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Messages - dagesh

Entertain ME!  Dance my entertainment monkeys!
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
Jun 01, 2014, 05:54 PM
My hin would love to appear effortless to everyone.
General Discussion / Ninja Looting
Jun 01, 2014, 02:34 PM
All I know is the spawns were there before I hit the regular spawn triggers.  I've not seen it since and much of it was near the beginning.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before...someone could have run OUT of the cave spawning things in in the process.  DERP on ME
Player Announcements / Vacation
May 31, 2014, 09:00 PM
Well crap.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 08:59 PM
ThayanKnight Avatar
Like Trylo, I am opposed to it. Your theory about "trying it" assumes that we haven't and from what I've  read, most of us have and still have our respective opinions, so what is the desired result from the experiment?
So it's been tried on CD?

As an aside, if we're talking about other servers, I've been on others where hiding said information was not the initial case and when implemented, went swimmingly.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 08:05 PM
dAngel, if you desire to contribute, rant away.  I think we're having a great conversation here.

I'm not posting here in any personal way at all.  I have full respect for everyone posting here and in fact I have had fantastic RP with most everyone here (if not it's because my brain sucks at working). If I didn't like this server and the people who play here I would not be here.

Here's a question, would everyone here support a try at this for a time?  Another way to put that is, does anyone object to trying this out here on CD?
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 07:57 PM
It's the support of voluntary OOC information overall, methinks.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 07:36 PM
The most destructive, most damaging, and most frustrating forms of metagaming all come from OOC interaction between other players.  Hiding a few numbers isn't going to do much beyond inconvenience people.  What are you so afraid of?  Challenge ratings?  What do those apply to, PvP?  I haven't seen meaningful PvP on CD since 2011.

This is the gist of what I am saying.  Since you do not find the display of such things very important (see above; i.e. mere inconvenience and PvP hasn't been meaningful) than wouldn't those players who find such changes integral be considered more so?  So if hiding things doe not bother you, why make it any big deal overall? Secondly, perhaps PvP might be more meaningful here since it hasn't been so during the course of revealing CR and such.

The question remains the same: will this change affect your RP.  According to you, trylobyte, unless I am mistaken, the answer is no. Am I wrong?
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 07:06 PM
Garage Trashcan Avatar
Not Batman Avatar
I say we stop beating the dead horse with this topic. By the way, it's not a horse, that is a dog. Stop hitting it.
At this point, I'm in agreement here. The admins have heard all of the sides of the argument and it's incredibly unlikely you will persuade anyone else to your side. Both sides have selfish arguments ("I am directly affected by this even though 95% of others haven't been") and more general arguments.

The admins will let us know when they come to a decision if they're going to change it or not. That, or just make a poll with no posting permissions and we can anonymously vote on the topic if that'll sway their decision at all.
It's easy to throw around percentages here even though I understand it's for rhetoric.  What you call "selfish" is in itself a generalization that what people want/expect from the CR (and other) changes is for selfish reasons.  I would wager that people arguing for or against is not so much selfish as it is for the betterment of the server.  I think we all know that it's up to the Admins but they themselves have said that they are not set in stone any any number of topics.  Thus a change as this is certainly open for dialogue and logical discussion.

So, having said that, if any oppose any changes to the CR/effects/whatnot, will it affect your RP?  This, in my opinion, is the crux.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 06:51 PM
*bangs both horse and dead*

Seeing as the topic continues to resurrect, I'd hardly call it completely dead.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 06:38 PM
trylobyte, would removing the CR/effects/class list on log in change your RP experience?  I ask the same of ThayanKnight.

edit: and if it did, how so?
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 05:21 PM
There seems to be two arguments that are considering two different issues. One says they want a change because it directly and negatively impacts RP. Therefore it is a direct RP impact.   The other one says they don't like a change for a various reasons (no more rules, OOC info already exists). In this second case, there is no direct RP impact in a positive sense.  It still comes down to this, will it affect your fun (RP)?  If changing CR/Log in/Effects doesn't, great! This change will have little impact on your fun and that is the high aim of this server.  If changing these things does have a large impact, perhaps it's worth trying.

It's my opinion (what do people say about those?) that those who oppose the CR/Effect/Login-change has little to do w/ an overall effect on RP but more for convenience (ie finding a group to run a dungeon with).  Those who prefer a change claim it does in fact have an effect. Thus we could greatly improve someone's RP while this change would have little impact on the RP of others.
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
May 31, 2014, 10:25 AM
The fact that this comes up often also reveals something.  Here's another thread from about a year ago:

Even if someone wanted to avoid seeing a CR, if you want to read a PC's bio, it's right there at the top.  Effects you can get away with not seeing.

