We have removed SkeletonProblems/ProblemSkeleton/Tala/Etc from the community for holding extremist views that are excessively hostile to a good part of the C&D playerbase. While we welcome many into this community of all different views, we want it to be clear where the line is drawn in the sand: You do not have to like everyone, but you must accept that we are all fellow players and people.
We have found multiple evidence that points towards SkeletonProblems and their extremist views as being something that is enormously harmful to the community if allowed to fester. It is not often we try to intervene nor actively take on such a role of policing topics that touch on politics, but in this case we believe it was necessary due to the content that is both publicly accessibly and proudly on display for the community on Discord. Again, this is an unusual case and it will not be repeated frequently, but we will not tolerate extreme bigotry and treating fellow players as non-human/subhuman, especially if it bleeds directly into the community as a part of player behavior.
To this end, SkeletonProblems is no longer welcome in our community, for we believe and feel that what was observed is not only ill-suited for the server, but also topics that are severely uncomfortable to have in this community.
As always, you can reach out to an admin for clarifications or questions.
We have found multiple evidence that points towards SkeletonProblems and their extremist views as being something that is enormously harmful to the community if allowed to fester. It is not often we try to intervene nor actively take on such a role of policing topics that touch on politics, but in this case we believe it was necessary due to the content that is both publicly accessibly and proudly on display for the community on Discord. Again, this is an unusual case and it will not be repeated frequently, but we will not tolerate extreme bigotry and treating fellow players as non-human/subhuman, especially if it bleeds directly into the community as a part of player behavior.
To this end, SkeletonProblems is no longer welcome in our community, for we believe and feel that what was observed is not only ill-suited for the server, but also topics that are severely uncomfortable to have in this community.
As always, you can reach out to an admin for clarifications or questions.