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Messages - theyellowking

Suggestions Archive / Classes and Skills
Jul 03, 2021, 11:10 PM
Doesn't the server balance kind of assume everyone will have tumble ac?
A lot of classes were already given it that don't normally have it, could be beneficial to just give it to every class or at least every base class.
Nokteronoth Avatar
First, a small fact:

I don't think I'd care much for a weekly cap. Already, if I see people online late at night, they're either off in an inn room or idling hidden somewhere to get their 'ticks'. Them doing this once a week and then not logging on ever again makes it really hard to get a quest or ad-hoc going.
So honestly, someone that is just logging in to get their xp for a week then never logging in after that with the character, is that the kind of person you would want to run an ad-hoc for?
I think that is a bit of a bad argument because that is a problem with the player if they only login for xp, the style tick system will be irrelevant to it at the end of the day.

As for a week cap vs a daily cap.
I think it is overall a benefit especially to people who can't login every day, a week is a much more manageable unit of time.
The downside is that if you get it all early then you won't have any for later, so if you play a lot let's say monday/tuesday, and get all your ticks, then you have no gain the entire rest of the week. And that just doesn't feel as rewarding, and won't play into a positive feedback loop of keeping active.
A daily cap also means people with alt character have to swap much more often however, where a weekly cap would mean they could spend a day on a character then another day on a different character.

I think overall a weekly cap would be better, most people have alts from what I have seen it will make them much easier to manage on the tick system, and it is much easier on people who have obligations that make them unable to play every day.