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Messages - necromancingthestone

I feel like Battle Rager As implemented was intended to (and should) add some rage uses to a barbarian. It does early, but mid to late level, it does not. Battle rager grants the same feats that barbarian does, so when a barbarian would qualify for it, they already have it.  Essentially they get their uses per day earlier.

There is a really easy way to give them more uses: Mighty Rage already exists as a separate feat. Give it the same properties as barbarian rage, and give the feat to battle rager for free at level 1.  The default for the feat is 3/day uses.  That 3 per day could be adjusted of course to 1 use per day at BR level 1, 3, 5, or whatever else is deemed appropriate. That way they could select from barbarian rage with how many uses per day they get from their Barby levels, and the separate Mighty rage with the uses they get from battle rager, and they'd have identical bonuses.

Suggestions Archive / Devastating Critical
Aug 30, 2022, 12:06 PM
Thanks for The insight on the discussions that happened previously for dev crit when the changes were implemented. I should have guessed something like this has come up before.  

Suggestions Archive / Devastating Critical
Aug 30, 2022, 07:17 AM
That's true to a degree. But, with easy access to scroll use, as well as a few bonuses from bless and aid all easily obtainable from items, a scimitar user is getting full access to their AB to nearly everything. Never mind throwing in a bard in the party. Then they are definitely making full use of their crit range.

The deck is stacked unbelievably in favor of scimitar, especially over war hammer/battle axe.

If ACs on the mood were higher Than they are, I would very much agree with you. But the way it's set up, and with what's available to increase ABs, there are very few times even a scimitar user isn't making full use of their crits.

There is a reason 60-70% of pcs use a scimitar. Absolutely some of that is loot table dependent, but the overwhelming reason is, a massive advantage in damage output.

I hadn't thought of the shift in power it would give to great sword. That's an interesting twist, trading one advantage weapon for another. But, great sword being two handed means giving up a ton of ac, and other properties you can get on a shield for not too much of a return on damage.
Suggestions Archive / Devastating Critical
Aug 30, 2022, 06:25 AM
I love the changes to dev crit. Instant death is far  too powerful, but bonus damage and a stun is an excellent alternative. The only issue for me is, in its current iteration, it provides an unbelievable mechanical advantage to weapons with a threat range of 18-20 (**cough **scimitar**cough **).  

That is somewhat normally mitigated by it's slightly reduced damage, 1d6 base vs 1d8 in similarly classed weapons like battle axe and the like, and much of the monsters are immune to crits. Also, it is somewhat mitigated by the way crits work: having to roll twice and both being high enough to hit meeting the higher the ac of your opponent, the less chance you are taking advantage of large crit ranges.  

But here, with crit immunity being removed for everything, and easy access to scrolls to pump up ABs, there is very little chance you aren't taking full advantage of the crit range of a scimitar, and dealing massively more damage than any other weapon. This's means if you don't use a scimitar, you are putting your character at a significant mechanical disadvantage. Rp is king, but it Shouldn't ham string your character.

The numbers don't lie:  using a standard mid range weapon: +4 eb, 1d8 elemental damage, keen, a strength of 34,  with improved crits feat:

Scimitar: 1d6/12-20/x2 55%regular hits/45% crits. Average damage on regular hit 24, crits 48+35 = 83. Total damage over 100 hits = 5055.

Longsword: 1d8/15-20/x2 70%regular hits/30% crits. Average damage 25, Crits 85. Total damage over 100 hits: 4300.

War hammer/battle axe: 1d8/18-20/x3 85% regular hits/15%crits. Average damage 25, crits 110. Total damage over 100 hits: 3775.

What I would propose is, making the damage threat range dependent:

Base 18-20 weapons get +25, two handed +40
Base 19-20 weapons get the standard +35 two handed +50
Base 20 weapons get +50 two handed +75.

This would bring those numbers much closer together:  4605/4300/4000 respectively. Still higher for scimitar, but the mechanics of critting vs higher acs would make up the difference.

