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Messages - aliceofthevoid

Quote from: lackofimagination on Aug 05, 2024, 08:15 PMI just wonder if this wouldn't be more efficient as some "outside mod", rather than risk it being something script dependent that *might* eat up some amount (big or small) of server resources (CPU, brandwidth, whatever)?

Regarding this, I could be wrong but I don't know of anyway to add an override to change text colors specifically like that. As a script server side, I wouldn't think it would take up any more than the Language system already does.

That said, I do like the idea you and others mentioned to make it a toggle that can be picked player side.
I very much doubt that making the text a different color will encourage people to speak OOCly any more than they already do. I've played on servers that did have the color change, and if anything it improved my immersion by making it easier to focus on IC chat.
It would go through an app I believe, yes, though I don't think you'd be able to start with five languages without the 20+ base Int to support it.
That puts a lot of extra layers into the already troublesome task of scheduling, trying to get in touch with players who may or may not even still be active on such a list, waiting however many days to try to get in touch with them only to find out they're not available anyway, etc. If you want to get involved in more quests, Blackheart's thread here is a great bit of advice.
Suggestions Archive / Strength Domain Power
Sep 15, 2022, 10:42 PM
As it is, the strength domain's only real utility is more divine power slots. Maybe reworking it along the same lines as barbarian rage could bring it in line with other domains?