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Messages - FirstManDeparted

What started it.

Player Announcements / Where I've Been
Apr 19, 2016, 04:31 PM
First wanted to apologize to Edge for missing both of the PD quest with the goblins when I said I would make both of them.  I've been stressed out with work/finding a new job, which saps most of my energy by the time I get home.  I have also focused another portion of my time on trying to lose weight, which has me going to the gym four days out of the week in the evenings.  That all being said, I am going to try and make more time to get back into the swing of things on the server, as I've missed the RP greatly  :)

Hope to see everyone soon enough.

Player Announcements / Reduced Playtime
Jul 27, 2014, 02:01 PM
As the title says, I am not going to be logging onto the server as much as I was.  I may get on from time to time or if someone needs something from my characters.  I have Skype and Steam if anyone wishes to get a hold of me.  :)

Steam: BHammer
Off Topic / Who are you ?
Feb 18, 2014, 04:42 PM
Have to go with LE.
The only character I can recall basing them off someone is Cass.  I based her off of Kid from Chrono Cross