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Messages - gork

Suggestions Archive / Heal/Harm
Sep 03, 2014, 06:45 PM
Harm can be changed to work same way Heal does.
Suggestions Archive / Heal/Harm
Sep 03, 2014, 05:55 PM
So if you are undead - f.e. Druid in changed shape harm is supper effective heal and Heal is not so effective way of harming you...
Suggestions Archive / Heal/Harm
Sep 03, 2014, 04:11 PM
Well it should work this way - it's same spell basically, just based on different energy. How do they work now if I may ask?
Another problem with it is pushing someone in to a trap - Kuttner died today thanks to it, it's not a problem for most but - well many scrolls where used, 1 minute later, trap, dead, and all over again. I am fine if it was me who was careless and stepped on it but random death is not exactly most fun experience. 

I am not saying it have to be turned off or anything, just adding one more thing that may bother someone. 
Off Topic / I freaking love DnD 5E.
Aug 24, 2014, 09:08 AM
thorien Avatar
Meh, maybe we just have a different definition of tabletop RPG, or maybe I have ill luck for it. I'd agree with your statement about tabletops in general, but most of them are sold as RPG, but lack... roleplay. ;)

pnp game can't really lack role play, there is non there in the first place, what you get are set of rules, image of a setting. All else depends on the people playing it, you can have as much role play as you want even with D&D. You can use even first ed. of D&D for it, or anything else. You should know how much of a role play focused freak I am Thorien, so even if I had most fun playing around WoD and all the other things, I assure you I did also quite decent things in Cyberpunk with its flat black & white world - talking about rpg I also often refer it as to games of imagination, as that's the only thing that actually limits you and what you want to do with it. For example if you look on Legend of Five Rings there is not much there to 'support' role play, set of rules, some lore - only question is what and how you want to do it. So at the end its you who chose if RPG means Roll Playing Game or Role Playing. 
Off Topic / Anyone remember these?
Aug 23, 2014, 03:57 PM

J. Kuttner - more or less...
Off Topic / I freaking love DnD 5E.
Aug 21, 2014, 08:47 AM
In defense of new edition. Never liked D&D... well maybe I did when I was 15, had to know it as RP Games are my hobby and were also part of my work, and I enjoyed few PC games made based on DnD - but whatever they did with it in 4th E made me overlook it - ignore - and erase it from my mind as something that never happened (did the same for 1,2,3rd episode of Star Wars). So it may be to soon, maybe they need money or they want to atone for what they did - either way I am fine with it as it'll be hard to do what they did once again.

And no - don't want to start discussion over how good/amazing/bad/crappy DnD is - it just my opinion of it and it'll not change, I am not thickheaded but I spent a lot of time with it and quite a few other pnp games and this is what I think of it.

Looking forward to 5th.
Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Aug 16, 2014, 03:45 PM
I would love to keep this one short, but I found it hard to pick a one song for Jack. So, i'll put a few of them here, and I had some trouble keeping list this short. 

First of all tribute to his early days in a land fare away from Cormyr: 

Next a bit of black paint sloshed over the world: 

And now something to heat it all up: