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Messages - Tarostar

I'd like to give kudo's to  for the fantastic way she ran the Trial of Isthimus event.

Iron masterfully tuned the tone of the event from comedic to serious (gotta love that uh oh moment)  to bittersweet at the end and it was a delight to be part of that. I also liked the pacing of the event and the lack of a time bubble so we could rp what we saw and ask for advise even as the plot ran. While there was plenty of combat it never felt combat was the focus of the event, it always was the story and I always felt challenged to roleplay. 


*ahem* Excuse me. So yes, thank you Iron for an awesome journey. 
Player Announcements / Upcoming absence
Dec 09, 2023, 03:17 AM
Take care of yourself!
Time to give some feedback!

Thank you . Your events make the PD even more rewarding and interesting to be a part of. I loved the trip to Willowband brook bank something so much I took half a day off to be able to attend part 2 in US evening times. That's a real compliment there. You're also a goof. Also a thanks to  for the assist! I bet there would have been much less passing of Catoblepas gas without you!

Thank you  for the work of art you dubbed Destiny of Man. I don't know how you manage to juggle so many parties but I really enjoy watching the story unfold (and taking a small part in it!)

Thank you  for the longest adventure I have ever been a part of. Your attention to detail and ability to weave a story really made the long voyage very very enjoyable.

, the stories were great once again. I loved the last two especially! The way you can juggle 60+ players on your own is astounding and the fact you're willing to do it time and again deserves a huge thank you. 
, it was quite a spectacular ride with a suitably horrific ending! I loved it! (Annaya did not.)
I want to thank  and ADM Glorious chancellor for a very exciting (censored due to time bubble) with a (censored) and a very (censored)!! Thank you both!
Welcome back!
Wanted to give a thanks to who went from playing Pierce to DM'ing in the event yesterday and delivered us all from much lag by allowing the huge group to be split.

Thank you! Truly!

I personally think few people refresh the forum every fifteen minutes.
I am pretty sure it's the quests announced on discord that fill up the quickest and some people are on discord a lot more than others.
I would like to point out Ladybug sneaked in a 9th spot on the Spoofine quest to include someone and that's:

1) Awesomely nice of her.
2) Shows the team really cares about including players.
I'll try to translate a dutch proverb 'It's better to miss a target then to not take a shot at it at all.'

You never know what happens.
According to the server rules:

10A: Open slavery falls according to the rules under the mature content and secret associations rules rules to a degree as it forces players to react to it.

In Cormyr and most of the Dalelands it must not be brought up/ must be kept quiet.

If your character could determine it was a master and their slave with the master being a drow then it depends as I read the rules on the spot where you saw them. If it was Cormyr or (most of) the Dales then the master and slave should not have rp'ed any master/slave ties as the rules as I read them forbid that. If it was elsewhere I am not certain but being open about it feels like your character, as I read the rules, can react to them.
Interested with my bard Isilya who has a bit of a merchant background.
Disclaimer: Since this doesn't really fit as a thank you to just admins, DMS or players I am posting it here. My sincere apologies if this is a naughty thing to do. I also will be using the words 'thank you' a lot so if this offends you please stop reading this moment. Thank you.

The celebration event is over and I am sure I am going to miss it dearly. I have been playing NWN for many years on quite a few servers and this is hands on the best event I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. There were so many awesome events, great rp, happy laughs and good cheer it made the head spin.
I wanted to start by thanking those that helped out behind the screens by assisting by setting up events, brainstorming, coding, etc. Special mentioning to the event map which in my mind set the mood really nicely with strolling npc's, a petting zoo, archery ranges and whatnot. 

Onwards to the events!

Queen Tanalasta Commencement Ceremony: That set the mood right from the start. It was nice to see so many high profile npc's interact with each other and the gathered adventurers and the queens speech was great. It sure did raise some patriotic fervour and who'd dare to refuse a royal command to have fun? 

I missed the Clockwork wonders and oddities so I can't comment too much but I have seen some of the toys being sold and they made me wish I hadn't missed it!

Fenwicks Fireworks Workshop was just good ole fun. Tinkering in pairs with your personal explosives while being regales by hilarious emotes from Fenwick and especially Adventuro. What more can you expect? I am very curious how many characters tried to steal Adventuro during the festival and if none did you missed your chance! 

Trevors Custom Plushies Request: Trevor was, in my opinion, the second best npc in the whole event and this is awkward to admit as anyone who makes unicorns plushies cannot be rated anything else then best usually. The amount of players declaring each others plushies cute or adorable, collecting their friends plushies or waiting in line for their own plushie were a testament to how awesome this event was.

Jousting Tournament: All competing pc's were far braver then my Annaya and seeing them in actions was inspiring and at times hilarious. I'd also like to thank the champion SIR PIERCE! YAAAAAAAAY! for winning me one necklace and one ice cream in bets. Awesome. The scripting especially deserves a big thank you as that cannot have been easy. Also, Nok should be detained in a plush scaffold for illegal commercial utterings and baseless accusations of mongoose murdering. 

Cormy got talent even if the announcer did not! Hilarious. I want to thank both DM's and players involved for making this a perfect event to sit and simmer down from the story just before it. I also have a sneaking suspicion we haven't seen the last of a certain cigar smoking Bard and I hope the Dayrider will be present to help us stop him when he returns. The announcer delaying announing the winner was hilarious and near goaded Annaya into rioting as I couldn't stop laughing behind the screen. 

Last but very very very much not the least. My favourite npc of the celebration: The storyteller. This bard should be immediately detained and used to train the purple dragons from now on. Awesome does not describe how good these stories were adequately if you ask me. Of course, you can disagree with this but you'd be wrong. Every story was completely different and felt fresh again. The two favourites I was in was the retrieval of the green arrow (Because Annaya had heard that story from Talhran and recognized bits of it) and the Crown wars because it really was both so sad and yet the most beautiful battlefield I ever saw. Blackheart and Melony (and other who helped them behind the screen) thank you for putting so much time and effort in giving us an unforgettable time and giving this new player a peek on past awesomeness. 

In closing I want to thank everyone, from admins (the event server really did well!) to players, for making the event as glorious as it turned out to be.

I don't think a DM plot could have shaken Annaya's view of the world much more then what Nibbles put her through did in the impromptu event.

Loved every moment of it. Thank you Nibbles (and the others in the party)