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Messages - theotherkip

I'd like to thank everyone who has been dealing with Logarti, but an extra special shout out to Thane. Poor, poor Thane.

I really should be listing more people here. But thank you all.

haha that is terribly fun. 

I didn't realize there was a forum for the Sunites. Should probably toss Tulir in there.
I do love playing a Sunite. Its tricky and fun. Playing a lawful one is even more so!

General Discussion / A small Accident
Nov 28, 2014, 04:21 AM
Aw they called you old. *hugs*

Your item has been passed to me! Hit me up for it ^_^ *thumbs up*

Logarti! - *could probably keep rambling here forever but doesn't want to spoil everything*

-He is less truly chaotic then he seems at times. Most of what he does is based off something he has learned to do or not do ICly.
-He very much was born on Toril and gets nervous about planar traveling. It embarrasses him that he knows very little about it and gets scared... which embarrasses him more. He learns slowly which adds to the fear he will just die doing something ignorant on one.
-He isn't overly fond of sugary things, but adores honey. It was exceptionally rare for him to have and one of the few things he doesn't over think when he has it.
-The only make up he wears is on his toes. Gold lacquered on. Any other make up, particularly lipstick alarms him.
-His attraction to deals doesn't fully come from his tainted blood, or he would make better ones! (I hope)
-He does stupid things brilliantly. Wisdom isn't his strength.
-He was going blind for a long time. Its why he had light up so often and identified people by their clothing. It was something that greatly panicked him and he thought was divine punishment which only made it worse.
-Doesn't do well in locked places without an escape.
-Highly respects and values faith, even the ones he disagrees with.
-Tends to calm down when he is warmer. Cold makes him (more) cranky or guarded.
-When he learns he tries to revaluate and it changes him. He is ever changing for better or worse.
-Studies the work of Congenio Ioun and collects Ioun stones and gets excited seeing them. He fantasizes someday he will be able to make one. He wants to find a meteor for it.
-When he gets addicted to something it hits hard and takes a lot to not slip (sedatives, plane of radiance, blood..)
-Works to let things go, the mountains of clothes he amasses, trinkets, perceived slights, anger, shame. (always encumbered or factually out of room in his bag. I keep trying to clear it... some!)
-Tries to not wear red overly often because he thinks it gives people the idea he is up to dark things, and doesn't wear red robes ever.
-Tries not to get intimidated by far more knowledgeable wizards, which is most of them. He is a bit ashamed at his lack of knowing what many do, but pushes on.
-He is superstitious! Knows he shouldn't be but super is.
-If he is not in his form he is generally in the one of a dragon. When super startled he used to turn into a pixie.
-Chances are if a question passes through his mind he might just ask it. (I'm so sorry)
-Tastes a lot of things. Rocks, blood, plants,... eye sockets and pissed off potentially living weapons...
-He -DOES- feel shame I swear! Just.. not on most socially expected things.
-Fears the gods taking notice of him more then the exceptionally few times he has asked, and still fears it.
-Does actually keep covered outside Stonehaven, and to a lesser extent the square in Arabel. He makes mistakes when he is drunk or really pissed off and posturing to the world, but tries to not be like that often.
-Thinks snakes are neat. Likes how they manage without limbs. Dragonflies are his insect of choice.
-Advocates going at least one day a month without using magic and does so himself. But varies the day like the paranoid person he is.
-Got in a cat fight with an actual cat, and lost. It won by getting tangled in his hair.. and pulling some out.
-Will charge in first to bleed a dragon for his spells, still is more terrified of his father.
-OOC: I made a character I wanted to see how learning from adventurers/life would turn out. I blame you all <3


-Younger then he seems! Though age/life is catching up with him. Adventuring messes you up.
-Spends a long time making clothes for people, thinking of them while he works. It is relaxing to him.
-Gets zero joy from killing. Its all just a job to him.
-Peppermint is his favorite scent in a way.
-Has a Jillian based rainbow dress. Recruited someone to work for the Flame while wearing it. No he does not like to wear dresses. He doesn't trust women in them either.
... resigned from the Flame once in a rainbow suit. O_o He has odd fun.
-Has started to wood carve tiny animals.
-Wears far too tight clothes to feel if someone is trying to stick something on him to scry. More people probably know the shape of his backside then his face.
-Almost stole Lala when she was a baby but returned her when he realized he couldn't feed her.
-He enjoys the sound of music. Well played and it can distract him almost fully.
-Adores Mirabell's brand of humor. Keeps him on his toes but he can relate. She brings out his playful side effortlessly. For as stunted as that side is.
-Sugar isn't his friend. The cake at the Lyre messes him up good. Gets twitchy and impulsive and very restless.
-After living hard for so long he is starting to let go and slip up. It will probably be the death of him if depression/physical problems don't get him first... or Deldur. I think Beshaba won his coin toss for life.
-Steals hair... a lot.
-Was trained to obey and protect. Coming to Arabel tossed him into a weird situation that fostered that behavior over years into obsession.
... doesn't have a compulsion to shut doors I swear! He just does a lot. Almost always. ._.'
-OOC: When I made him he was going to be colorblind and wearing yellow. Decided not to go that way and turned it instead to his favorite color!
Art & Stories / The Portrait Shop
Nov 10, 2014, 04:44 AM
I like your sketch ones! They are super cute. *always thinks but forgets to post ~_~'* The Lena one cracks me up. So her.

Art & Stories / Culinary Pictures
Oct 31, 2014, 04:57 PM
Turned out fantastic looking!
