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Messages - oarthias

Player Announcements / Computer Asploded
Jun 06, 2014, 06:45 AM
Boo to the explosion. *huggles* Hope it gets sorted out soon. :)
Suggestions Archive / Remove OOC information
Jun 02, 2014, 06:12 PM
Frankly I thought it nice that most of them can't be seen anymore. Less christmas tree glowing on my screen which causes lag city.
Player Announcements / Vacation
May 31, 2014, 02:38 PM
And back home again.
Player Announcements / Vacation!
May 30, 2014, 06:59 PM
Don't leave us with the halflings!!!

*huggles* Have a great vacation you two.
Suggestions Archive / Pickpocket
May 30, 2014, 08:51 AM
I was going to say, they are able to take items. It isn't limited to small items either. Anything outside of a container seems to be free to grab. DM story plot items included.

I don't think it is rolling spot checks for the other people in the area either, as I see anything taken from me, but when it's the person standing beside me, I'm not spotting it.
Player Announcements / A bit absent
May 30, 2014, 08:47 AM
You really should look into making that a RL spell. I'd pay you for some scrolls of that. :) *huggles*
Player Announcements / Vacation
May 27, 2014, 07:29 AM

Just a heads up, I will be visiting family this week. I'll still check the forums and such but obviously my in game time will be limited. If you do need me in game for something please send me a message and I can likely arrange something during the later EST hours. *huggles* Everyone have a wonderful, safe, drama llama free week. 
Glad to have you back too Twitchy. :)
What a mouthful of a topic title. :) 

I was excited to see that a root travel system had made it's way into the server in my time away. However it seems to be in need of an overhaul to make it a bit more functional to travel instead of the odd roundabout way that it works now. This would be something in which Nonee or myself would be happy to help implement/build as well. 

The idea is for us to be able to chose the end location for us to be able to travel to. More like the teleport system in a sense. We could keep it where you can only use the system by only having select trees in which we can travel from and to.... or we could make it where a widget activates a temporary hole in the ground that would take you to a "root cellar" a place in which we choose the root of the end location of our choosing. The root cellar room would likely be the easiest to up date from time to time as the server expands, but we could also have it so we have to type in a location key like teleport system. 

Places in which we are hoping for the root system to take us....
Mielikki's Craddle
Mielikki's Shrine
The Chauntean temple in the mountains
Hunter's Down
The Giants
Starlight Grove
King's Forest

I'm pretty doped up on meds atm, so I hope that made sense. Also if I put this in the wrong forums, please move it to the correct one. :) 

Off Topic / The Fail Cap
May 20, 2014, 01:38 PM

Off Topic / Post a Picture of Yourself!
May 19, 2014, 06:31 PM

Several years old but still one of my favorite, I was really bored moments. :)
Off Topic / The Fail Cap
May 18, 2014, 09:13 AM
I've got to dig it out of the screenie folder and post that today...
I've had a blast so far coming back to the server. RPing with the old gang and laughing my ass off as well as meeting new folks to interact with. Thank you everyone. *huggles* :)
Off Topic / OMGWTFBBQ Gaming Mamas?!
May 11, 2014, 01:40 PM
Happy Mother's day from one mom to the others. :) *huggles*
Player Announcements / DONE
May 11, 2014, 07:19 AM
Congrats. :)