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Messages - arcknight25

So a few more questions then.

1)Where are these scripted quests? is there a place to find them on the forums?
2) 300xp daily. This is the ticks of 15xp correct. Can you just log in and sit in a room to get them, or RP is necessary to get the ticks to continue?
3) I will post in the requests thread then.
4) Thank you all for the info. Much appreciated, and it was quick in coming as well.
I just learnt that to progress in level you need to participate in Events run by ADM/DM/Admin.

I looked at the calendar just to see how often they run. I was surprised by the frequency of events, but disappointed to see that they are full for the next 2 months. Also it would seem that they are continuations of previous events, and that the majority of them are for 16+ level characters.

It is just disheartening to see the last few weeks I have been playing and RPing to be abruptly halted by this event mechanic. Since I can no longer progress with my main, creating an Alt is the obvious next option, but once they get to level 12 or so, I run into the same problem.

Is there anywhere to post looking for an event, or to talk with ADM/DM/Admin on getting one created for newer players/low level alts of long standing members.

I've only been around a month, while I am sure there are people who have been around 10+ years, who are staples in this community. I am just looking for more direction. I enjoy playing on this server, but to wait 2 months for an event to be ready to progress my main character seems a bit long to wait.
General Discussion / Candy Hunt
Nov 02, 2020, 11:31 AM
Rydre Jadecharm - Halfhap - Gloryhall