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Messages - torgrimmerr

Suggestions Archive / DM xp
May 23, 2022, 01:03 PM
I have an idea that would help players who do faction quest; for example the weekly patrols for the Purple knight faction. Give a small amount of DM xp for each patrol. (ex. 100-250 dm xp) Just a thought. It would also help recruit ppl into the different factions also.

Art & Stories / Edge's Dwarf Fortress Stories
Apr 30, 2022, 11:41 PM
Nice, Yeah I havent played in a few yrs, right now my chill game is the old 90's 3do, Might and Magic games, mainly "Mandate of Heaven"
Art & Stories / Edge's Dwarf Fortress Stories
Apr 30, 2022, 07:24 PM
I remember this game, it was a blast, Dwarf Power!
Suggestions Archive / Server Music
Apr 30, 2022, 04:32 PM
Would it be possible if we might be able to do server music, for instance, I know Fire, is good with voice mixers, maybe he could use music mixers to create music and program them to the server. Just a thought.
One thing I learn quick and was advised to me; Do the sewers quest first to kill rats for xp, also if completed the gold reward is worth it bc one thing i suggest after the sewers you'll need health potions, and the gold from the sewers will get you started.
Suggestions Archive / Wiki and rest areas
Apr 22, 2022, 01:37 PM
Thank you Edge for Clarifying my suggestions and for giving us a better insight in the functions of the Guild, Thanks

PS will retry to see about safe rest rooms, Yesterday, went into one room and was unable, But the other yes, but i'll check again, if it happens again, ill post in bug section, may be me, bc i'm new and still learning but thanks Edge.
Edge Avatar
As stated in the other thread, dungeon locations are deliberately not publicly posted, to encourage exploration and interaction with other PCs to locate them. If you're having trouble, feel free to ask around with people in-game - most will happily give directions to where something is located.

Relevel requests can be posted in the Relevel/Rebuilds forum, and unless your concept is drastically changing we typically approve them.

A map is pinned in the server's Discord in the general discussion channel. I don't recall if it's also posted somewhere on the forums, off the top of my head, but if it is I imagine someone will link it soon. I'd go looking for it but I sadly don't have much time left on my lunch break.

A wiki has been attempted to be started on multiple occasions but never gets off the ground. We just don't have enough interested people with the time or inclination to put the project together. What we do have is the Player Resources section here on the forums, and the /help command in-game, both of which are pretty thorough! If you do notice anything odd about the former, please post in Bugs - there are the occasional miss or glitch to fix. Also, always trust the forum write-ups over the in-game ones for things like feats, spells, etc, as the in-game ones are regularly out-of-date because editing the .tlk file is a pain.

In-game quests are mostly to get you started and help get your character up into the level 10-12 range, as that's when DM events really start; very few run events for lower levels than that. Keep an eye on the Announced Quest forum, for events in your time and level range - our DM staff is fairly active and new events go up on the regular.

Thank you Edge for Clarifying our suggestions and for giving us a better insight in the functions of the Guild, Thanks

Suggestions Archive / Wiki and rest areas
Apr 22, 2022, 09:35 AM
1.A wiki would be great, We need to have maps with marking of quest entrances and store location would be very helpful for us new players to the server.

2. Also more safe areas to rest in taverns.

As a new player, those too things would be great especially the wiki bc being new of the server I'm clueless of where things are until i grouped up with some player to show around, but if you the type of player that solos a lot then a wiki would help.

Torgrimmerr Redbeard/Balvart
I love the RP on the server. (Still trying to remember in most cases to use RP even in asking questions)
With that said, feel player are very nice and helpful even the RP forgetful cases. I agree  with (xf1313), the lay out and cities are beautiful. I also like the skins on the Horses. The intro zone where to set up Character, is an awesome  idea, especially with the amount of starting coin to buy starter gear of your choice.


1. Agreed with (xf1313), a wiki would be great, We need to have maps with marking of quest entrances and store location would be very helpful for us new player to the server.

2. Also more safe areas to rest in taverns.

Onther then that, everything is great and fun.

Josh (Torgrimmerr Redbeard/Balvard)