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Messages - nightmother

*Nods nods.* I just thought it would be an interesting thought put towards the suggestions. I know nothing of script work, or that part of the game. So you've got props from me on everything you do :D
The server did have it capped at 5 levels.
I know this is a pretty old post, and such, don't know much about scripting, or balance issues. But here's another's idea on PDK, perhaps you'll find it interesting, or flat out retarded for this sort of module.

The Purple Dragon Knight no longer exists on Amia, and has been replaced by the Knight Commander class; a party support specialist whose abilities focus on increasing ally strength and weakening enemies via auras. As with Purple Dragon Knight, the maximum level for this class is 5.

Knight Commander

"Whether it is leading the charge on a group of regal knights or cutting down fleeing victims, the Knight Commander stands forefront with a mastery over leadership, co-ordination and discipline. The Knight Commander is a shining example of why a handful of well-organised soldiers can best an army of rabble, gaining abilities to bolster his troops and control the battlefield with expert prowess. While such commanders come from many walks of life, all possess natural talent at direction and tactical supremacy."

Hit die: d10
Proficiencies: All types of armor, shields, simple and martial weapons
Skill points: 2 + int modifier
Base attack bonus: +1 levels
Primary saving throw(s): Fortitude, Will
Class skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Craft Trap, Discipline, Heal, Listen, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Ride and Taunt


BAB: +5
Feats: Skill Focus: Discipline, Toughness
Skills: Persuade 4 ranks, Taunt 4 ranks, Discipline 8 ranks and Lore 4 ranks


Level 1:
Barricade of Swords: Defensive Aura: Barricade of Swords creates a damage shield around all allies within the aura and allows them to shrug off a minor amount of physical damage. The shields damage is 1d10 slashing damage, +2 per Knight Commander level, +1 per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. They also gain 5% damage immunity to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, +1% per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.
Entreatment: Ability which can be used once per Knight Commander level. If they fail a Will save versus the Knight Commander's Taunt, the enemies change targets to instead attack the Knight Commander. Where used against other player characters, this feat simply causes the target to break their action queue and become flat-footed. Enemies failing their Will save are also inflicted with a -2 Attack Bonus penalty for five rounds.
Stand down: This is an unlimited feat which allows the Knight Commander to dismiss all of their auras instantly.

Level 2: Bulwark of Vigilance: Offensive Aura: Upon entering this aura, enemies lose 8% movement speed per Knight Commander level, and receive a -5 Tumble penalty multiplied by their Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. The Tumble decrease does not lower AC.

Level 3: Medicant: Defensive Aura: All allies within this aura gain +2 regeneration, which improves to +3 at 5th Knight Commander level. Allies also gain +5 Heal skill per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.

Level 4: Ordnance Support: Offensive Aura: All enemies within this aura suffer a 3% immunity decrease to acid/cold/fire/sonic/electricity per Knight Commander level. Additionally all enemies gain -2 penalty to their spell resistance per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level.

Level 5:
Vehement Charge: Defensive Aura: All allies within this aura gain immunity to blindness, charm, confusion, deafness, fear, daze, sleep, slow and stun. Allies also gain 3% movement speed increase per Charisma modifier, to a maximum of Knight Commander level. This aura also inflicts a penalty of -10 discipline to all allies.
Shield Ally: Knight Commander can shield one ally within 20 foot, giving him +4 dodge AC, while doing so the Knight Commander receives -4 to his attack. This ability may be used unlimited times per day; the Knight Commander cannot use it on himself.

NOTE: You can only have one defensive and one offensive aura active at the same time. All defensive auras have a radius of 30 foot, while offensive auras have a radius of 10 foot. All auras are infinite use with an unlimited duration.
I personally think, every single server has something too offer another. Styss, by far had, and will continue too have (RIP) the best variation of the BG class, as it was the most terribly, undermined, under done class of classic good trumps evil make ever seen. (Sorry folks, do your looking, BG is an exact mirror of the Paladin, simply called Anti-Paladin's in PnP. Gasp the idea of an evil paladin).

From Sinfar, would love too see as Thorien suggested Rapid Shot/Flurry of blows/Expertise kept in place upon moving. Maybe some of their clothing options (Excluding you know, massive horse dick, triple Z tits, and the likes. Like actual..clothes.)

Amia: Would love too see Monk's flurry working with quarter staff.

Styss/Amia: Their variation of the BG or at least some love given to them, sorry but I really find this class was undermined, under loved, and quickly whipped up as in a "Shit...we forgot too add that...scramble."

Now, the good by far out weighs the bad, as I've yet too see any server that offers the diversity outside the norm for PRC's, it's one of it's biggest sellers, other than the stellar rp that people find here. In the end, these are just the fancy buttons too an already great toy, so I'm sorry if any offense was offered.
Suggestions Archive / Assassins and traps
May 12, 2015, 09:34 AM
I always found this odd myself, not that I've done much trap disarming on this server. On previous servers, I brought it up, but they couldn't give me an answer on why my 20 levels of assassin couldn't disable traps that a fighter with 3 rogue levels too tumble/UMD dump and the odd skill points could with gear. Now that I know it's hard coded, makes me want too kick nwn in the ass for such a stupid, unfixable mistake :P
I would like to give a shout out too all whom participated within the Nevermore event last eve.
Calabask-your new character is intriguing, witty and funny.
Caoilainn- Don't know much about your character, but so far she seems too have an in depth story, with lots of mystery around her, looking forward too more rp.
Angelina- She seems down too earth, and unfortunately I don't know too much about this character either! But looking forward too more interaction.
Vlad- Other than the foreign, lovey doveyness, haven't had too much interaction as well, but knowing the player, it's going too be a fun character to have around.
Sergel- Steadfast, and thick headed, ugly too a boot, yet has a moralistic compass. I'm sure Rev and him will have interesting times.
Thorien666 (I can't remember how too spell the character's name.) I've enjoyed the friendly bickering, bumps and raises with the two, and looking forward too further interaction as more of the story unfolds.

Too anyone that I had missed, it was not my intent. Too everyone else that I have rped with outside this event, you've been great, and making the return of Rev fun too play again. It's great too feel that inspiration for your character brought on by those around.

And! I know there's another forum for it, but props too Nevermore! The Capts were awesome, and some of the villains as well. You hosted a great, adaptable scene, that seemed opened, and not restricted too a one way path.

Player Announcements / Absence
Oct 23, 2014, 08:05 AM
Hi, I'm sorry on how brief this is going to be, but I'm not going to be around for a couple days, my grandfather was given 2hrs-2 days to live so I'm going to be away for a bit. I'll likely see you whenever I get back
Guess I'll give a shout out to anyone that has been rping with Revanous of the late, it's been fun, interesting, dramatic, all in one. Kind of nice to feel the character starting to settle in, but still needs to decide on goals for himself.
Hi there, I was thinking of joining the server, and am just doing some research on the server history, classes etc. Where it says this is an high BAB class, does that mean it's full BAB like ranger/fighter etc? Just looking at aspects of four attacks per round. Lots of neat classes you can apply for, trying to decide on something like ranger/invisible blade/assassin, or rogue instead, if you can still hit the four attacks per round with the invisible blade giving 1 bab. (Sorry, I'm horrible with builds, great at ideas behind characters and story ideas etc, but never the builds to represent them.)