This way weapon choice is purely rp driven.

I know this is also skewed by the loot table, but I know the lot table is being evened out with an update relatively soon. And yes, I know these numbers will very widely based on the actual weapon, feats, abilities,spells, etc. this is just illustrative for averages.  [ br]
I understand your point, but you are arguing from a perspective of shifter as it stands, not from it being improved and brought up to speed. Shifter completely needs some work.  I'd be of the opinion that every shifter shape should come with all 3 physical stats not just 1 or two. But honestly, not having played one here, I don't know. With your suggestions, and the fact that shifter has SO many options for shifts per day, they are extremely versatile and much more easily able to cover things like being dispelled, or changing to fit unique environments.  They have the luxury of de-shifting and shifting back many, many times. That alone means they can be hugely powerful. Druids only get 1/day at 16, 2/day 17,  3/day at 19. It becomes unlimited at druid level 26 which is a huge commitment.  Get dispelled and druids have very little options to deshift,rebuff, shift, and move on if there isn't a rest point. Shifter in the same span will have a dozen uses per day across several shift types.

But again, bringing up Druids to be in the same breath as wizards, favored souls, clerics, and sword mages, in their own unique way, is the goal. These changes would do that without unbalancing the mod.  I can easily see that if shifters don't get love at the same time, which I suspect is a BUNCH more work, It wouldn't be great.

As for the spells and lore? I've legit never had any exposure to the "source" material than NwN so I probably don't look at it the same way. It's about balancing a video game to me.  That may or may not be the best way to look at it, I don't know. But to me those spells fit perfectly into Druid spell books given the remainder of their spell book and their ideology.

I really appreciate the feedback because I know I don't have the market cornered on good ideas. It makes sense to me, but I can be easily shown the error of my ways.
This is a great list  I have been playing a Druid for several months now on the server and have learned a fair bit about them.  I don't know much about shifters, so I can't say what they need, but I know their shapes need a great deal of work and this list seems pretty comprehensive.  But for Druids? some slight touches to the elemental shapes (the animal shapes are fine, really and work as intended) and a few added spells, and they are good.  


I have mentioned it before, but I think that Druids should have access to haste, invisibility, improved invisibility, negative energy protection, and surprisingly mass eagles splendor.  dDruids have feats and other spells that apply to movement and hiding, they should have the two series of spells that really add to that.  As for negative energy protection....their whole schtick is fighting against the unnatural....undeath is unnatural personified, yet they can't protect themselves from their primary method of attacking. "they are violently opposed to aberrations and the undead"  As for mass eagles, that is just a mistake or oversight on NwN part I am pretty sure.  Lastly: The spell Awaken: Adding a +1 dodge ac /2 caster levels would go a long way to making companions viable.  Druids have shifting and summoning in help, but their primary summons...their companions, have such horrible ac, they are practically unusable. 

Elementals Shapes:

There is no reason that their stats are so all over the map in terms of total power granted.  Also, a few added abilities unique to each shape and they will pull Druids up and provide them the power level they should have in the unique way they deserve.

All elemental shapes:

Huge: increase damage reduction from +2/10 to +3/10
Elder: increase damage reduction from +3/15 to +5/15

Air elemental:

This shape needs very little. The stats it conveys should be the baseline for the others.


str: 19 ---> 20
dex: 30
con: 19 ---> 18

add: 50% immunity to electrical damage, the weapon finesse feat, and the ability to fly at will.


strL 23 --->24
Dex: 34
con: 19 ---> 18

add 100% immunity to electrical damage, the weapon finesse feat, the ability to fly at will, and increase base damage to 2d10.

