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Messages - lb7

Probably not in everyone's humor, but since discovering the Dudesons, I have occasionally found myself in tears laughing at half the crazy shit they do. These guys are crazier then Jackass.

Suggestions Archive / Rename/Label Containers
Apr 23, 2016, 01:39 PM
ladybug Avatar
I could be mistaken, but I thought hoarding was something that had a pretty good impact on server lag and would probably be better to discourage than enable.
While there is some truth to that, that does not make trying to search through bags and find that spare wand of healing, or a different cloak for fire resist, etc, any less painful.
Off Topic / Look into the past!
Mar 24, 2016, 06:58 AM
This game reminds me of another game that I used to play... The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall. I didn't even know that the internet had existed yet when I first started this game. Those were the days. That would've been back in the 1990s, when I was still growing up.
Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Mar 08, 2016, 01:41 PM
Silvia Eleswyrd: Pendulum - Witchcraft.

Suggestions Archive / CD Dungeons
Aug 09, 2015, 03:00 PM
I understand that. I was merely putting in a perspective of some people of where they (some of the players) get this feeling of being screwed over comes from, in that there's a huge gap in the challenges of a boss, as opposed to the challenge level on the rest of the dungeon, especially when you go over the change logs and see the patterns. Granted, I can't really speak for a number of the other dungeons because I have not seen them first hand; only complaints that I cannot verify the validity of, so I won't get into them.
Suggestions Archive / CD Dungeons
Aug 09, 2015, 12:34 PM
It's worth pointing something out here, and at least one of you had already admitted to such, but if we're trying to make a dungeon reflect it's desired challenge level, it would convey a better message to some of the playerbase in general to focus on the whole picture of the dungeon, as opposed to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I can't really speak for a lot of the dungeons that are around, but speaking on the Wyvernspur crypt, it's final boss has been modified three times in the past three months (And actually, the dungeon itself has been modified even more times then that, in it's past here).

One of those modifications was a fix.

Two of those modifications was an increase in AC and HP.

Nothing has been done to really change the rest of the dungeon to reflect the desired challenges of this particular dungeon, and all of these updates and modifications are at least one month apart from each other. To me I feel that this doesn't really convey the message to people that I see posted here as it is simply more... "Oh, so and so are finishing this dungeon? Ridiculous. Let's make the end of it harder."
Suggestions Archive / CD Dungeons
Aug 08, 2015, 06:40 AM
Okay, I am not usually one to complain about challenges and all of that, I do appreciate a good challenge, but I feel that in some instances we are beginning to blur the lines between challenging and impossible. It seems like an ongoing thing, really. A dungeon gets completed by players a good number of times, it gets harder and harder. Rinse and repeat. A prime example of this is the Wyvernspur crypt at it's final boss which was given a very generous AC boost... So alright, she's able to fire off all her array of spells, there's something engaging there at least, I guess. But then when she runs out of spells and starts attacking with her staff, and you proceed to play whack the boss for 35 minutes? I could go cook a chicken dinner in the time it takes to beat her down, risk free. You just watch the screen and hope that everyone rolls high on attack bonus rolls in many rows. Now.. don't get me wrong, I understand that we're trying to encourage groups instead of soloing, and I understand that we want to have a balanced ratio of challenge vs. reward, but it just feels to me like we are catering more and more towards power builds, and the rest are being left in the dust. Now, I've really only seen the above mentioned Crypt in some of the updates, but based on what I've read in the change log, I can't imagine any of the other dungeons being much better since. Of course, I could just be going a little crazy here, but I would really hate to see this server become a place where only power builds (especially ones with ECLs) can really do anything at all.
Off Topic / How to Stop Arguing?
Aug 03, 2015, 08:12 AM
There's really only seven elixirs in Craft Wonderous items anyway (If you go by the SRD, that is). At least five of them would be hard to implement (And really they only give skill additions anyways, with the exception of the truth elixir) which just leaves the elixir of fire breath and elixir of true sight. Elixirs made from that feat don't get anymore powerful then that, unless we're going by a different table... but this debate is probably for another thread entirely.
Player Announcements / Awayness
Jul 24, 2015, 08:35 PM
One-hawt-woman-show I might add. ;p

Best of luck with your move, we'll be here and around when you get'cherself setup.
Player Announcements / Potential Goodbye
Jul 05, 2015, 04:03 PM
I may have only had maybe a handful of times of RPing with you, but... I'd definitely miss seeing you about if things took a turn for the worse. Hope things work out for you.
Which only further confuses myself. :P

But that's nothing new on my part. That's what happens when I think too deeply on things!
Try only writing down the name you actually introduce to people!... Like normal people do. ;p
Player Announcements / Taking break
Jun 25, 2015, 07:42 PM
Oh teh noes.

Whatever will we do!?
Player Announcements / Taking break
Jun 25, 2015, 07:23 PM
I can understand this myself, as I've had similar feelings awhile back which made me take on the thinking of "screw it" before stepping back and taking a breather from it all. I still haven't even regained 100% motivation myself, but a break has done wonders for me to take a step back and realize that it's really nothing to be all that stressed about.

Take it easy, man. CD isn't going anywhere anytime soon.