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Messages - disapprovingmother

acleverpun Avatar
My thanks to Alexandra (disapprovingmother), Rossel (JolenaOgden) and Shaan (Eredrule) for making my first foray onto this server very enjoyable!

It was fun, and actually that was my first time back on the server in a long while, so thanks to everyone who has RP'ed with Alexandra Hohlenberg and her triumphant return back to Arabel *crickets*
Alexandra Hohlenberg

- most of the rings on her fingers are purely decorative, but a couple actually have meaning
- despite appearances, she actually enjoys housework to some extent but she'd never admit it. It actually calms her down sometimes.
- despite the housework, she has never, ever, ever cooked a meal in her life. The thought terrifies her.
- like most Tethyrites, she considers the number five unlucky.

Just want to say hi and thank you to everyone who's RP'ed  put up with my PC, Alexandra Hohlenberg. I've enjoyed the RP and the diverse array of welcomes she's received--and the very welcoming attitude I've personally received from many of you.

In particular, a shout-out to Estara (Amalgrim) for some great RP and being VERY helpful OOC, to Annael (lazycat) for agreeing to the thankless task of being Alexandra's assistant (score!) and Alexander (RockSolid) for....well, basically, not wanting to strangle least not yet. As well as to everyone who greeted her on her first night in town with the Rat King. Good times, good times....

Look forward to meeting everyone!