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Messages - gooch

Just wanted to give a general thank you to everyone I've been roleplaying with lately.  It's been fun to hop back into Ezra's character and interact with so many people again.  We all go through creative burnout and need breaks, but it's been great to be back with such inviting and interesting people.

Special shout outs: Marion- Ezra was an only child so he likes being called brother and their fun yin-yang relationship feels a lot like interacting with my real brothers.

                            Mouse- Always fun to roleplay with you!  I've never had a time when I didn't enjoy roleplaying with your characters.  Youse da best, buddy! (She'll get the reference)

                            Minami- I've enjoyed Ezra's conversations with Minami.  She's a fun combination of serious and playful at the same time.  Ezra is never sure how to take her.

                            Syrianne- I've quite enjoyed roleplaying with you as well.  Syrianne is fun for Ezra to observe with equal parts curiosity and infatuation.  He likewise enjoys her contrast of                                                       super serious magister to master kitty petter in more comfortable settings.

Thanks again, everyone.
Off Topic / CD the Movie - Casting Call
Apr 08, 2020, 04:02 PM
While I make no claims to be anywhere near as funny as Ryan Reynolds, I think it would be awesome if he played Ezra in the movie.  I'd post a picture, but everyone knows what Ryan Reynolds looks like.
Off Topic / CD the Movie - Casting Call
Dec 23, 2013, 03:13 PM
  The Bean    I always sort of pictured Gabe as a much younger Sean Bean as Eddard Stark