From what I understand here are the pros for having visible CR, character levels, effects:
-Easy to party up
-Easy to distribute loot
-Reveals NPC difficulty
-It colors RP
-Info is already provided on the forums in journals and diaries
-Losing gold on death can be rough
-Players should focus on the fun

And the cons of having visible CR, character levels, effects:
-The work load for changing over
-Hampers RP
-Reveals evil class easily
-Examining CR on NPCs doesn't help as they are already up in your business.
-Info posted on the forums is governed by poster where CR and the like are not
-There is an OOC dungeon guide
-Penalty of first death is only gold

Here's one major rule of thumb; will this affect your roleplay? If you want to keep CR and answer no to this question then it's a moot point.  Instead of simply saying, "Just don't meta." why not support those this is affecting?  If you are not affected either way then let's support those people this does affect.  Since the philosophy of the server is to promote fun, let's do that.  It might include removing the CR, effects, and levels in the log in screen (which I can send all the information to change it in a about a minute).

I say give it a try for a bit. See what life is like without a CR, effects, and the like for a bit. It's been revealed on CD for years.  Why not give the other side a try?
Player Announcements / Vacation!
May 30, 2014, 04:42 PM
What she doesn't know is I am going to put the car in neutral, roll it down the hill, jump out and send her on her way.  By the time she gets back I'll be level 30 on at least 8 PCs.
Suggestions Archive / Pickpocket
May 30, 2014, 04:37 PM
So, after playing around with this I think I found a fix.

First, this needs to be downloaded and installed properly:

I recommend using the following in the nwnx.ini file for the settings:
CriticalHit=0 ;Enable the ciritcal hit modifications (see inc_cool)
QuickChat=0 ;Enable the quickchat event
BNC=0 ;Enable the client connection event
PartyBug=0 ;Enable party action queue break hook (see inc_cool)
RemoveEffect=0 ;Enable remove effect hook (see inc_cool)
SR=0 ;Enable spell resistance hook
ALL=0 ;Enable everything
WriteToLogFile=0 ;Hook write to logfile to print to console, if 0 no console is created
TogglePauseState=0  ;Enable pause hook
weapon_hook=0 ;Enable weaponry hooks (see inc_cool)
Rand=0 ;Override nwns stanard random
GetCasterLevel=0 ;Enable casterlevel to be modified see inc_cool
CastSpell=0 ;Enable cast-spell event
ItemCastSpell=0 ;Enable item cast hook
Polymorph=0 ;Enable polymorph event
UseSkill=1 ;Enable use skill event
UseFeat=0 ;Enable use feat event
ToggleMode=0 ;Enable togglemode event
DevCrit=0 ;Enable dev crit event/critical hit
SpecialAttack=0 ;Enable special attack event
RemoveCombatInvisibility=0 ;Enable remove combat invis event (this runs alot)
AC=0 ;Enable AC override hook (see inc_cool)
AB=0 ;Same as above but for AB
ConsoleOnly=0 ;Print nwnx_cool to the console
RandomBuffer=1000 ;Randomized buffer array length
GuiTimingEvent=0 ;Enable timing bar event
CanLevelUp=0 ;Enable levelup overrides (see inc_cool)
AttackOfOpportunity=0 (hook attack of oppertuniy, 1 it can be disabled ingame, 2 its disabled)
Attack=0 ;Enable attack event
Trap=0 ;Enable trigger trap events
Log=0 ;Log level
Feat=0 ;Enable feat overrides (see inc_cool)
Bridge=0 ;Enable nwnx_bridge script for external coms (quite clonky to use still)
SetPVPPlayerLikesMe=0 ;Enable pvp list change event

Third, after the scripts have been added, add in this piece of code starting at line fifty:
   else if( nEvent == 5 ){

       SendMessageToPC( oPC, "Useskill---" );
       SendMessageToPC( oPC, "Skill ID: "+IntToString( nData ) );
       SendMessageToPC( oPC, "Target: "+GetName( GetEventTarget( ) ) );

       if( nData == SKILL_PICK_POCKET )
           ByPass( 0 );
           SendMessageToPC( oPC, "You smell like cheese!" );

If course it can be modified to change people's cheesy smell to, perhaps, receiving gold or what not.  There are a plethora of things nwnx_cool can modify.  For example, dev crit, spell castings, and more.  Believe me it is uber and over-uber.