video exists promotes my hope for the future.

Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: aceheart on Oct 21, 2015, 01:02 PM
I spent probably about a year in cumulative time playing those games and expansions.

Full power to the front deflector!
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: Darvins on Oct 21, 2015, 05:19 PM
Must not ask why the Ties are so stupidly powerful most not ask..... must resist urge..... *breaks* It's like the X-wings are the inferior fighter and the Ties are the better and why are the Y wings and Tie Bombers using their torpedoes on fighters.... those are for Capital ships it's a waste of ammo.... and and noooo stop it stop it' Sorry it was good.
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: foo on Oct 21, 2015, 05:38 PM
TBH, I always thought that the movie-grade ships were over-powered on the rebel side. I mean how can you be 'the rebels' when your ships are technologically superior? Why did the empire not contract with Incom to buy x-wings if they're so vastly superior. I always thought that TIEs probably had armor superior to the X-wings, which look much more fragile (not to mention those panels probably absorb damage and keep the pilot safer!) and that the X-wings likely traded armor for shields to compensate, and possibly make the ships lighter overall, enabling ships like the X-wing and Y-wing to have superior firepower (the X-wing has 4 lasers to the TIE's 2, and the Y-wing is much faster and has an ion turret making it superior to the TIE Bomber's firepower).

I always felt like the TIE interceptor was a superior ship to the X-wing AND A-wing. Its a little more interceptory, and packs the punch of the X-wing with the speed of the A-wing making it a superior 'interceptor' even though its not superior to an X-wing in a head-to-head dogfight. After all, an interceptor's job is to engage enemy bombers before they can enter combat range, and out-run superiority fighters that they can't really survive a 1v1 with.

I guess the difference between the two sides would be more a question of fighter theory, where the Empire was more interested in large numbers of satisfactory carrier-based ships, the rebels were more interested in smaller numbers of hyper-drive capable fighters which could operate from secret bases rather than from carrier decks, and from that use case the empire drew its fighter design, and it was different but not inferior to, the rebel fighter chosen for its use case.
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: Darvins on Oct 21, 2015, 06:50 PM
foo Avatar
TBH, I always thought that the movie-grade ships were over-powered on the rebel side. I mean how can you be 'the rebels' when your ships are technologically superior? Why did the empire not contract with Incom to buy x-wings if they're so vastly superior. I always thought that TIEs probably had armor superior to the X-wings, which look much more fragile (not to mention those panels probably absorb damage and keep the pilot safer!) and that the X-wings likely traded armor for shields to compensate, and possibly make the ships lighter overall, enabling ships like the X-wing and Y-wing to have superior firepower (the X-wing has 4 lasers to the TIE's 2, and the Y-wing is much faster and has an ion turret making it superior to the TIE Bomber's firepower).

I always felt like the TIE interceptor was a superior ship to the X-wing AND A-wing. Its a little more interceptory, and packs the punch of the X-wing with the speed of the A-wing making it a superior 'interceptor' even though its not superior to an X-wing in a head-to-head dogfight. After all, an interceptor's job is to engage enemy bombers before they can enter combat range, and out-run superiority fighters that they can't really survive a 1v1 with.

I guess the difference between the two sides would be more a question of fighter theory, where the Empire was more interested in large numbers of satisfactory carrier-based ships, the rebels were more interested in smaller numbers of hyper-drive capable fighters which could operate from secret bases rather than from carrier decks, and from that use case the empire drew its fighter design, and it was different but not inferior to, the rebel fighter chosen for its use case.
It's a difference in approach the Rebel Alliancehad a smaller number of ships and fighters and more importantly Pilots, losing a Pilot was a loss that they found hard to replace. Which meant they threw a lot more resources into every ship and fighter, the Empire on the otherhand saw it's Fighters and Pilots as expendable, Pilot dies? Just get another one, they believed in the concept of Quantity has a quality all of it's own, and why waste money making an expensive fighter when you can save it for the star Destroyers Also cough the reason the Empire didn't contract with Incom at least in the old timeline no idea if it was changed but, is because well... the Incom scientists defected to the Rebels on masse before the Empire could nationalise the company and claim the X-Wings, and it's design.

