Cormyr and the Dalelands

Server Setting and Lore Resources => Setting Information and Lore => Deities and Pantheons => Topic started by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:22 PM

Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 17, 2023, 10:22 PM
Gnome Pantheon

Referred to as the Lords of the Golden Hills, the gnome pantheon is led by Garl Glittergold.

  • Baervan Wildwanderer
  • Baravar Cloakshadow
  • Callarduran Smoothhands
  • Flandal Steelskin
  • Gaerdal Ironhand
  • Garl Glittergold
  • Segojan Earthcaller
  • Urdlen
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:11 PM
Baervan Wildwanderer
The Masked Leaf

Intermediate Gnome Deity
Symbol: Racoon's face
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Travel, nature, forest gnomes
Worshipers: Druids, forest gnomes, rangers, rock gnomes, tricksters
Domains: Animal, Good, Plant, Travel, [Gnome]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: "Whisperleaf" (shortspear)

Baervan Wildwanderer (bay-ur-van wild-wan-der-er) is gentle, good-natured, and mischievous, and his penchant for good-natured mischief rivals Garl Glittergold himself. Though Baervan sometimes plays jokes on other creatures, it is hard not to like him. The Masked Leaf's tricks are much more pointed than typical of the Forgotten Folk, and if Baervan wants to send someone a message, he does so in the form of a joke. Baervan is the patron of the forest gnomes, rare and secretive kin of rock gnomes.

The church of Baervan is loosely organized and consists mostly of regional sects, each of which is fairly independent. Members of Baervan's clergy are found mostly in outdoor gnome communities in the great forests of Faerun, particularly forest gnome villages. Individual clerics often wander far afield, typically accompanied by a racoon (or dire racoon) companion. All members of the Masked Leaf's clergy are concerned with the protection of nature (and the gnomes who dwell in harmony with it), and they are actively involved in driving off evil creatures.

Clerics and druids of Baervan pray for their spells each day whenever the moon is highest in the sky. Baervan's clergy gather monthly in sylvan glens under the light of the full moon to dance, hurl acorns at each other, and offer up magical trinkets or other treasures to the deity. If a follower has been unable to acquire a magical gift over the course of the last three tendays, a knickknack of some value temporarily given magic by means of some cantrip or orison (often a light spell) is commonly offered. Many clerics and druids multiclass as rangers.


Baervan tends to keep to himself, except for the company of Chiktikka Fastpaws, a sentient giant raccoon who is always getting him into trouble. He works closely with the nonevil gnome deities, particularly Segojan Earthcaller, for both gods are strongly concerned with the natural world. Traditionally, their portfolios are loosely divided between forest animals and plants on Baervan's part, and burrowing animals on Segojan's part. He is friendly with other good animal and nature deities, as well as mischievous or exuberant ones such as Brandobaris, Clangeddin Silverbeard, and Gwaeron. He has few foes aside from Urdlen, although the Beastlord has earned the gnome deity's ire for his hunting of forest gnomes.


The great forests of the outdoors await those Forgotten Folk daring enough to venture forth from their burrows. Wander the great woodlands in search of excitement and sylvan sites of incredible beauty. Defend and protect the creatures of the forest and the woodlands in which they reside. Be ever curious, and follow life wherever it may lead.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:12 PM
Baravar Cloakshadow
The Sly One, Master of Illusion, Lord in Disguise

Lesser Gnome Deity
Symbol: Cloak and dagger
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Illusions, deceptions, traps, wards
Worshipers: Adventurers, deceivers, gnomes, illusionists, rogues, thieves
Domains: Good, Protection, Trickery, [Gnome], [Illusion]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: "Nightmare" (dagger)

Baravar Cloakshadow (bair-uh-vahr clohk-sha-doh) is a crafty, vengeful deity who specializes in deceptions. He is unforgiving of any creature who threatens his charges, and he feels no compunction against acting against those who have earned his enmity. Although he shares Garl's love of a good practical joke, Baravar's jests and tricks may cause no little discomfort to the victims. He is also a thief and enjoys using illusions to confuse creatures before robbing them. Often, Baravar steals out of boredom as much as for any other reason. The Sly One sends celestial agents to harass gabionades from a distance even before the gnomes are threatened: "Do unto them before they have a chance to do unto you" is a philosophy he often acts upon. His level of vigilance and layers of illusion have led many to believe that he is verging on paranoia. Much of his time recently has been spent working on a master illusion spell that would prevent a gnome from ever being detected unless he or she wanted to.