Earth Elemental:

This shape should be very similar to shifter stone golem.


str: 30
dex: 10 
con: 22 ---> 28

add: 25% immunity to slash and pierce.  


str: 34
dex: 10 
con: 22 ----> 32

add: 50% immunity to slash and pierce, increase base damage to 2d12

Fire Elemental:


str: 19 ---> 26
dex: 19 ---> 20
con: 26 ---> 22

Increase base damage to 2d10 and increase fire damage to 2d12


str: 23 ---> 30
dex: 19 ---> 20
con: 30 ---> 26

Increase base damage to 2d10 and increase fire damage to 2d20

Water Elemental:


str: 25 ---> 26
dex: 22 ---> 22
con: 19 --->20

Add: 50% immunity to cold (in addition to the fire, the reason being they become an ice elemental when hit with cold damage), add immunity to drowning (no need for water breathing).


str: 29 ---> 30

dex: 22 ---> 26
con: 23 ---> 20

Add: 100% immunity to cold (in addition to the fire, the reason being they become an ice elemental when hit with cold damage), add immunity to drowning (no need for water breathing).

As I said, this isn't much, but it certainly would go a long way to helping Druids be in line with other classes in terms of power.  It leans into the unique ability they have in shifting, helping them to really separate themselves and offer real advantage to a party.  

It wouldn't take much. If you attached say +1 dodge AC per caster level or some such, my animal companion would have enough AC to keep it alive through at least one battle at a time generally, until I can heal it.

I can expend spell slots and make them viable for everything except Armor class which is the most important bit.
That's a crazy amount  of work. I totally understand that. I thought it was just one animal companion that had scripts to increase its power based on character level. If it's An entirely new companion each level and their are so many different ones to choose from, i can imagine the work to fix them.

I will say, it's not about soloing. Druids bring companions to the party as force multipliers. They don't have amazing offensive spells, they don't hit very hard or very often. But what they can do is summon in friends to distract foes and help kill them. It just sucks that one of their major summons at my current level (16th level druid) can't ever NOT get hit, and is usually dead within 4-5 rounds tops.

But with the volume of work it would require, I completely agree, not worth it.
It seems like there are a small number of spells that were left off of Druids spell list. I would think they have the following 3 spells added to their spell book:

1) Mass eagles splendor: it seems like a huge oversight that they have access to regular eagles but not mass.

2) negative energy protection: druids in general dislike the undead. Sure their are exceptions (blighters) but over all, Druids exceptionally attuned to stamping out unearth as it is a a perversion of the natural order of life. Given that, it seems silly that being able to cast negative energy protection is not in their spell books.

3) and the last one I'd advocate for: haste. There are several Druid abilities and spells attuned to moving faster.... But not the ultimate expression of that? It just seems like they would have access to haste from their deity for rp reasons.
Copy. I appreciate the time! I'll find something else to do with him.
Okay. I get it. It's a stretch for Dumathoin. I don't think a very big stretch, but I understand your point. No problem. I'm really trying to find a Morindinsamman deity for druids that doesn't lean on Thard Harr who is entirely too specialized with jungles and jungle dwarves.

The other one i would like to have considered is: Marathmmor Duin.

Unlike Dumathoin, he is a true nature deity, with Nature being his primary portfolio. He is well aligned with Mielikki and would very much fit the concept.

Clergy of Marathmmor Duin spend their time in the wilds of nature as part of his dogma, so a deep connection to nature would  be expected.
Thard Harr already is allowed.

I guess my point here is, how is Dumathoin any different than say Segojan Earthcaller? Segojan is the gnomish deity of the earth and the dead. Dumathoin is the Dwarven deity of the earth and the dead.

Realistically, it's difficult to believe that no underground focused Dwarven druids of the Morindinsamman would exist considering their deep rooted connection to the earth.  They spend much of their lives, if not ALL their lives, underground.  

Thard Harr doesn't fill the role that would and should exist in Dwarven society worshipping the natural world under ground. Thard Harr is a jungle dwarf deity where they are the one sect of dwarf society that stays mostly above ground. His nature aspects only cover a small bit of dwarf society.  Dumathoin in his dogma, has tenets of faith that mirror closely accepted nature deities and is focused on the deep places of the world.
I really feel like Dumathoin is missing from the list of "nature" deities that should allow druid followers. There are many reasons for this:

1) Dumathoin is the keeper of secrets under the mountain, the lord of the underground.  There is nothing lesser about the nature of caverns, tunnels, mushrooms, and algae as compared to the plains, valleys, trees and flowers off the surface. They are both equally natural just shaped differently. So being lord of the spaces under the earth, is being attuned that aspect of the greater natural world.

