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Messages - wilkins1952


Also to note is this also would be done to remove the Cross class restrictions regarding monk.
Suggestion I had would be to allow for Multiclassing hence the move of 10th to 14th level :)
Nokteronoth Avatar
No alignment restriction: What part of having a strict code and lifestyle leads to chaotic characters enjoying the class?

I don't think monks need *more* speed, it's already uncapped way higher than other characters.

Sneak attack:
Why does this belong on a monk? What part of their training leads them to be sneak attackers?

Ki Blast - Why not, I guess.

Improved Evasion - Why make this later?

Shortsword - Suppose doesn't matter too much to add.

Removing the alignment restriction mostly cause say a Chaotic rebel that wanted to overthrow the crown in order to improve things for the commoners, While they might be chaotic in personality they could be focused and controlled in training and have a strict code of combat. (Thinking Aang from Avatar for a slight idea)

The Monk speed changes are mostly to stop people dipping into 3 levels of monk just for the speed the AC bonus while also rewarding those that invest in nine levels of monk by allowing them to keep the full speed progression that full monks get. Flavor mostly that does not change much mechanically.

Sneak attack. More so the monks speed catching people unaware in combat or using feign attacks to strike at a weak point. Would give them a small bonus to damage as well. especially if people were to invest in the full epic monk levels.

Improved Evasion moved so people cannot cross class and get that and keep epic spells while doing so.
This was a potential idea I had for improving Monk, Anything in Bold is either changed or new. Would love to hear peoples ideas on this. Also to note is this also would be done to remove the Cross class restrictions regarding monk. Giving them more options to cross class as well.

Description: Monks are versatile warriors skilled at fighting without weapons or armor. Good-aligned monks serve as protectors of the people, while evil monks make ideal spies and assassins. Though they don't cast spells, monks channel a subtle energy, called ki. This energy allows them to perform amazing feats, such as healing themselves, catching arrows in flight, and dodging blows with lightning speed. Their mundane and ki-based abilities grow with experience, granting them more power over themselves and their environment. Monks suffer unique penalties to their abilities if they wear armor, as doing so violates their rigid oaths. Monks wearing armor lose their wisdom and level based armor class bonuses, their movement speed, and their additional unarmed attacks per round.

Alignment restrictions: No restrictions
Hit die: d8
Proficiencies: armor (robes), weapons (monk)
Skill points: 6 + int modifier ( (6 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Knowledge: Arcana, Religion, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Parry, Persuade, Tumble

Primary saving throw(s): fortitude, reflex, will
Base attack bonus: +3/4 levels

Special: every 3 levels Regardless of class, the monk's movement speed will increase by an additional 10%. Monk speed is granted at level 9 (Instead of 3)

- Monk AC Bonus (Wisdom) has been moved from 1st level to 7th level

Sneak attack 1d6 at 10th level 2d6 at 20th and 3d6 at 25th 4d6 at 30th Monk level

Ki blast Feat granted at level 15 MONK Twice per day the monk may channel her KI into a ranged blast that targets her enemies at random (Mechanically give them a spell like ability of IGMS Caster level equals Monk Level/2) This increases to 5 uses per day at 21st level of monk

Improved Evasion moved from 10th level to 14th

- Shadow Jump (As the Shadowdancer custom ability) granted at level 12. Uses do not stack with Shadowdancers ability.

- The Following weapons count for Monk UBAB.
Assassin Dagger
Kukri 2
Wind Fire Wheel

I think Paladins as they are now are pretty okay, However I would like to see some love for those who go pure paladin, Perhaps give them a free feat at say Paladin level 18 Something like a DR against Positive and Negative energy for 5 or even something like once per day can cast haste as a spell like ability.
Its not about removing the danger, That is still present even if wards last longer, More so it is allowing you to RP while these short term spells are up for example Just about to enter what is a tough fight you can RP about it beforehand then enter said fight without worrying about your wards dropping part way through. Which the case is currently, Ward Rush as much as you can because wards only last so long not taking the time to RP and talk in a dungeon. Which is a shame as some of the dungeons are quite thematic and interesting. As for penalising none casters. From what I have seen most casters are willing to ward non-casters as well and most spells that I listed are in fact spells that would be cast on every member of the party. And not to mention this would also apply to scroll cast spell duration as well.
So just thinking about this, Perhaps a good solution would be to keep the daily cap as a soft cap, Where you still earn RPXP after the 300 limit however it goes into a second bank as such where the next day, that bank is used to fill up the daily limit this keeps leveling to the same amount as before, without punishing those who have a lot of time to play one day and none the other days. I would also consider making this second cap transfer through levels as it were though I can see why that would be frowned upon.
So I have recently started playing and I have noticed that a lot of the spells like Invis/Improved Invis use the Turn/Level for duration. I think personally increasing the duration of certain spells to Hour per level would help a lot with allowing people to RP both in dungeons and the world at large. Right now it is a case of RP Cast fight RP where if the durations were increased RP can take place during such encounters which benefits everyone. As to what spells I would increase to Hour per level The following is what I had in mind

Improved Invisibility
Lesser Mindblank
Flame Weapon
Shadow Shield
Protection from Spells
Spell Resistance
Magic Fang
Greater Magic Fang
Freedom of Movement

To me the short duration is a hold over from the Default NWN and largely is adjusted from that rather than what a persistant world and people doing constant RP is based around. I also consider that none of these are combat spells in the sense that they deal damage Directly, Rather increasing this duration allows for more RP to happen at players own pace.