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Messages - Ten Pidgeons in a Trenchoat

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Dec 04, 2020, 05:10 AM
For Emeryn, during battle:

Last Whisper - Pentakill

For Emeryn, at peace:

"Ragnarok" - Sakuzyo

For Tamran, during battle:

Sea of Suns - The Helix Nebula

For Tamran, during peaceful times:

"I'll Tell You Someday" - Plini

For Elvin, during battle:

Crush (Devin Townsend Remix) - Pendulum

For Elvin, during peaceful times:

Closing Time - Sakuzyo

For Yllyra yr Suradi el Tellassan, during Battle:

Awaken (Pillar Men Theme) - Jojo's Bizzare Advanture OST (Covered by Little V.)

For Yllyra, at times of peace:

Good Riddance (Feat. Adriana Figueroa) - Hades Soundtrack (covered by FamilyJules)

Most of these songs were chosen for the music and any lyrics within. Typically battle themes will set the 'pace' and 'eagerness' of wanting to actually fight, where-as times of peace are more focused on their the message of the music or the atmosphere it generates based on backstory.
Want to thank all the admins for the work they've been doing regarding both the balancing of items and the assistance with LETO and keeping up with the influx of players, as well as all the work in the toolset outside of that to make the server so vibrant and intriguing for older and newer players alike.
Will be excited to see more.
Just want to take a few moments to do a bit of an appreciation moment for the players so far that have genuinely had a strong impression on my characters (and me) while roleplaying with them!

- From the chance encounter in the ruins to the history lesson and loresharing of bardic talents and where they came from, Melody is great to interact with on a bard who doesn't really understand anything other than that he can sing and he can hit things.

- A few fun characters, notably Calen I've had the most interaction with over the witnessing of your three mains I've seen. Lot of great and interesting personalities, and fun takes on Neutral

Nuclear Nibbles - Roscoe specifically has been a great fun character to meet with, and Ardor is another that I enjoy seeing about

Isandra - The pretty wallflower of the square, while we never really interact much (even on Elvin), you've always seemed to be watching carefully or up to some sort of teasing in the corner with whoever sits with you.

- Had a lot of fun talking with Eve, and you've been a fantastic help with information regarding the server in an IC manner (the best kind)

Morticia/Others - Your characters are always fun and I'm always eager to see more of them whenever they pop up. Elvin especially with Morticia is really fun to do some apprentice/teacher RP and hopefully we can manage more stuff in the future!

Zilvai - Your character is really fun to interact with and their enthusiasm when being offered some scrolls or items is exciting and contagious.

There are plenty of others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head so I will probably edit this particular post in a bit when i remember names (and find out forum names where relevant!)
To those of you who have endured (suffered) the memes that are sometimes built into my characters (sometimes intentionally, sometimes by accident, sometimes both), and really appreciate both the serious RP and the laughter that everyone at C&D offers.
Will be looking forward to more.

 - Ten Pidgeons in a Trenchcoat
This suggestion is more about making finding people's merchantile shops and characters easier on the forums, by giving them a devoted board in the same rough section as Roleplaying. Its not a huge deal, but it'd be nice to have them seperate so that if people are looking for marketables they can easily go to a singular place and merchants can have a dedicated place for trade talking and trade-RP.

...and fitting 4 levels of a full BAB class into a shifter build to bump it up to 16 BAB at for 4 attacks per round isn't difficult.
 - Xaerien

The problem with this particular thought is that it doesn't take only 4 levels. It takes a minmum of 6/7 levels of Hospitaler to maintain 16 BAB pre-epic. The main reason is that Shifter is a 3/4 and so it starts on 1 AB, but loses some of it's AB the more you invest in it.

(posted for reference to the build I'm doing currently on Tamran).

But also I learned recently in the discord (as you all probably know) that I was wrong about the purpose of Shifter (even though I kinda liked the idea of having a Bruiser-ish, shapeshifting theme more). That and Druid has some great spells on here, so don't worry about this! (Feel free to delete or archive or whatever!)
I'm not quite sure how strong Shifters are compared to most classes but the flaws are pretty evident even with the buffs in the form of full casting progression for druid.

As a strong, heavy investment kind of class that requires you to go in melee almost all the time (unless you take Zen Archery and never use forms). The biggest drawbacks is that you can't use items, and in most cases you won't get UMD on the build at all which makes it wholly reliant on using Non-UMD items (such as Amnian decks).

