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Messages - satellitemind

General Discussion / Active player factions
Apr 09, 2015, 12:57 AM
A faction with a lot of members in it preferably
General Discussion / Active player factions
Apr 08, 2015, 10:41 PM
What are the active player factions on this server these days? Wanting to join one
Lots of new updates

Developmental Roadmap:
Shards Online: A chat with project lead Derek 'Supreem' Brinkmann
Shards Online: Modding 101 - Simple Custom Behaviors

Modding 101 - Templates and World Objects
Latest Community Roundtable

A couple interviews with the lead developer
Suggestions Archive / Sending system
Apr 04, 2015, 11:16 PM
No, more like City of Arabel and Escape from the Underdark. You pay an NPC gold and than speak a message of your choosing, upon clicking confirm the message is broadcasted server wide. Was great for getting parties together or letting folks know when something of consequence was going down.
Suggestions Archive / Sending system
Apr 04, 2015, 11:02 PM
Coming from a PW that featured one of these I have to say they were very useful in facilitating players coming together espicially during hours when few folks were online, given the size of the server I would suggest adding a similar system. Definitely very helpful
Off Topic / City of Arabel
Apr 04, 2015, 08:14 PM
Anyone come from the NWN PW server City of Arabel? I played there for the majority of my time on NwN but its changed beyond recongition thus I can't find myself enjoying the environment but still care about the community there.
Your mistaken on the custom assets; Shards does and will allow players to design and import them into their worlds. As for hosting player servers you are half right; you will need citadel's service if you wish to host a Cluster which is a series of shards linked together like an MMO. However, players can host single Shards on their computers should they choose. Like NWN depending on your computer specs also determines how big of a world you can have
Links fixed sorry
This would be good news; however considering that Obsidian botched NWN2 I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same with this. Not to mention though I of course can't be 100% sure with this one but it probably won't be as flexible as Shards Online will be when it comes to modding, almost every single aspect of this game will be changable since very few things will be hard coded. Unless Obsidian announces anything within the next year than by the time they do Shards will be well established providing that it is sucess. The graphics would have to be amazing because unless they pull a rabbit out of their hat I don't think it will have as high level of customization as this will.
If you were dissapointed with Neverwinter Nights 2  than you should celebrate as Shards Online is looking like the best spiritual successor  that we have seen in a long time. It will allow you to build your own custom online worlds aka Shards and host them either individually or together in the form of clusters. In addition to the high level of customization you will also have the ability like in Neverwinter to act as a DM and control world events. A dev has already confirmed that it would be possible to write a ruleset based off of the D20 system. You can learn more about the game via the Kickstarter page which has ended a day ago but you can still get acess to the alpha/prealpha by donating through Paypal though that ends in about 6 hours. If it reaches 10k we will have character customization in the alpha which would be quite nifty. Lets hope for the best

Relevant Links
<--- Kickstarter page  <--- Paypal Pledge Page   <--- Developer's Youtube Channel <---Forums
Off Topic / May the Force be with me
Dec 16, 2014, 05:54 AM
New Jedi Order series personally