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Messages - nether

As the title says, I have three questions about fey'ri PCs on CD that are different from PnP, as far as I am aware, and I am mostly curious if they were made on purpose or were oversights.

1. Ability adjustments

Fey'ri PCs on CD currently receive an ability adjustment of +4 INT, -2 CON. This is different from PnP, unless I am wholly mistaken, where they would get +2 DEX, +2 INT and -2 CON. "Faces of Elves" also acknowledges this:

"Statistical Adjustments: For fey'ri, they have elven traits but ability adjustments replaced with +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Constitution. They are quick and intelligent due to the mixed blessing of their fiendish blood, but their inbreeding over time has withered their constitution. Fey'ri are natural shapeshifters who can change their form to any humanoid close to their size. Individual fey'ri adopt abilities dependent on their bloodline. Races of Faerûn has a full list of the traits one can pick. Our system has all fey'ri as the +3 ECL ones in abilities, but with an adjusted ECL of +2, for balancing purposes." (Faces of Elves, page 114)

2. Elven Blood

In PnP, fey'ri would get an ability called "Elven Blood", that would make them be treated as Elves for all abilites, items and PrCs that check for race, despite being native outsiders. "Faces of Elves", once again, confirms this, saying:

"For the purpose of being read by elvish wards, fey'ri and other planetouched elves also still read as elves, making the threat the Daemonfey pose all the more dangerous." (Faces of Elves, page 113)

I understand it is likely impossible to program this into NWN but a simple mention of this under "RP abilities" on their wiki article would do the trick of informing players and DMs that this ability exists. If it is wanted and not omitted on purpose.

3. Wings

Fey'ri are often depicted with wings and do gain flying movement in PnP. Faces of Elves also depicts a winged fey'ri as an example of their kind (Faces of Elves, page 110). Yet their write up on the wiki, formerly the forums, does not grant them the Wing widget.