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Messages - aliirielle

Adding to what all has been said already, Fox, you will be missed. Not just for all the wonderful work you have done, or your hilarious quests and FoxMagic, but just you as a person. Wish we'd been able to RP or chat more, take care of yourself Fox <3
I think there are a few other Divine Seekers, (My Vivienne is!)
I will say, I've run into the same issue, Sacred Stealth does absolutely nothing for Vivienne at this point. I've considered dropping the class but I love the flavor of it too much.
I know nothing about balancing or anything but from my angle your suggestion sounds good!
Okay, I have to add this. I've greatly enjoyed the DoM conference! Watching the politics, the delegates back and forth and they way the NPCs interacted was really fun to see. Also though, being able to speak to them. I can't imagine it was easy to go back and forth, having so many speaking to the NPCs and you jumping between. Plus they all just looked so awesome!! The Lion and the Fox, man if they were in a Dragon Age game they'd be in my party FOREVER. Mad props
Wanted to quick drop some feedback I've been compiling together for awhile!

I can't tag all of you so I first just want to offer my appreciation to all of the staff and DMs here, you all do SO much great work! I hope you all know how wonderful you are and take enough rest from all that effort I know you all put in to making CD as great as it is <3

Looking forward to how Deeds of Cruelty progresses, I've so enjoyed interacting with Evita again!!!

Even though I chose the wrong character for it (not due to the plot itself) I enjoyed Coinflip, glad to have been able to be in your plot!

I've been so fortunate to be in several of your plots and I never cease to be amazed. Each time I think, "THIS is my favorite NPC" and then you bring out another. I feel no difference in NPCs you make up or NPCs that have canon behind them, they all feel firmly integrated and real.

I knew going into Destiny of Man I'd thoroughly enjoy myself, mostly because of how enjoyable ORTA was! The amount of juggling of various groups, keeping us all updated with the various lore and flavor posts, with rumors and maps and all the juicy bits has got to be so much work! So thank you for all you're doing! I've thoroughly enjoyed the events for the group I've been in, the surprises and set dressing, the lore I've learned through it and the path it's taken us has all been so fun. I've learned Faerun lore I never knew and enjoyed exploring it all as we've gone. I've run the full gamut of emotions through the quests (I knew you'd get me crying at least once!) and I can't stop going over each one for hours after, thinking over all the possible ramifications of each choice, what was learned, and thoughts on going forward. I'll second SpacePope's words regarding the last event, that NPC was perfectly evil but captivating at the same time. I'm excited to see how Destiny of Man proceeds and how it affects, not only the regions, but the characters as well
Adding my own kudos a well for . Fantastic as always!!
Just like to leave a note of thanks for aDM Harlequin for adding the CW: Arachnophobia in their recent announced quest. It's much appreciated <3
I wanted to take a moment to thank multiple DMs

-Thanks Melody for the crazy quests, so intense in such a good way!
-Thanks for jumping in to help with our split party and delivering such a terrifying encounter!
-Thanks for sticking around tonight while I relogged to make sure my new PC could move around

And honestly just in general, thank you all CD staff, wanting to stress once again how happy I am to be a part of this server <3
I just wanted to take a moment to once again thank for the amazing questline. I'm so honored I got to be a part of it and truly had a wonderful time, from the very beginning to the very end tonight.
Melody Avatar
I want to thank Olias, Vivienne, and Celebrithrade for the fun dinner date RP tonight. It was very enjoyable and seeing your home was so lovely!
We had such a great time with you and Celebrithrade both! Thanks for the RP!
New to the server (and the discord and the forum). Just wanted to put out some appreciation for Melody Sigers and Fire Wraith for the amazing tales and time taken to tell them tonight. As well as just a general message of appreciation on the whole for the amazing RP I've seen and interacted with so far on the server. This seemed the place to do it?