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Messages - enarian123

But meh ac's I need moar!
Vince, I fully support the idea of weapon AC being dodge ac.   Please make this change Asap.
General Discussion / Screenshot Threat
Feb 27, 2017, 02:56 PM
There is nothing wrong with whiskey *huffs*
Player Announcements / Home, and even better!
Jan 09, 2017, 01:41 PM
So I'm home again, and well even.    Was sick for awhile but much better now and have time.   So hopefully I'll be seen, at least logged in more these days?    *steals Bella's snapple* 
Pfft, I'll post in that picture of myself soon to prove otherwise
So I've been gone, but now I return.   And in doing so I bring you a video of the man who plays that stick up the arse paladin Thedran.    I'm not sure what blackmail his wife used to get this video made, but I'm sure it was awful.   But no matter the cause, it's now for you all to enjoy.
ServerQuestions / Smite Evil!
Aug 18, 2016, 07:06 AM
In truth Smite on nwn 1 is sorta eh.    It can be very useful, and the coding here that gives you extra smiting for free is great.    But I wouldn't build entirely into smiting, your paladin will quickly run out of gas in combat.    There are ways to build them so they fell more like the classic paladin build despite the nwn coding though.  
Off Topic / Best Dm Answers.
Aug 16, 2016, 08:01 PM
So wanted to start this, I never do these but eh!

Rules are simple, dm asks for a roll of some sort and when you roll badly the response they give you is.......

Dm tells the party to roll search after a battle in the forest.    

Kald Blake my paladin, "found dirt"
So.... I won't lie, I didn't read every word after the first handful of posts.   But I'll toss this out, Rp doesn't require all PC's to get along.   Though the goal is for everyone to have fun, I've said that in the past.   But as someone who ended up err on a disliked side with you once, I think I say this without coming across as a blind supporter, I've also been down a similar road around here once.   Changing people's minds will come in the end, on the server and how you handle what comes.   What matters most is what you do next.   I for one say good luck, but I'll also caution it won't be easy.   That said, Pally and I aren't counting you down and out yet.
My wife keeps teling me that to
I know a great taxidermist, let me know if you need the number
Ask the Staff Anything / Cleric Builds
Mar 14, 2016, 03:03 PM
I said pointless, I never said useless.   I also followed it up with the point that there are builds that make it work.   In the end however, it is a sacrifice of ability for RP.   It doesn't do anything better.   It's the same as a str based Bladesinger using a longswrod vs a dex using a rapier.    Both can work, but the longsword user will always be playing catch up.    But if it's the PC's character concept, go for it and I'll help build it.

And for the record, I'm never against builds that do something for RP purpose.   I only point things out cause often I've had people ask why something didn't work not understanding what they where doing wrong.   If a player knows they are sacrificing something for Rp they can normally lessen the impact the choice has on a toon's IG ability.   But if they have no idea, they often end up unhappy with the character.   That is what I want to avoid if possible.    
Ask the Staff Anything / Cleric Builds
Mar 14, 2016, 11:53 AM
Dex based clerics = pointless.    Yes you can make one for Rp purpose, but a good cleric of whatever his name father of elves carries a longsword and lays about with it to defend elven people.    As far as building, 9th level spells and the rest is taste.   Due to their spells clerics are one of the easiest classes to build, and have some of the most options for preferences without making them awful.    All this said, if for some reason you're rp is based around the dex based cleric there are two builds for it that are doable, but won't take off until level 16ish for the most part.    I always love building Rp concepts, so if you want any help juicing one up let me know.

For Chaos!    -Rebel    
Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Jan 04, 2016, 09:28 AM
Not the best at finding things that fit Elf, but I really liked this one for him.
Pfft. if you need expertise to hit 70 talk to meh and I will fix yous.    Seriously though, while Dex builds might lack dmg, thanks to CD you have a million ways to cause dmg without high strength