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Messages - erratic1

 Hi all,

 Apologies to all who are currently in roleplay with my characters. Currently I'm dealing with a lot of RL stuff that I can't put off- My dad died a while back due to COVID so I've just finished with the aftermath of that, dealing with changing tenancy of the property to my own name, then packing for moving house, on top of that getting sick (thankfully not COVID), recovering, then getting sick again due to the Vaccine for COVID (seriously though, it's worth it). Also, due to being a carer, and now not being one, I'm back on the job hunt trail, and have to actively look for work every day.

 Needless to say, I'm pretty exhausted after all of this every day, so until I've got things under control, I'll not be logging in. To those that this puts in a bind, again, I'm sorry, and I hope I can make it up to you all when I manage to return.

 Thanks all for the fun so far, and see you soon!
Sharina for a nice little scene between Alena and Alex where she finally got him to break out of his shell a little, and to Terallis, for the interruption and mentoring sort of role you had Eirik adopt with Alex. Was a nice little scene and one that made me realise what I'd been missing. Thank you both.