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Messages - ThayanKnight

Suggestions Archive / Making Monk Suck Less
Jan 23, 2015, 11:47 PM
I've always thought monks should use their Wisdom for attack rolls (ie Intuitive Attack)It would make the spread less daunting, but I'm assuming that, too, would be a time heavy option for implementing on NWN.
I always say "If you don't like a law, change it, don't break it." The accepted standard is to have weapons visibly unequipped. We will all have our personal opinions about it, but in this case, there is a possible RP angle of finding and gathering support among the adventurers, the general population and the nobility to back such a change. I'd say roll with the initial miscommunication as your character's personal interpretation of the law (which can differ from a judge's) and use it to create a story. Just my thought.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
Jun 01, 2014, 06:31 PM
I don't think anyone is saying that the CR system trumps RP.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 09:07 PM
No, it seems most of us have played on servers where this is used.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 08:50 PM
Like Trylo, I am opposed to it. Your theory about "trying it" assumes that we haven't and from what I've  read, most of us have and still have our respective opinions, so what is the desired result from the experiment?
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 07:36 PM
However it isn't always possible to find the information out IC. In the case of evil people in a LG society, oocinformation is necessary for organizing without announcing affiliations.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 05:17 PM
ClockworkMayhem Avatar

 Will metagaming go away entirely? Probably not. But if you're easing players' fears about it by taking this step, isn't it worth cutting it back? Saying, "This isn't worth the time because it will still happen, anyway," is like saying, "Well, putting a law in place to cut back on this kind of crime is pointless, because someone will always do it, anyway - it won't go away completely." It doesn't really make sense.

Not putting pointless laws in place makes perfect sense. If their purpose is just as easily achieved through addressing the person and issue (and adding an admin/staff when needed for mediation) why put in unnecessary blanket code to take away the right of someone else to use it for its intended purpose? The purpose of the code would be to reduce the prevalence of metgaming through making the means harder for everyone to target a few offenders. But if the offenders were brought to light, had the staff handle it, and  punish accordingly, then the same effect is reached without encroaching on those who do not use with ill will. As Trylo said, it may be a simple misunderstanding rather than blatant metagaming, so take a second and ask to find out and give the benefit of the doubt to your fellow player.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 12:31 PM
I have spoken my stance on this a few times as well. The idea and motivation is not one with which I can argue: getting rid of the threat of ooc information being used to metagame. I've played on servers with and without the ooc info, and quite honestly, I have never seen it eliminate metagaming or use of ooc information.

Yes, we will know some ooc information about your character (and we will either way from character bios on the forum, PrC/race requests), however most of us that are playing for fun and enjoyment of the community aren't using it, its just stored knowledge. The people that will use it for unsavory purposes will gather up the information elsewhere and still use it against you, regardless of whatever restrictions are put in place.

I generally try to keep my evil characters' information private to protect them from metagaming, but guess what? It happens. You think someone's RP has changed once they found out ooc that you are a vampire/nymph/werewolf assassin/blackguard of Cyric? Call them out on it IC. Ask their character whats up and see if the RP is there to back it up. Sometimes they have actual IC reasons behind thinking something.

My Banite priest who is -extremely- selective of his confidants  has been called out numerous times over the course of the character's life on his faith and actually called a Banite. I know many good guys that are chomping at the bit for a slip up to bring him down because of ooc knowledge of his faith. Do I avoid their RP? Nope. But what if they stop or change their RP because of it? Adapt. Using this same example character: There was a very good aligned character who had ooc knowledge of his faith (eventually). Did it change their RP? Hell yes it did. Every conversation we were involved in from that point on ended up on faith and prying questions to look for a mistake or inconsistency. So did I avoid the good guy because of it? Nope. My character spent the next few weeks researching faiths, posing as someone else to speak with clergy about their  ideals and stuck it out. Its hardship that creates the best character development (in my opinion, anyway).

The point is, ooc knowledge is a part of the game, be it Neverwinter Nights, tabletop D&D, or any other interactive RPG. If you play a character with a dirty secret, always assume it will eventually get out and figure out how to run damage control. Had it not been for ooc information I would not have known that there was interest in the Zhentarim faction a few times, one quite recently. But it spurred RP and a new connection that may not have been made otherwise.
Suggestions Archive / Pickpocket
May 29, 2014, 12:35 PM
Although I can see the issue with spamming the skill and how it can be abused, I am of the mindset that more and complex code will not fix the problem, but targeted efforts and the staff handling any abuses would be best. I have to second what Onivel said (indirectly) that using the skill in a mature fashion wins out. We are a small community of people all getting together to enjoy a game and network together. Personally, if there is an issue with a pickpocket around, my characters would be taking IC actions to prevent and hunt down the thief!
Off Topic / Post a Picture of Yourself!
May 10, 2014, 03:06 PM
Less beard, more filling! Prepping for campaign photos. (P.S. I'm still alive)

General Discussion / Red Wizards and Knights
Apr 04, 2014, 12:52 PM
Do it. They are surprisingly fun to play once you get into it.
Player Announcements / Reduced play time.
Mar 27, 2014, 01:27 PM
So, I may not be around as much for a bit. I will be logging in as I get some time and can always schedule time if anyone needs anything specifically.  I figured I would give everyone the heads up since I have an enormous amount on my plate, and am a glutton for punishment, so I decided to add running for the U.S. House of Representatives. Why not, right?

Facebook link, yo.
Oh, and while the subject is up, why not just go fighter/Divine Champion? Its not exactly the same mechanically, but the RP is still there.
Oh, I'm all for elven paladins.  I was merely arguing the fact that there was something "that explicitly prohibits either paladins of CG deities or paladins of the Seldarine".  
Actually page 8 of Faiths and Pantheons says that a deity must have paladin levels to grant paladin spells. Of course not all the paladin deities listed have paladin levels, but I always assumed those were the exceptions and thats why they were listed

Also from the Faiths and Pantheons Errata:

Other lawful good, lawful neutral, and neutral good deities that are not
listed can have paladins, but there are no known paladin orders for those faiths (in effect, paladins of those faiths are uncommon enough that rarely are there enough to band together and form an order).