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Messages - kriegeternal

So i am sure i am not the only one that exists that does not run a UMD character. Resulting in the inability to use certain really important buffs which can strain party comp. As a result i wanted to suggest some new trinket items that would help ease the burden.

1. Sharpening Stone: Provides Keen somewhere between level 5-10. perhaps 5 uses per item.
2. Lead Lining: Provides Lesser mind blank Level 5-10. 5 uses per item. 
3. Elemental Oils: Provides Elemental weapon between level 5-10. 5 uses per item.

These are just off the top of my head. I feel like the most important is keen as not every weapon has it and its a huge part of pve. While the others could potentially allow casters to prep other spells i don't think they are quite as important. (Not familiar with all the cleric and druid spells so i am not going to comment on which of those it'd be awesome to have.) 
So the concept for this is pretty simple. This is another summoning tome. This specific tome summons shadow related creatures.

lesser Planar summon being the nighthaunt
This creature is a much weaker relative to the night walker.

Planar Summons being the Nightwing
This creature is another relative to the night walker. More powerful than the Nighthaunt but not a ton.

Greater planar summon being Nightwalker (YES the dreaded night walker.) (Suggestion use the huge varriant which is a bit weaker.)

Finally Gate The NightCrawler

These creatures are little used honestly and quite deadly in each of their own rights. I would guess this items would suffer similar issues to the demons and Devils books and be burned considering the creatures called within are of evil nature.


ALIGNMENT non umd Bypass

Spell required for summons not to be hostile. 
Protection from evil/Circle against evil/ Aura vs Evil or something of this nature. OR summons turn on summoner similar to pitfiends and balors. 


Honestly fairly niche but quite useful for certain builds. (IE necromancers since these are considered undead and would be protected from negetive energy. Perfect for evil spellcasters who don't want to use devils or demons. Honestly could potentially require shadow weave to make use of. 

I fully realize the last two creatures are powerful and  would likely be turned down some. This is just a spitball to kinda get the ball rolling.

Nymera Avatar
Jazzmyra Avatar
Pff. Boring. Dual-Wielding Scythes. :P
Dream even bigger!

Dual-weild two-bladed swords!   :D
Feat specifically states this is not possible otherwise it would be hysterical to turn into a blade tornado 
Fox² Avatar
Unfortunately Monkey Grip is not possible to implement in NWN1.
Big sad. but understandable. 
3.5e feat for using large weapons such as greatswords, great axes and the like as melee weapons. Thematically speaking there are quite a few large characters on the server who would look great and seem far more imposing if they were wielding a towershield and a twohanded weapon in 1 hand instead of two. Not to mention it would add further customization for the martial classes. Me and a few of my group would love to see this and i feel like a few others would probably enjoy it. Not sure how easy it will be to implement. I know that NWN 2 made use of this feat but i don't know if they used the same engine for the game.

Monkey Grip

( Complete Warrior, p. 103)


You are able to use a larger weapon than other people your size.


Base attack bonus +1,

Required for

Wield Oversized Weapon (CW) ,


You can use melee weapons one size category larger than you are with a -2 penalty on the attack roll, but the amount of effort it takes you to use the weapon does not change. For instance, a Large longsword (a one-handed weapon for a Large creature) is considered a two-handed weapon for a Medium creature that does not have this feat. For a Medium creature that has this feat, it is still considered a one-handed weapon. You can wield a larger light weapon as a light weapon, or a larger two-handed weapon in two hands. You cannot wield a larger weapon in your off hand, and you cannot use this feat with a double weapon.


You can use a melee weapon one size category larger than you are with a -2 penalty on the attack roll, and the amount of effort it takes to use the weapon increases. A larger light weapon is considered a one-handed weapon, a larger one-handed weapon is considered a two-handed weapon, and you cannot use a larger two-handed weapon at all.

Been here closing on two weeks at this point a little under but not by much. Spent ALOT of time on another server. Gotta say after coming here i don't really want to move back to the other. Came into the server discord not even three minutes in i was greeted by an admin and some DMs and a fair number of the online chatters. Super friendly all of them was really inviting. Since then i made my character and began running around the world. Tons of really awesome people in game willing to help new players for whatever reason. Even had one that came up to me and said hey your kinsmen helped me once so i am passing on the favor and gave me a huge amount of buffs before i went into a fight. I've even been active in the discord asking questions... alot honestly perhaps a few to many but everyone has been super responsive and no one has jumped down my throat or anything like they did in the previous server. I've had more DM interaction in the past two weeks then i had in months of the previous server i have been absolutely blown away by it. I've even been spitballing playing a really unsual character rather than dissuade me quite a few people have helped me plan things and get ready for the trials ahead i can expect playing the character as opposed to telling me not to do it or completely baring it from me.

Honestly gotta say with all this in mind i've begun poking buddies of mine and bringing em over because its been so great in such a short period of time. I will no doubt be a long term resident of the server. Keep up the amazing work guys i look forward to seeing all the stuff that happens!