The church of Baravar is only loosely organized, for the veil of secrecy that surrounds it also shields its members to some degree from one another. Baravar's clergy is deeply involved in experimenting with and refining the art of creating illusions. A sizable fraction of the clergy are adventurers, charged with tracking down and acquiring new spells and magic items that allow the creation and control of effects from the school of illusion. Other clerics work as researchers, ever-refining their magical craft. Clerics of Baravar are generally sneaky, smart gnomes, and they serve their communities as spies and investigative agents and by teaching skills such as disguise, camouflage, and hiding.

Clerics of Baravar pray for their spells at dusk, as the cover of night begins to conceal their activities. The clergy of Baravar venerates the Sly One in a monthly ritual known as the Cloaking. Although these rituals are always observed on the night of the new moon, the exact location and nature of the ceremony varies every time. The Cloaking is often held in public places, and attendees consider it a point of honor that outsiders never detect such assemblies. This practice has led to a common joke among the Forgotten Folk that any unexplained gathering of two or more gnomes must be "another meeting of the Illusory." Baravar's clerics make offerings to their god by creating illusions of items they saw, heard, or otherwise sensed. The greater the realism of such deceptions, the more the deity is pleased. Most clerics multiclass as illusionists, and many multiclass as rogues.


Baravar is closely allied with the other nonevil gods of the gnome pantheon, and, despite his somewhat vengeful nature, he followers Garl's lead in emphasizing trickery over strength. Other allies include Azuth, Brandobaris, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Erevan Ilesere, Mystra, Sehanine Moonbow, Tymora, and Vergadain. Baravar has a genuine antipathy for deities of many goblinoid races, particularly the deities of the goblin and kobold pantheons, and, unlike the other gnome gods, he is none too restrained about expressing this. Baravar and Leira were once closely allied, and the apparent death of the Lady of Mists at the hands of Cyric has earned the Dark Sun Baravar's eternal enmity. Other foes include Abbathor, Mask, and of course Urdlen.


The world is a dangerous place, and the only sure defense is to cloak oneself in the shadows under a web of deception. Strive to master the art of illusion and the game of deceit for therein lies security. Trust no one that has not proven trustworthy to your satisfaction. In war, use the crafts of illusion and camouflage to make sure your side wins. Devote yourself to your art and those you love with equal fervor, for one must have a reason to live beyond mere survival.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:12 PM
Callarduran Smoothhands
Deep Brother, Master of Stone, Lord of Deepearth

Intermediate Gnome Deity
Symbol: Gold ring with star symbol
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Stone, the Underdark, mining, the svirfneblin
Worshipers: Fighters, gem cutters, hermits, jewelers, illusionists, opponents of drow, svirfneblin
Domains: Darkness, Earth, Knowledge, Trickery, [Cavern], [Craft], [Gnome]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Favored Weapon: "Spiderbane" (battleaxe)

Callarduran Smoothhands (kal-ur-duhr-an smooth-hands) is by nature solitary and thoughtful, and he rarely consorts even with other gnome gods. He is a benign but secretive deity, caring only for his own people and their defense agaisnt drow and the other dangers of the Underdark. He intercedes to defend his followers from such dangers, and his appearance is heralded by a loud huming which can be heard through solid rock. Largely ignored by the other gnome subraces, the Deep Brother is venerated primarily by the svirfneblin as their patron deity, with a strong emphasis on his protective aspect and his oversight of the all-encompassing earth and the treasures to be found within.