I would like to propose a small adjustment to just a single part of the class that might have a large impact on it's usability and better express what it's supposed to do- that is, be a shapeshifting wonder that can take to the front reliably.

The single adjustment desired is moving Shifter from 3/4 BAB to a full +1 BAB class. I don't believe this would make them "OP" but still give them more presence and help their advancement similar to Hospitaler can as a PRC while compensating for the fact they are limited to potions for healing (and regen, when you eventually unlock it).

The most obvious result will be more attacks per round, but also they would have more AB in all forms which should positively impact their gameplay without robbing other classes of their frontline presense (or overtaking them).

At 20, this change would raise the BAB from 14 to 17, (with druid remaining 3/4), or to a maximum of 18 with another +1 BAB class such as Fighter, Hospitaler or Ranger multiclassed pre 20.

At 30 this would raise to a maximum of about 23-25, based on multiclass options (such as Druid 11 / Shifter 19). The original AB bonus from BAB for level 30 is about 19 at most, not counting any +1 classes mixed in, which would raise it by +1 every 3 levels invested elsewhere (and thus take away from Shifter in the first place).

This change would let shifter, as a class, stand apart from Druid while not undermining the Pure Druid or Druid/Hospitaler route respectively, due to each having much different focuses in gameplay.

Side note: I'm new to the class and more or less returning after a long time away, and so know that commentary on class balancing is probably tiresome or coming from an inexperienced voice in terms of balancing things. The goal of this particular buff was to -hope- that this kind of a change was much easier to implement than, say, giving them a bunch of custom new forms on top of what already exists.
That said, I do not know if, at epic levels, Shifter *needs* a buff on this server having never had an epic character or seen the epic dungeons.

Having thought about it further, another thought came to mind to make things slightly (I hope) easier while still enabling the current implementations

Rather than having singular feats to weapons in groups, maybe groups of feats could be automatically applied to a character if they have a Weapon Focus of a similar weapon?

So Character X takes Longsword Focus, then it also updates to automatically give Bastard Sword Focus, Katana Focus, War Axe Focus (etc) for free in a way similar to how the Arcane Warrior gives you Auto-still for free? (Not sure of the coding or magic behind that, just a thought that came to me later)

This also means that it avoids messing with pre-req feats.

You would probably need a check to make sure it only selects weapons the characters are actually proficient with, unless that's not relevant, but it was a workaround I thought about.

EDIT: Realised I said Proficiency instead of Focus, replaced

This is a request that may or may not be balanced more toward melee and ranged sorts. Sorry casters!

In a few games of modern times, such as Pillars of Eternity, Weapon Focus feats are more compounded to 'groups' of weapons of similar make rather than focusing on a single weapon. A few other NWN servers have implemented this as well, and I have always enjoyed being able to use more loot as opposed to limiting one's self to a singular type of weapon.

I would like to propose that weapon focus and weapon specialization be broadened in a similar way, but leave Weapon Master's "Weapon of Choice" as is (as they are so singularly focused).

The main things this might impact are
 - Pre-reqs for PRC that require Weapon Focus. (Divine Champion mainly, I think, and Invisible Blade)
 - The overall power (through versatility) of ranged and melee builds offensively

This server always has me loving finding random stuff, but also mourning when I find a weapon I can't use *as* effectively because it's slightly different

So I figure the weapon groups might be something along the lines of

 - One-handed Heavy (for longswords/maces/non-finesse weapons, as well as applicable CEP such as Merc Longsword)
 - One-handed Light (for daggers, kukris, rapiers and other finesse weapons)
 - Two handed Heavy (For Greatsword, Two-Bladed Sword, Bastard Sword(?))
 - Polearms (For Quarterstaff, Halberds, Spears and Dire Maces (Maybe Magic Staff too?))
 - Bows and Crossbows (Self explanatory, lets you use Bows and Crossbows with equal measure)
 - Thrown and Sling (Darts, Throwing Axes, Slings and other yeetus maximus items)

I am not sure if this sort of thing *has* been suggested before, but if not might be food for thought. Feel free to comment on why it would be silly, broken, stupid or just impossible to implement on the server.

Side note/Afterthought: For classes that require a specific weapon, maybe give them "Favored Weapon" feat to choose instead that's +2 with the selected weapon, but only that weapon? It still wouldn't qualify for Epic Weapon Focus, nor stack (if possible), while retaining that Singular Focus feel.