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Messages - twilightfox

I want to say thanks to everyone who's interacted with Aolis (Fox), Cala (Vixen), Bemossed (Fox) and Bree (Vixen, be that in direct contact or just in passing or through stories told by others.  Regardless of how close the interaction is or how antisocial a character is, everyone that keeps to IC makes the server what we all want from a RP server.

On a completely unrelated note but I wanted to post a kudo's to the dev team, because the area design on the server is amazing.  It's been a long time since I've seen area's so well done that creep me out and immerse me so well that I want to just continuously explore with Vixen while RPing adventurers who just want to adventure and explore.

So again, Kudo's to all of you for making this place what it is.