The church of Callarduran is tightly organized, sharing information between clans and cities alike and coordinating their people's collective agaisnt the omnipresent dangers of their homeland, particularly the drow. Callarduran's clergy is ever vigilant agaisnt the very real threat of drow incursions into the terriroties of the deep gnomes. Many lead small war bands agaisnt the drow in the hopes of hunting them down before they inevitably turn agaisnt nearby svirfneblin enclaves. The Deep Brother's clerics are teachers of magic, particularly that of the school of illusion, and work within their communities to spread such knowledge among all the deep gnomes.

Clerics and druids of Callarduran pray for their spells at twilight when the sun (figuratively) sinks into the earth. The followers of Callarduran assemble at twilight on Midsummer Day and at midnight on Midwinter Night to venerate the deity in twin ceremonies known as the Festivals of the Ruby and the Star, respectively. The Festival of the Ruby marks Callarduran's hiding of rubies and other gems in the depths of the earth for the deep gnomes to find, a story symbolized in svirfneblin mythology by tales of the Great Red Ruby (the setting sun) sinking into the earth. The Festival of the Star celebrates the continued protection the Deep Brother provides to the descendants of the svirfneblin who followed him into the Deepearth. The holy day is marked by deep gnomes who assemble on the shore of a subterranean lake or pool to observe an annual event when small patches of a specially bred species of phosphorescent fungi in the cavern roof light up like stars, creating an illusion of the night sky reflected in the waters below. For deep gnomes this event reaffirms their ancestral ties with the surface world and reassures them that they have not been abandoned in the hostile environment deep beneath the surface of the earth. Many clerics multiclass as fighters or illusionists. They turn rather than rebuke undead.


Callarduran is allied with the other gnome gods except Urdlen, although he rarely takes time to speak to any of them. He has a similar amiable but remote alliance with other nonevil Underdark deities such as Eilistraee, Shevarash, Dumathoin, and Geb, although his primary interest is the protection of the svirfneblin. He despises the drow and is always battling with the evil deities of that race and other foul Underdark deities.


Callarduran led his chosen people into the deepest depths of the earthso that they might discover the joyous beauty of rubies and other gems. Beware the dangers of Deepearth, and guard agaisnt evil races such as the drow who employ any means necessary to seize what is not rightfully theirs. Protect and serve your community. Celebrate the beauty of minerals and gems and understand their value in craft, art, and magic.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:13 PM
Flandal Steelskin
Master of Metal, the Great Steelsmith

Intermediate Gnome Deity
Symbol: Flaming hammer
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Mining, physical fitness, smithing, metalworking
Worshipers: Artisans, fighters, gnomes, miners, smiths
Domains: Good, Metal, [Craft], [Gnome]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: "Rhondang" (warhammer)

Flandal Steelskin (flan-dahl steel-skin) is a true master artisan. He is ever-demanding of his own work and strives tirelessly to increase his skills. He is also a patient tutor, and only lazy and indifferent crafters draw his ire. The Master of Metal is often found traveling with one or two of the other gnome deities in search of new ores and veins of metal to use in his forges. When Flandal is not traveling, he can be found in his workshop, planning or making a new magical weapon. He is no stranger to battle, trusting in the products of his forges to see him to victory. Although Rhondang, his magical war hammer, is capable of conversing with all fire-using creatures, its language proficiency in no way means that Flandal is friendly toward those beings, though the deity is prone to talk first before attacking. On rare occasions, Flandal instructs gnomes in some very tricky smithing process or guides them to untapped metal ores. He may also mediate disputes between gnomes and fire-dwelling creatures.

Not unlike a guild of artisans, the church of Flandal allows its members a great deal of individual freedom, serving primarily as a forum for improving their skills and exchanging ideas. Members of Flandal's clergy are peerless miners and smiths. They continuously hone their skills in underground environments, seeking an intuitive understanding of their natural environment. Many serve as teachers, instructing other gnomes in the art of detecting likely veins of ore, unsafe environments, and the presence of hostile creatures. Clerics of the Master of Metal oversee the safety of gnome miners and inspect the output of gnome smithies. Nearly all members of the clergy are considered master smiths when working with one or more types of metal, and they produce fantastic weapons and suits of armor whose quality rivals that of clerics of Moradin. Flandal's clerics are expected to undergo regular strength and stamina training, a practice that keeps them physically fit for mining, smithing, or battle, as needed.