2) His dogma, demands his followers respect and maintain the natural world. A very druid concept.

"Walk the deep and silent ways of Dumatoin. Seek out the hidden gifts of the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain. That which is hidden is precious, and that which is precious shall stay hidden. Seek to enhance the natural beauty of Dumathoin's gifts and go with, not against, the contours of the deeps. "

3) Dumathoin is also essentially the God of Dwarven subterranean agriculture:

"Priests of Dumathoin always seek to uncover the buried wealth of the earth without marring the beauty of the ways beneath the surface or being overly greedy. They often supervise mining operations and maintain underground safety and security. They work to clean up the rubble of mining, to grow and put in place luminous fungi and edible deep-mosses, and to direct water through the earth to best serve the underlife that includes, of course, dwarves."

"Dumathoin's clerics dress in brown leather. Their heads are bare, but they wear earth-brown cloaks and robes. They never trim their hair or beards. Their favored weapon is either the warhammer or military pick. They seek to uncover the treasures of the earth without marring the natural beauty of the tunnels and mines and without succumbing to greed. They supervise mines, ensuring they are safe and secure from monsters. They also help with subterranean agriculture. They are morticians and protectors of tombs."

4) Comparing the dogma of say Chauntea, to Dumathoin, they are very similar. Agriculture is the process of shaping the natural world to enhance it toward the needs of the people farming. Druids of Chauntea encourage certain plants and deny others (weeds) in order to best feed those around them. Chauntea preaches to do so with as small an impact on the natural world as possible. Dumathoin does the same, the farming of precious metals and the farming of subterranean food, with the express dogma of causing the least impact possible on nature.

I know this is a small request affecting an army of one person... me.... but it really would be a great addition to dwarves to allow Druids to worship Dumathoin. It makes good rp sense considering his history and teachings, and would mean The keepers of the natural areas under the mountain can be nature priests. The only way now for a Dwarven druid within the Morindinsamman is through Thard Harr who is the patron of jungle dwarves, not a very under the mountain king of feel.
I play a Druid here, and I'm a n00b, so maybe I am missing things. But, I'm almost every way a cleric is far superior to a Druid in combat... and should be. I'm not trying to pull druids up to be Gods of combat like clerics or make rangers equivalent to fighters. However, the one thing that druids and rangers get, is an animal companion that helps them fight in order to lessen their combat inferiority.

The issue with animal companions is, their AC Even fully buffed with what a level 13 pure Druid can get them too is HORRID.  They can get in there, get a few licks in, but if they perform the function they were designed for.... Pulling combat heat away from me.... They get slaughtered. As a Druid, I fight shifted, as you really have to to take advantage of what a Druid can do.... But that feeds into companions AC being lower than Britney Spears IQ.... Because I can't cast spells while shifted to heal them.

I don't think much is needed, but they need something, especially an increase to their armor class. Advanced companions should get things like sneak attacks for panther, knockdown/ikd for bear, and etc. It's sad that I can get my bear to survive maybe 1 or 2 encounters and he's gone.
Suggestions Archive / Build Tester
May 07, 2022, 10:44 AM
I don't know how feasible this is, but could you add a leveler and deleveler to the ooc area? Not to be used to delevel and level your characters but to test builds. As an example, i have seen it implemented a system where if you built a character that had a "." At the beginning of the name it could only ever exist in the OOC area and you could play around with the various classes to actually see them on a char sheet. Spreadsheets are great, but it's awesome to see it in the same format as the game interface provides. Makes it so only those "." Names can use the leveler and those "." Names can't enter the world and it might help. I know it would me.