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Messages - germanblangs

Player Announcements / goodbye
Jan 30, 2014, 05:34 PM
I've had a lot of fun on the server, but now the anger that is generated on this server far outweighs any fun I was getting out of it.  So I'm leaving.  I have asked to be permanently banned so that I am no longer tempted to return as well.


As far as I remember, there are 3 tier 4 tower shields.... basic +4, the Shield of the Dragonslayer, and the Shield of Dis which is LE only.  As for tier 5, I can't handle any area that drops epic loot, so I have no idea.  But one can only surmise that there are, indeed, +5 tower shields out there.

And actually, 1 AC can get you killed very quickly.
Telephone game then.  Jhalara has a completely different reason for finding the EV than everyone else.  Thank you all for helping clear this up.  I should have just made this ooc post over a month ago, and probably in a lighter tone.

And thank you Daph for offering up your services.
While we are releasing the secrets of dwarven and elven war colleges to the lesser races, why don't we do away with alignment restrictions too?

Dwarves get DD because they are tough as all holy hell and train for decades underground in full plate to get that distinction.  It's perverse to think humans could ever do that.

But why not?  I think halflings are just as tough as dwarves, and elves are by far superior when it comes to being a dwarven defender.
So then all the EV that attacked the orphanage were killed?  If there are others in the Hullack, that is completely seperate?  Is it known to the general populace which of the adventurers killed the elves?

If there are no EV in the Hullack, then we can just forget it all and go on like there was never a threat, only rumors and hearsay.

Who was involved in the Hullack incident DMwise?
Myself and several others have been rping that the EV were implicated in the attack.  I was led to believe that elves were involved and slaughtered by PC's because of this attack.  But none of us have been able to confirm from anyone involved what the fuck is going on.  We've been running with this for well over a month now and we can't get any straight answers.

Who was involved with the rp around the attack on the orphanage?  What the fuck happened?  Was it really the eldreth veluuthra or not?  If it's not, then we can put this to rest.  If it was, then we'd like to be able to move forward.  There are several people trying to do something with this and it's frustrating to us to have this rp built up but we can't get anything confirmed.

What the hell is going on?  Can someone or several someone's that were involved speak to the incident or point us towards those that actually know what the hell is going on?  We have elves trying to rp meeting the EV, elves wanting to join then or hide them, and other races that would rather just kill them all.  We even have elves that refuse to go to Velethuil because the EV are supposedly out there.  Will someone please help us out with some answers.
Player Announcements / Gone for a bit
Jan 13, 2014, 01:06 PM
Toronto.... that's the problem right there.  Canada has to import all it's internets.  Oddly enough, you have an Eatonville nearby and so do I....

Hope you find a previously untapped wellspring of internet soon.
Just so that i'm being clear, when i say it's dispelling itself, I mean it fucking unsummoned itself.... again.  Hard to depend on your summons for aid when they are using greater dispelling on area effects and unsummoning themselves.  Especially in gnolls.
Well crap.  Take it easy.  We'll see you when we see you.  But I hope it's sooner rather than later or never.  
That's the first one I tried it on when it popped up in the middle of a quest with other spawned rabid werewolves.
I tried turning the wererats in the sewers and after 4-5 attempts, nothing happened.  No rolls, no fearful rats, no dead rats, no nothing.
My caster level would still have been 16.  I'll go kill rats in the sewer..... again....
So, the domain power does just that... it allows you to use turn undead and affect lycanthropes.  Does this actually work or is this just an rp ability?  The only time I used it, it didn't make any rolls that I saw and nothing happened beyond me using a turn undead against something well below my 18 caster level.  It could actually work, but I havn't run around to find lycan's to test it out on.  Maybe I'll have to do that.
I would like to suggest we remove the ability to dispel magic from summons since I'm sick of them using area dispels and dispelling themselves.  It's just retarded.

Thank you.
Off Topic / So, What are you listening to CD?
Dec 29, 2013, 12:18 PM
Eminem- Bad Guy
Obie Trice ft. Eninem- Richard
Tech N9ne- Am I a Psycho
B.o.B. ft. Niki Minaj- Out of My Mind
Johnny Cash- Hurt