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Messages - Kreindis

Like Haroshia, I also came from an extremely PvP focused RP server. I would go so far as to call it an actual PvP server with how the community behaved.

One of the biggest appeals of CD to me is that it's not that. I have done a ton of RP PvP and the best outcome with mechanical fights is that you stop hitting at 'near death' and then RP out the scene afterwards. CD actually encourages this heavily with the subdual mode. So assuming both players agree to PvP through and both players have subdual mode on, and IC TREAT it like a fatal combat. I think that can be fine. After that, if someone still wants to engage in fatal combat, I guess turn subdual mode off because it should be very clear at that point.

That's the best way imo, to handle it mechanically. I honestly have never done an PvP engagement through rolls because it's very difficult to do that organically. I've heard it's the best thing ever though so if you want to try to go for that angle and either do stuff like putting /dicepublic on, emoting clear hostile intent (this is something that people very infrequently do which is a shame), and then diceroll intimidate or something like that OR ask the opposing player if they want to settle the fight with dice rolls or mechanics. I think that could go a long ways to making both parties feel better."

But yeah, I honestly think that these considerations are the best way for both players to have fun in a PvP encounter.

That said, I think just avoiding the player and logging or teleporting away or just removing yourself from the situation is 100% a valid choice. The only thing that I really would consider to be invalid is the most frequent use of PvP which is to basically just flex; starting a fight just to prove mechanical skill/prowess in order to further your story and end someone else's at any opportunity. This is what starts the endless conflict spirals and I don't know about other people, but I personally don't enjoy having to look over shoulder at every moment IC while playing a game.
Sorina would probably be into this.
I actually would like to throw my hat in here too.

I've played on some other server for 15 years and I honestly think this Festival was the best DM event I've been in. Not for the battles honestly but rather for the festival atmosphere. It actually felt like attending a three day event IC. And I heavily enjoy all of the emotional things that brings, between enjoying the battles and the events. Standing in a line. Or just relaxing in between events.

Also Sorina made friends (and probably mortal enemies) which doubly made the Festival impactful for her. So I enjoyed it a lot!