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Messages - niizzy

General Discussion / Stuck on a crash loop
Jun 08, 2021, 06:49 AM

Sorry if this isn't the right place, but since there is no "help" forum, I don't know where else to post this.

So, I'm a new player in the server and NWN as a whole. I've made my character, made through the tutorial and went to find an inn to rest, got the first one that I think is an inn, don't know if it even is an inn, The Lady's Taste if I'm not mistaken, entered it and the game crashed. No biggie, killed the app and tried again and when I logged in, the game crashed again. And again. And Again. Now I'm stuck on an endless crash loop and can't login on my character.

So, to the question at hand: Is there any DM who could, idk, teleport my character out of there so I can start playing on the server? 

Anyway, thanks for reading.

EDIT: Made another character, it was faster. I was in the start anyway.