More than that through this led to the single greatest advantage most of the Rebels fighters had over the Empires. Shields. Also the fact that the Empire had to garrison and patrol the Galaxy meaning it had to sacriface something somewhere, if you have to maintain only say 10,000 Fighters you can spend more on them than the guy who has to maintain 250,000 say, and to be blunt the Empire had to defend well their Empire;) 
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: foo on Oct 21, 2015, 07:41 PM
Well, so still, Even in the movies the shields on an X-Wing gave it like 2-3 hits tops before failing, so You're not talking about a very powerful advantage in toughness. The big innovation of the TIE drive was that you could make the ship significantly smaller, allowing even the smallest imp ships to carry a fighter complement. I think the Imperial strategy of carrier based fighter squadrons was a very important difference, because if you can have 2 fighters to every 1 of theirs, it doesn't mater that their ships have a 1.5 k/d ratio. You'll still win every time. I don't think its so much a question of quality over quantity (although this certainly was the case on occasion) since there are several times where the empire came up against a similarly sized rebel fleet and soundly beat the rebels. I think the approach is generally a question of mobility, rather than a question of 'we can field more than they can'
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: aceheart on Oct 22, 2015, 03:07 PM
Darvins Avatar
Must not ask why the Ties are so stupidly powerful most not ask..... must resist urge..... *breaks* It's like the X-wings are the inferior fighter and the Ties are the better and why are the Y wings and Tie Bombers using their torpedoes on fighters.... those are for Capital ships it's a waste of ammo.... and and noooo stop it stop it' Sorry it was good.
I never used torpedoes on fighters when I was in the Tie Bomber!

Concussion missiles, maybe. Though, it is true that in Tie Fighter, the missions were designed a little to increase your survivability, especially when starting out in the unshielded ships. They coupled this with your rise in the ranks, and in the Emperor's Secret Order though, which are the reasons why you were let in on the super high tech fighters like the Tie Advanced, Tie Defender and Missile Boat. At that point it made more sense to have more survivability, even if... by the end, flying the missile boat flinging out a couple dozen advanced concussion missiles felt as dirty as playing a PrC does to me.
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: foo on Oct 22, 2015, 06:58 PM
Don't you dare speak such things about the Missile boat! The missile boat and I are lovers!
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: tarriel on Oct 22, 2015, 07:22 PM
Technically the standard SFS Tie was technologically superior. A power plant with no moving parts, absurdly good sensor suite and hands free targeting made it a very capable fighter, but they were made on a budget, and cuts had to come somewhere. Notably they had no shields, no hyperdrive and the titanium hull was very thin. An Incom T-65 was, by the time, inferior. Heavier and slower, though more durable, it was the quality of rebel pilots that mattered.
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: tarriel on Oct 22, 2015, 07:23 PM
And y'know, the guiding hand of Admiral Ackbar. PRAISE BE UNTO HIM.
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: Darvins on Oct 22, 2015, 11:46 PM
tarriel Avatar
Technically the standard SFS Tie was technologically superior. A power plant with no moving parts, absurdly good sensor suite and hands free targeting made it a very capable fighter, but they were made on a budget, and cuts had to come somewhere. Notably they had no shields, no hyperdrive and the titanium hull was very thin. An Incom T-65 was, by the time, inferior. Heavier and slower, though more durable, it was the quality of rebel pilots that mattered.
Strictly speaking the X-Wing and Tie are not actually equivalents, the X-Wing is a Fighter-Bomber (Going by WW2 classifications)) while the Tie is a Fighter, the Tie is designed to go up against fighters the X-Wing Fighters and Cap ships. Hence why the X-Wing was designed with Armour and Shields originally. Or to stretch the Analogy the Tie is a Spitfire, the X-Wing is a Mosquito ((what I'm British I'm using British Planes as my example)) 
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: tarriel on Oct 23, 2015, 07:57 AM
The X-Wing was indeed a fighter-bomber (Or multirole fighter I think the modern term is, I dont much care for modern jets n' stuff) and probably much more useful than the standard TIE. Where the empire had to make a TIE for every role, the rebellion and later the New Republic could be a bit more flexible with fighters. And I think the X-Wing did it with a bit more style but nyeh >.>
Title: Tie Fighter Anime
Post by: thorien on Oct 23, 2015, 09:46 AM
Shame they have decided not to include TIE Defender. :P