This may also apply to other PrC summons, but I don't know about those.
At SD3 you can summon a shadow. Entry to the PrC needs 10 ranks of skill so... earliest you'd get the Awesome Summoned Shadow is ECL10.
It has 19hp. As a 1/day Summon.
Maybe it's just supposed to be fluff and RP? But it would be nice if it was better. Summon Creature V gets you a Dire Bear.
I'd be entirely happy if the Summoned shadow had the Dire Bear stats

Improvements to summons are on the to-do list, but since each new version of summons that are tied to a specific class requires making multiple versions of said summon so that it continues to level up and improve alongside its summoner, it's therefore a lot of very tedious work and is thus rather far down the list in priority.
That's fair enough. I wouldn't mind a Summon that didn't improve, or One that only improved at certain level points.
But noted - No rush!