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Messages - MadPhase

Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 30, 2014, 03:19 PM
I've never really tried before. I've mostly just amused myself with making shops and pubs and basically playing the Sims meets NWN.

How hard could it be?
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 29, 2014, 10:07 PM
Good news:  I have them (almost 100% Certain)
Bad News: They're on my currently fried computer and Ill need a mobo before I can access that again.

So probably better to go on with dagesh's plan and let me know what and when I can help :)

More over: Thank you guys so much for looking into this! I wish I could be of more help, but beyond making creatures, designing fancy interior areas and quest writing I'm pretty useless.
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 29, 2014, 12:58 PM
In addition, a version of the custom summoning system may be in one of these files. SoT basically posted their whole script/mod/hakpack/custom systems when they took down the server, and they're okay with them being used so long as credit is given:
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 29, 2014, 12:49 PM
Sounds pretty awesome!
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 29, 2014, 10:22 AM
But would a template make actual sense? It's better than nothing, but if we're summoning an elemental, for instance, how do we add its particular strengths and weaknesses. Basically, what would be the benefit of summoning x over y in situation abc?

If your template does allow for that [Sorry, my scripting understanding is next to nothing for this game] then awesome!
If any help is required in actually building the creatures, or picking which types of creatures we use, definitely let me know :) I wouldn't mind taking the next few days to brain storm. I literally have nothing on my plate until Saturday when I move. So, distractions/projects would be a nice escape from the monotony :P
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 28, 2014, 09:26 PM
If it's not hard and only time consuming, count me in. I'm pretty good at focusing on time consuming repetitive tasks.
I mean, to start there could be a Nature-y Tome, which is just a better version of all the Nature-y Creatures. An Elemental Tome, which offers a Fire, Water, Air, and Earth type elemental for each level, and then a Wizard tome, which offers random Planar type monsters (Upper, Mid, and Lower) for each summon.

Or if thats too hard/much we can cut that down a bit.
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 28, 2014, 07:25 PM
Understood; I know a few other servers had them, though I can't even begin to understand how I would pull them out of the haks (I still have the hak packs for pretty much every server I've ever played on, and the builder kits for at least 3 [They are now non existent so I'm not sure it would even be an issue]). If it's just a matter of making and balancing different creatures for each book, I could probably come up with it and do it if someone showed me how to do one. I have loads of free time to mess with it.
I just wanted to thank everyone IC and OOC for the welcome I've gotten over the past couple of days. I can't really remember a server where so many people asked if I needed help and offered to answer any questions I had :)

Thanks for being so nice.
Suggestions Archive / Custom Summons
Apr 28, 2014, 11:24 AM
So, I asked around and did a quick search for this and didn't come up with anything so I thought I'd ask:

Would it be possible to get the customized summon books that exist(ed) on other servers set up here? 
They don't have to be as crazy as the ones I've seen on other servers, that let you summon from all across the planes. They can be brought down to meet whatever Magic level of the setting we're trying to uphold here. I can even help to put some of it together, even if its just testing and designing the creatures (I'm not really good at scripting, but I'm sure I can at least find the scripts for you).

Off Topic / Hallo!
Apr 27, 2014, 10:23 AM
Can I be mad and insane? :)
Also, just in case my avatar didn't make it obvs:
GSID is IDreamofDaleks. Find me :D
Off Topic / Hallo!
Apr 26, 2014, 07:41 PM
So...I don't think I've ever played here before, but I've honestly played so much NWN that I don't remember.

Anyway, Hello. Got bitten by the NWN bug. Again. For the umpteenth time, and it was tough finding a server that's actually still alive. I'm glad I've found one that's firmly Forgotten Realms based that's still kickin' though! I can't wait to get to roll up a new character :3 Working on the concept and a few other things now.

Look forward to seeing you all in game. I probably know some , or a lot of you, or not. I don't know. I last really played over two years ago over at Cormanthor so..who knows anything. :3

EDIT:  Oh, we're going to have to resize that signature, or remove it or something. Sorry.