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Messages - Esilynn

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Dec 03, 2020, 12:54 PM
Z'ressa Ash'ralotte theme song for her to learn from and others to take heed.

For her times alone lost in distant memories

A big thank-you to Dm Darkfang For the quest today Pots and Pans. Green wardens Hin based Adventure, this was my first Dm led story I was nervous but the starting explanation and then the immersive plot storytelling and characters made the time pass way to fast. It helped me solidify a lot more of Arillia's quirks and  motivations. 100% engaging and thought provoking quest. Fun quirky and unexpected.
General Discussion / Candy Hunt
Oct 31, 2020, 11:50 PM
Lasuna-Thunderpeaks-Western Foothills-Central Reaches on bridge
General Discussion / What's Your Sign?
Oct 08, 2020, 05:19 PM

Lasuna- Acolyate of Sune

Age 18 in 1383
Born 22 Kythorn, 1365 DR.
Year of Sword
Born under the Sign of the Chalice
and with Crescent Selûne under the sign of the Dragon

Those born under the sign of the Chalice are mercurial,
innovative, creative and confident.
Easily bored, they crave mental stimulation and challenge.
They are eloquent and gifted performers, exuding natural charm.

Those born with Selûne under the sign of the Dragon are idealistic, progressive thinkers with strong humanitarian and spiritual principles.
They thrive on change, becoming impatient with convention or restriction. Artistic and original, they can appear detached and aloof.

The Blinding (Tyr)
The Newborn Celebration (Nobanion)

Natal Horoscope from the Almagest of Handreth

"Even the gods watch the stars." Turmish Astrologer's saying.