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Messages - dom101

Player Announcements / Hello old friends
Sep 08, 2015, 04:43 AM
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to write to you all that even though my time playing nwn has passed, I still think of my memories with you all fondly.

I miss playing with you all in whichever medium that had been. I noted a good deal of new log in since browsing the forum and I'm sure you're all doing well and having lots of fun.

Hopefully there is someone out there still playing the one everyone loves to hate. ;)

For those of you interested, feel free to message me for ways to keep in touch. Because I don't do the Skype thing after all.

Glad the community is still well and active. Take care.
Player Announcements / My absence
Nov 16, 2014, 05:13 PM
Hey guys, just stopping in to let you guys know I've been really busy with work and family and stuff.  That's why I haven't been around.  

Likely once I get accustomed to my new schedule I'll try to be around more, but as it stands it wont be for awhile yet.

Sorry for the RP partners I've left hanging.  Hope everyone's doing well.

General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 20, 2014, 07:10 PM
Valimar Dragonbane Avatar
Getting back on topic, is the intent to have the owners pick the combatants in game, or just via the thread?

Plan on doing a draft style start for the league.  Then trades can be made or w/e where team owners can discuss / haggle / promise favors to other team owners to situate the best team they think they can manage.

We'll do it on the forums, since I doubt we'll get these specific 15 people together at any given time.

Once I have names for all the teams, we'll get that started.
General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 20, 2014, 02:29 PM
Well, generally a team is a brand all it's own; since you could trade Voss for a more powerful combatant, etc.  For instance, the Dallas Cowboys aren't the Dallas Troy Aikmen, or the Dallas Emmit Smiths.  The team doesn't and likely shouldn't focus on your players.
General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 20, 2014, 02:24 PM
The Nameless Bard Avatar
dom101 Avatar
Better yet why don't we just make it a popularity contest; two characters enter, then the audience votes and the loser gets laughed at on the forums whilst the winner gets the Dubya.

I mean, clearly there's no reason to rely on mechanics that way, right?  So even a level 3 has a chance to beat a level 28.  It makes the most canonical sense, right?

I know this may blow you away, but my post was not malicious in any way whatsoever.  Sorry for posting something I've seen work in the past.  Nothing you said even remotely applies to what I said either.  Their method was simply to add a bit more flavour into PvP situations (they are still mechanical PvP battles), which clearly you're not interested in, which is also fine.  Personally, if I can steal from somewhere that has done something with success in the past, then I'll do it.  

There are so many others ways you can talk to your fellow players rather than that kind of aggressive tone. How about:

"Hey man, thanks for the suggestion, but I'm looking to go a different direction."

A response like that, rather than a passive aggressive one goes a lot further to promoting cooperation with your fellow posters than slamming on me for no apparent reason.  

I actually wasn't referring to your post, that's why nothing I said remotely applied to what you said.
General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 20, 2014, 01:56 PM
Better yet why don't we just make it a popularity contest; two characters enter, then the audience votes and the loser gets laughed at on the forums whilst the winner gets the Dubya.

I mean, clearly there's no reason to rely on mechanics that way, right?  So even a level 3 has a chance to beat a level 28.  It makes the most canonical sense, right?


These aren't fights to the death, they are to the knockout.  The last team with a member standing gets the win.  As far as Trylo's restrictions are concerned, that's where my suggestion which depends on the team to be balanced.  2 level 20's against 2 level 12's; well the team with the 20's will be given handicaps to make it more even and entertaining.  There's no need for judges; the team owners will work with Bass to determine rulings as is fair.  If a team owner wants a promoter or financier then they're welcome to have such.

Once the team owners posted in Original post have messaged me with their team names, I'll start a new thread for the draft.
General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 17, 2014, 07:42 AM
sornduskryn Avatar
Sophia would disagree, but eh.  Depends on the cleric.  We up for getting this thing on the road or what?
Sophia was also 5 levels higher than bass when she fought him.  :)  She'd be surprised if she fought him again, and still 4 levels higher.
General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 17, 2014, 06:44 AM
The Red Mage Avatar
Clerics can press two buttons and have more AB and damage than an equal level fighter.

They aren't as strong magic wise as a wizard, but they can out heal any magic damage spam a wizard can toss at them.

But none of that matters, really. If you're built for pvp, you'll have an advantage in these sorts of things. If you're built for dungeons, you'll have a disadvantage. Those are just givens. Doesn't matter, let's arepee.

There are ways to incapacitate or otherwise make clerics completely useless; that said, at least they have melee to fall back on.
General Discussion / Gladiator League
Oct 16, 2014, 11:32 AM
onivel Avatar
Garage Trashcan Avatar
does that mean TEAM GARAGOS needs to find a sponsor?
I'm down for some team Garagos Action as Nikki (lvl 14 Cleric)

I'd also be down for some Team White Cloak action as Geno (lvl 14 Fighter).

Just so you know, if your two teams get pitted against one another you'd leave the other short handed.  Might want to make sure these two teams have 3 players, just in case!  ;)
Ogre Time Yay Avatar
dom101 Avatar
Clearly enough time -wasn't- offered, since we crashed.  If it was, well the obvious is that it wouldn't have happened.  So the proof is in the pudding and my statement stands as is.

Also, hurray for onivel censorship 2014.
To be fair to his point, I recall a time when only two people, Kip and I, logged onto an event server. Even after waiting 15 seconds in between, ended up crashing the server and screwing things up for Nova, so what onivel said actually -does- happen some times. Generally though, if it was us who crashed the server by logging in too fast, the most I can say is sorry, we didn't mean it.
Which I appreciate, thank you.  
onivel Avatar
As one who was there and was the last one through the transition, I can tell you that we did indeed await a 10 count before hitting the transition. Now it may have appeared on your end that we were coming in at the same time. I can't vouch for why that is, but I can tell you from my end that it appeared  we each gave it enough time as I was the last one through the door.

Sorry that you got booted out at the end of Asbaron. I cant help that and it certainly wasn't intended. I can understand frustration. Sometimes shit just happens.

Also... please do not blaspheme... I really do not appreciate it. Thank you.


Clearly enough time -wasn't- offered, since we crashed.  If it was, well the obvious is that it wouldn't have happened.  So the proof is in the pudding and my statement stands as is.

Also, hurray for onivel censorship 2014.

EDIT: For Edge.  <3
Fire Wraith Avatar
Let me be clear.

This is in no way shape or form a "Rule."

It is a suggestion based on non-scientific experience that some have had. I cannot verify in any way that it is correct, or why for whatever reason the event server sometimes decides to toss its cookies when people hop over, nor can I verify why the 'main' server doesn't ever seem to do the same, because in the eyes of everything NWN-wise, they're pretty much the exact same thing.

Yes, I realize that you may be upset that you lost treasure from a dungeon run, but this sort of thing can, and will, happen. My power could cut out, or the server box could crash, or the instance could crash, for any number of reasons, so my suggestion is to learn to accept it and move on. Getting angry isn't going to help anyone, and is only going to cause more irritation and hostility, of which we already have far too much.

Now, if someone is deliberately causing server crashes for whatever reason? Yes, please bring it to the admins directly. Otherwise, please keep in mind that others are attempting to play in good faith, and treat them in that manner.

Because one thing that is a rule - Respect.

It may not be a scientific experience, but it's proven when you rush with 2 or more people to the event server it crashes.  I mean, I didn't write up a hypothesis and test it multiple times, but it's generally the majority of our experience.  So where spacing your party isn't a specific rule; respecting your fellow players by not crashing the event server when you feel the desire to bum rush into a dungeon should fall under the Respect rule.  This sort of thing will only happen when people aren't respecting the fact that there's a good chance you'll crash the event server when you transition a party too quickly.
General Discussion / Red Wizards and Knights
Oct 16, 2014, 04:35 AM
I still have a Knight for this faction, I just haven't played him because.  Well, I rarely play alts without a good reason to.
General Discussion / Gem Cage Discussion
Oct 15, 2014, 10:08 PM
trylobyte Avatar
dom101 Avatar
This was scripted on G/C.  I remember watching Kranis unleash an epic level monster on people in Sigil.
This is a thing we must have.  Ima drop Faero'phax in the Square.
It's the only reason I'd want the spell too.
It's not a hostile tone, it's a tone that evolves from sending a message to the party and basically being ignored.  And told they did wait, when they very clearly logged in all at once.  So, clearly that party isn't interested in listening or learning, so I felt a reminder was required.  I mean, I force parties I'm in to wait 10 - 15 seconds between letting someone enter.  We've yet to crash the event server, and some of our parties are 8 - 10 strong.

I suppose it's irrelevant to people until it happens to them.  Regardless, that's my opinion on the matter.