Clerics of Flandal pray for their spells at noon, when the forge of the world is at its brightest and hottest. Members of Flandal's clergy assemble annually on Midsummer's Day in great gatherings to celebrate the holy day known as the High Forge. The faithful gather in the morning to make offerings of forged metal weapons to the deity and offer praises to him through rhythmic, percussive hammer hymns culminating at midday in a brief period of utter silence. In the afternoon and evening, the participants exchange ideas and new techniques and exhibit the finest of their wares, and by evening the gathering is overwhelmed by merchants seeking to acquire new trade goods. Many clerics multiclass as fighters.


Flandal has excellent relations with the other gnome deities, with the notable exception of Urdlen. In particular, Flandal gets on well with Segojan Earthcaller, for both are responsible for overseeing the safety of gnome miners. Flandal is also closely allied with Gond and many of the good-aligned deities of the dwarven pantheon, particularly Clangeddin Silverbeard, Dumathoin, and Vergadain, and he shares a particularly strong bond with Moradin. Other allies include Cyrrollalee, Geb, Grumbar, Kossuth, and Urogalan. Like all the gnome deities, Flandal opposes the efforts of the various humanoid deities, particularly the kobold pantheon, but his role in combating them is more indirect, as he primary focuses on sharing secrets of forging armor and weapons with the Forgotten Folk so that they can defend themselves.


The treasures of life are buried within Flandal's embrace, and only hard labor, dedication, and great craftsmanship, as taught by the Master of Metals, can reveal that hidden beauty. Dig mines, extract ores, and forge suits of armor, weapons, and other items of metal. Strive to refine known techniques, invent new processes, and stay physically fit.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:13 PM
Gaerdal Ironhand
The Stern, Shield of the Golden Hills

Lesser Gnome Deity
Symbol: Iron Band
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Vigilance, combat, martial defense
Worshipers: Administrators, fighters, judges, monks, paladins, soldiers, warriors
Domains: Good, Law, Protection, War, [Gnome]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Favored Weapon: "Hammersong" (warhammer)

Gaerdal Ironhand (gair-dahl eye-urn-hand) is the most dwarflike deity of the gnome pantheon, rarely smiling and fiercely intense and the only gnome deity who could be considered stern. Gaerdal takes his duties as protector of gnome burrows very seriously, at the cost of sacrificing a playful spirit. The Shield of the Golden Hills has no use for tricks, jokes, or deceits, and he remains unsmiling at gnome tales and pranks. The other gnome deities say he chuckles in private, but this is deeply uncertain. Gaerdal often assists gnomes in preparation for battle.

The church of Gaerdal is organized in a strict military hierarchy. Gaerdal's clerics are as close to being a warrior caste as one could find among gnomes, and their numbers are fairly small. They are rather moralizing, much less given to levity than most gnomes, and may often be administrators, judges, and the like. Their role as protectors is of major importance to both their religious teachings and the safety of the communities in which they dwell. Although temples of the Shield of the Golden Hills are rare, Gaerdal's clerics usually erect small statues of Gaerdal at the major entrances to gnome settlements to remind other gnomes of their daily duties. The closest most members of Gaerdal's clergy get to actively seeking enjoyment is their perennial and self-assumed task of making life difficult for the followers of Baravar and, to a lesser extent, Baervan and Garl.

Clerics of Gaerdal pray for their spells at dawn, marking the beginning of a new day. The followers of Gaerdal refer to tendays as Tenhammers, a name referring to the marking of the passage of catch day by striking a great hammer against a metal shield, for such is the typical length of service for guard duty for members of this faith. The tenth day of every ten Tenhammers is a holy day of the faith, known to gnomes everywhere as the Great Clang. On such days the cult of Gaerdal assembles to pay homage to the god through battle hymns and rhythmic chants. Most clerics multiclass as divine champions or fighters.


