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Messages - sunzhao

I don't usually do this, because I'm a very 'to the point' person so I'll keep it short and sweet.

I personally want to thank for always being willing to deal with even my most benign and sometimes repetitive questions, It seems such a trivial thing to thank someone for but far too common I've gotten snark or felt like 'How dare I' ask a question about something I've been presented with. Heck, without your input I would have been far too unsure of myself to attempt a difficult subrace/class. Your general attitude and respect towards players is refreshing and it truly makes me want to play here knowing that there's admins who go out of there way to be courteous and be insanely kind even when it's difficult! 

Thank you again, for all you do!
I an interested on a character for sure, I'll pm with info if everything goes through the pipeline.
Suggestions Archive / Shifter possibilities!
Oct 21, 2021, 02:36 PM
EDITED: 10/21/2021 To reflect some more coherent thoughts, instead of just throwing out a sweeping 'hey this don't work' type of post.
Suggestions Archive / Shifter possibilities!
Oct 19, 2021, 11:47 AM
Hello there, 

I know I'm pretty new around Cormer/Dalelands and I've tried to look at other posts to try and not make a repeat post.

My suggestions would be to modify the forms to actually be more than fluff (besides that beautifully nasty Kobold form.) Most forms before 'epic' forms are lackluster and my suggestion would be to either add more combat functionality to the current forms, if editing the forms isn't possible then maybe adding more of the "Master of Many Forms" shapes that actually hold their own, eg: Plant form, Vermin form, Aberration Form, Ooze Form, etc.

I think that Shifter could be a real asset to a party if they had forms which were suitable for different situations, but seeing as that might be a pretty sizable project It may be unlikely. There's so much untapped potential in the other forms that even if they just got an all around retweak they'd end up being useful instead of everyone just going the couple that work at epic levels. 

Thank you guys for all your hard work and hopefully this starts a bit of a discussion about it, since these are just my attempts at rectifying bioware's terrible class implementation.