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Messages - ermmm

Compared to skill point investment and a dice roll, the +x part of a healing kit is not really significant. 9 hitpoints on a 100 hp character is nothing really, and if it was crucial for the survival of a front-line epic tank with several hundred, well.. something went badly wrong. +1 kits are fine. +10 kits are an overpriced waste. [/opinion]

Shame there was no skill mastery feat for healing...
Type any single character, hit backspace and then ctrl+v.

I'm not sure why pasting will not work for you, though.
Thanks RJ, for a great fairytale adventure (and all the players involved also, it was fun).

I would offer my thoughts, as a relatively new arrival to the server. Somehow I think that would be a 'bad idea' (tm).
Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Sep 10, 2014, 07:43 AM
So yeah. This. (If Max was human sized)

Off Topic / Character Theme Song, version 3.0
Sep 08, 2014, 05:22 PM
Haha! Yes!

Or.. this.
Off Topic / Best local signs
Aug 31, 2014, 11:36 PM
Not quite the same, but there is a nursery near me called 'Horn End'.

Nothing more to say about that..