Gaerdal has generally good relations with the rest of the gnome pantheon, with the notable exception of Urdlen, but his stern nature keeps him somewhat aloof from the mischievous antics of the other gods of the Forgotten Folk. In particular, he is somewhat hostile to Baravar, disliking deceitfulness, and to a lesser extent Baervan, disliking foolish pranks and other jests, and may work to thwart their plans if he learns of them. In times of danger for the Forgotten Folk, however, Gaerdal works smoothly and easily with all nonevil gnome gods. Among other pantheons, Gaerdal is closest in temperament with Helm, Torm, Gorm Gulthyn, and Clangeddin Silverbeard. The Shield of the Golden Hills is ever vigilant against Urdlen's insidious attacks, and he regularly battles with the gods of the kobold and goblin pantheons.


The best defense is unswerving vigilance. Serve Gaerdal with absolute dedication and devotion. Defend and protect gnome communities against all invaders both obvious and hidden. Never cease to hone the skills of war, and take the opportunity of relative peace to pass such talents on to gnomes at large.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:14 PM
Garl Glittergold
The Joker, the Watchful Protector, the Sparkling Wit

Greater Gnome Deity
Symbol: Gold nugget
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting, gnomes
Worshipers: Adventures, bards, defending soldiers, gem cutters, gnomes, illusionists, jewelers, miners, rogues, smiths
Domains: Good, Law, Protection, Trickery, [Craft], [Gnome]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN
Favored Weapon: "Arumdina" (battleaxe)

Garl Glittergold (garl gliht-ter-gold) is a gentle and approachable deity, one who values quick thinking and a clear head more than almost anything else and who rarely stays in one location for very long. Though physical prowess and spiritual might are important, nothing is more crucial than keeping it all in perspective. Garl watches over cooperation among gnomes at all times. He prefers trickery, illusion, and wiles to direct physical confrontation, although if forced to fight he is hardly weak. Garl often steals evil weapons and magic intended for malefic ends and then disposes of them. He is also a mischievous trickster, said to have the largest collection of jokes in the multiverse. The Watchful Protector is ever alert to threats to the Forgotten Folk and watches directly over their affairs. If such threats cannot be forestalled, Garl vigorously defends against them as needed and appropriate. Although his military prowess usually emphasizes defense, the deity shows himself as a grim and determine war leader when his people are physically threatened.

The church of Garl is quite prominent in gnome society, although fairly loosely organized for a lawfully inclined faith. Garl's clerics serve their communities as artisans, educators, entertainers, mediators, and protectors. Even those who wander in search of adventure serve this function, for their exploits are incorporated into the oral tradition of the Forgotten Folk and related for generations thereafter. In their teaching of the young, members of the Joker's clergy combine a very earthy practicality with a streak of humor that keeps their young charges entertained and their learning all the better for that. Many also work as smiths (particularly goldsmiths), miners, gem cutters, and they are expected to contribute to the best of their ability, regardless of their seniority. The clergy maintains a careful vigilance toward hostile races, especially kobolds, and watches over the collective strength of the Forgotten Folk. Finally, the clergy must maintain a good archive of jokes, jests, and tales.

Clerics of Garl pray for their spells early in the morning, shortly after the sun rises. The Communion of Laughter is celebrated on the 13th of each month through a variety of activities that last the entire day. Although the ordering varies from temple to temple and there are many variations thereof, the Joker's rituals include a period of prayer and quiet contemplation, dancing atop the central dais, the sharing of communal meals, storytelling to the accompaniment of visual displays of magic, and joke-telling contests that last late into the night. Individuals offer a bit of gold (or other precious metals, if gold is not available) to the deity, even if it is just a handful of gold dust, and the money so collected is used by the temple in its entirety to the collective benefit of the community. Many clerics multiclass as rogues or illusionists.


Garl is on excellent terms with the rest of the gnome pantheon, with the notable exception of Urdlen. Garl's boon companion is Arumdina the Justifier, a great intelligent two-handed battle-axe, commonly referred to as female, who serves him as both weapon and friend. The Joker is often found in the company of other deities of other pantheons of similar perspective. The various deities worshiped by humanoids and creatures of the Underdark are often the target of Garl's jests, and he usually leaves them helpless and humbled, a victim of self-inflicted folly. As a result, despite his ever-optimistic hope that they might learn a lesson about overweening pride and pomposity, the Joker has garnered many enemies from among their ranks, particularly among the kobold pantheon. Notable among the Joker's exploits is the story of how he pretended to be caught by Kurume (the chief kobold deity) before escaping as he collapsed the kobold deity's cavern upon the scaly rat's head.


While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a sense of humor and always welcome opportunities for laughter and delight. Communities are forged through the cooperation and communal spirit of a group of individuals who work and play together. The strength of a community is the cooperation that binds individuals into more than the sum of their contributions. A great prank can lighten hard times and make good ones shine. Never take yourself too seriously, lest you lose touch with those you protect and care for. Do not fear change or the unorthodox--therein lies the future. Above all, do what works.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:15 PM
Segojan Earthcaller
Earthfriend, Lord of the Burrow

Intermediate Gnome Deity
Symbol: Glowing gemstone
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Earth, nature, the dead
Worshipers: Druids, elemental archons (earth), fighters, gnomes, illusionists, merchants, miners
Domains: Earth, Good, [Cavern], [Gnome]
Nature Deity: Yes
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, TN
Favored Weapon: "Earthcaller" (heavy mace)

Segojan Earthcaller (she-goe-jann urth-cahl-ur) is an earthy and pragmatic deity who always communicates in a direct and straightforward fashion. Although he attempts to defuse and avoid conflicts if possible, the Earthfriend is a fierce opponent if he or his followers are attacked, particularly when he or his followers are threatened in their den. The Lord of the Burrow only intercedes directly when gnomes who dwell within the earth are threaded, usually in situations when interactions between rock gnomes, deep gnomes, and other races who inhabit the Underdark are brought into conjunction. Segojan is seen as the patron of rock gnomes.

The church of Segojan is very prominent in rock gnome communities and acts in a quite organized fashion, working closely with the clergies of other gnome gods. In conjunction with the clergy of Baervan Wildwanderer, particularly the diverse ecology found beneath the surface. In conjunction with the clergy of Flandal Steelskin, Segojan's faithful supervise mining operations and oversee the safety and protection of gnome miners. In conjunction with the followers of Callarduran Smoothhands, they work to forge ties between gnomes who dwell on or directly beneath the surface and the deep gnomes of the Underdark. Segojan's clerics go further than others in actively seeking to watch over boundaries with the territory of Underdark races and tunnels deeper underground than gnomes usually explore. Rock gnome clerics, who form the core of Segojan's clergy, often serve as emissaries on behalf of surface communities of gnomes to their deep kinfolk, and many seek to establish and maintain trading routes between the two subraces. In accordance with their deity's supervision of the dead, whose mortal forms are interred in his domain, clerics of Segojan preside over most funeral rituals for the Forgotten Folk in addition to their other duties.

Clerics and druids of Segojan pray for their spells at dawn in preparation for the day to come. Segojan is venerated at quarterly holy days that mark the first day of each new season. His faithful gather in plainly adorned dens and offer forth gemstones, both worked and unworked, in honor of the treasures of the earth that the Lord of Burrows provides. Such treasures are then placed in small holes duh previously by badgers before covering them with dirt. Segojan is said to employ small burrowing animals to move the jewels elsewhere for gnomes to discover anew. Despite great amounts of excavation, none of the buried offerings have ever been found again in the immediate vicinity of where they were placed. Many clerics and druids multiclass as elemental archons, fighters, or illusionists.


With the notable exception or Urdlen, Segojan is closely allied with the rest of the gnome pantheon, for his areas of control overlap with them. He once held other portfolios but has passed them on to the rest of the gnome deities over time as they gained experience. Among other gods, Segojan is most closely allied with other gods of nature and the earth, and, to a lesser extent, death. He is an ardent foe of the kobold gods, and often battles the various other humanoid deities as well. Other enemies include Abbathor and Cyric. The ancient enmity between Urdlen and the gnome pantheon unfolds in large part in the endless battles between Earthfriend and the Crawler Below, for, of all the gnome gods, Segojan's area of concern is most directly threatened by Urdlen's campaign of bloody terror and destruction. Much more than the other members of the gnome pantheon, Segojan and Urdlen are engaged in an ongoing and brutal war of attrition.


The earth is the heart and soul of the Forgotten Folk. From its nurturing embrace spring forth the children of Garl, on its surface and amid its tunnels and caves they dwell in life, and beneath its silent shroud they rest in death. Preserve and protect the natural world that lies beneath the roots of those who dwell on the surface. Dig burrows, tunnel, and explore, for the Badger welcomes all gnomes into his domain. Ware the evil that ensnares those blinded by the avarice and destructive impulses of the Crawler Below, and the Lord of the Burrow shall protect those who dwell in his demesne and live in harmony with his teachings.
Title: Gnome Pantheon
Post by: Fox² on Sep 18, 2023, 04:15 PM
The Crawler Below

Intermediate Gnome Deity
Symbol: White mole
Home Plane: The Golden Hills
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, uncontrolled impulse, spriggans
Worshipers: Assassins, blackguards, gnomes, rogues, sprigging
Domains: Chaos, Earth, Evil, [Gnome], [Hatred]
Nature Deity: No
Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE
Favored Weapon: Great claw (unarmed strike or kama)

Urdlen (urd-len) crushes life without regard. There is nothing it does not want to spoil or destroy. The Crawler Below is a genderless, half-mad, blindly destructive impulse. No one can predict where it will strike next or what its plans are to further the cause of evil among the Forgotten Folk. The nature of its plans to bring evil into the hearts of gnomes are not understood even by the other gnome deities. It is said that Urdlen lusts for precious metals, jewels, and the blood of any humanoid.

The church of Urdlen is secretive in the extreme, a murderous cult within the communities it infiltrates or a lurking threat outside the margins of society. From their subterranean warrens, Urdlen's clerics wage an unending war on communities of the Forgotten Folk, particularly the clergies of the other gnome deities. When not hunting other creatures, members of the clergy work to steal objects of value, particularly gems and works of art, and then destroy or deface them. They generally share their lord's love for evil and deadly pranks directed against all creatures, including gnomes.

Clerics of Urdlen pray for their spells at midnight, when the world is buried in darkness. In a regular ritual known as the Feeding, Urdlen's clerics appease their deity by pouring the blood of creatures they kill into the ground and burying it. Jewels and valuable metal goods are also sacrificed to him by ruining them (breaking, tarnishing, melting) and then burying them. On Midwinter Night, followers of the Crawler Below gather in subterranean caverns to offer blood sacrifices to the deity in an effort to appease its wrath. If Urdlen is displeased by the volume of blood or the value of the despoiled goods offered on the Night of Blood, it may appear and slay all the assembled worshipers in an orgy of unbridled destruction. Many clerics multiclass as assassins, blackguards, divine seekers, or rogues.


Urdlen's place in the gnome pantheon is unquestioned, though the deity is greatly feared and reviled by nearly all the Forgotten Folk. Urdlen hates all the other gods of the gnomes with a passion, and it has garnered the enmity of the dwarven and Halfling deities as well. Other enemies include the kobold gods and Grumbar.


Succumb to the bloodlust. Hate, covet, crush, despoil, and kill. Revel and exult in orgies of death and destruction. That which is living or created by life must be murdered or destroyed. The strong survive and the weak are their cattle. Propitiate the Crawler Below so it does not come for you.