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Messages - metrognome

Well. First off. Let me say I wasn't trying to point out any names or throw anyone under the bus. I was just offering a reminder to the player base as a whole so that no one else was put in the same uncomfortable position. Since we're pointing out specifics let me be clear.

1. IC is IC and that's fine. No I don't remember Piyale from before but Billy's crude jokes and low-brow leanings can sour those who don't understand him and I accept that in RP. I understand that not all of my characters will be beloved by all. I've never gotten upset about the various IC reactions to Billy. Even this one. The problem arose when he was repeatedly called out as a bad person for not having been around.

2. Billy never said anything negative about nobles. He only pointed out that he ISN'T running. He has always been my go-to character for lighthearted, drama-free RP.

3. Billy never EVER offered any sort of physical violence. The extent of the conversation was (in loose paraphrasing):

"*arrives* Oh. We're talking about elections? Someone mentioned I should run but I'm not interested."
"No one would vote for you. You're a bad person for having been gone."
"Uh ok. *shrugs* That's kinda strange."
"What good have you done lately?"
"Whatever. I'm leaving. *leaves*"

Anything else you got into with other people is up to you and them.

4. I don't need you to change your IC reaction towards me. I'm a big boy and a long time RPer that can role with whatever happens. I wanted to help people remember that not everyone can devote all the hours they'd like so that hopefully no one has this sort of awkward situation that can detract from their immersion.

Edit: And as far as taking a deep breath I should be clear. I'm not angry or upset. I wasn't making this thread to call anyone out on their behavior. I am perfectly calm and just trying to help the next guy.
Hello everyone. I am also recently returned. Happy to see so many familiar faces. Looking forward to good times with old friends and new ones.
Thanks for the responses. And trust me I did not mean to make this sound like any sort of rant. Nor did I want to demand any sort of respect or stature. I just don't want to see anyone else feeling attacked and finding it hard to justify themselves ICly for real life or other responsibilities. It stinks to think of people being alienated.
Hey guys. First let me say I'm a recently returned player and the welcome I've received has been overwhelmingly positive. It's been a pleasure and I thank you. I did have an experience last night that was a bit of a downer though and I thought that a brief reminder might prevent the same thing from happening to someone else.

Last night I was attacked ICly and told that my PC had no "quality of character" because he hadn't been around. Now while I would love to live in a world where I can devote all of my time to my hobbies there is a whole other persistent world that should remain our priority.

It might interest some people to know that during my time away from Cormyr I have:

Found out the girl of my dreams has a debilitating and incurable disease
Married her
Found out I was going to be a dad
Found out I wasn't
Changed careers
Moved across country

As you can see it's been a fairly busy time for me and I'm not willing to give up my real life for any game. No my play time isn't what I would like it to be but when you want to bully someone IC or OOC over real world responsibilities please remember they are contributing to more than one persistent world.