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Messages - NorthWolf: Doge Edition

Off Topic / Why are the forums so quiet?
Mar 25, 2019, 07:36 PM
I jumped on NWN: EE for reasons I can't fathom and was surprised to see how active the server was compared to the forums.

Does everyone just talk on Discord now or something?

I don't know I feel old nowadays.
And you used WinRAR to open ZIP files, and it would ask you to pay for it, because 7zip didn't exist yet. Nobody paid for it though.
Darkfangs Avatar
The android version functions much as you might expect - however, Steam Workshop does not exist. You have to manually download, unzip, and place the files.

Back in my day...
General Discussion / NWN EE
Jun 18, 2018, 04:06 PM
Weird. I thought they had just axed the slider in the options menu when I went to check it out but nope, the game just outright ignores the nwn.ini gamma setting.

You could just use whatever video card driver software you have to do an override but that's still a strange thing for them to remove.
General Discussion / NWN EE
Jun 02, 2018, 01:33 AM
For what it's worth:

During the pre-release of NWN:EE I tried porting some modules (including HAK files) and it seemed to work just fine without needing fixes. Hopefully once they stop patching the game it'll still be that simple.
General Discussion / Compatibility Mode
Apr 15, 2017, 11:25 PM
Windows 10 won't run Neverwinter Nights without using compatibility mode or NWNX.

2/10 Gentoo does it better.
General Discussion / Hak Files and Nexus Mods
Apr 02, 2015, 09:00 PM
Maybe check to see if the email gets spam filtered or something?
suddenperihelion Avatar
That won't work as you've written it. But it's an interesting idea, and I think a few minor tweaks could make it work, at least in the overwhelming majority of cases.

I guess it's no longer of general interest to the CD community now that Vincent has said no, but feel free to PM me if you are interested in discussing the technical details more!

I can understand why Vincent doesn't want to implement it, though it's still interesting to talk about.

That said, it's a very general road map, so I'm confused as to what wouldn't work. Can you specify why it won't work as I've written it? If it requires minor tweaks, can you specify what they are? You also stated that there would be a need to make an automated system "play nice" with the cls_feat_*.2da files, but I still don't understand what that means. The cls_feat_*.2da files don't relate to base feat requisites. Can you explain?

I am genuinely curious since you seem to be indicating there's a technical issue and there's no point in not specifying it.
Off Topic / So, What are you listening to CD?
Mar 27, 2015, 03:40 PM
I don't want to admit in reality I'm clicking on dubstep videos with extremely suggestive thumbnails featuring scantily clad women, so I'll post this to seem slightly less sad:

Off Topic / They freaking did it.
Mar 27, 2015, 03:37 PM
But is it like Fallout: New Vegas? Can I import BG1/2 game files and play BG1/2 in this game?

Honestly in spite of my saltiness towards Obsidian Entertainment I will admit I loved playing Fallout 3 within New Vegas. So many contents.



I should preface this by mentioning that I'm completely neutral about the issue of if something like this should get done, I just wanted to point out that it's viable and there's an easy way to do it.

suddenperihelion Avatar
The hardcoded part is the AB/save part. In some sense, nothing is "hardcoded" - if you are working with enough NWNX and custom server or client modifications, anything can be changed; in this case, you could put in a custom scripted "level up" function that replaces the default level-up benefits with the corrected levelup benefits using NWNX. But that seems like a lot of work for something that would produce very small benefits (we're really talking about a fairly small change that only lasts a couple levelups).

I'm saying that this (meaning the idea of them receiving epic feats earlier) is entirely viable with absolutely no scripting provided you're willing to LETO ECL characters once when they ascend. The NWNX component is a convenience to eliminate the need for LETO. It would be a single line looking something like this:

if(iECLAdjustedLevel > 20) NWNXFuncs_AddFeat(oPC, FEAT_EPIC_CHARACTER, iTrueLevel);
The 2da adjustments would also be annoying, but not actually too intensive. The roadmap for completion largely depends on what the PreReqEpic column in feat.2da actually does. I don't know if the engine checks for actual epic levels (21+) or if it checks for the epic character feat (1001) when it's flagged. If it's the latter, this is super easy because you just need to add the feat to the character. If it's the former, you're stuck with a roadmap that looks like this:

1. Parse feat.2da for all entries with PreReqEpic flagged 1.
2. Examine all entries in that list -- check which fields you can use to flag an epic character. PREREQFEAT1 and PREREQFEAT2 might be 100% viable simply because even in cases where there are two feats specified, several times it's not necessary (feat A will require feat B, ergo feat B does not need to be specified). This would be the mildly annoying part.
3. Use the field you have selected to create the flag. Assuming PREREQFEAT1/2, you add FEAT_EPIC_CHARACTER (1001) to the necessary field.
4. Set all of the PreReqEpic flags to 0.

Obviously that's pretty general but since 2da files are trivial to parse you could write something in any language you're comfortable with to do everything except figure out which field you should use.

suddenperihelion Avatar
As for the proposed system of creating a new system for pre-epic selection of epic feats, that's certainly an option. But it's not so clear to me that scripting up an automated system (and making sure it played nice with all the cls_feat_*.2da files) would be all that much less labor-intensive than the LETO route.

I'm not sure what the issue with the cls_feat_*.2da files would be? I suppose you could select a feat that you would've been granted later on in some cases, but that's already possible in vanilla NWN IIRC.

That said, in terms of economy of time, the real time waster would be testing the changes. Actually implementing what I talked about above would probably take an hour or two if you're familiar with basic Regex, file parsing, and have a basic knowledge of the .2da format (they're just a plain text tab delimited 2 dimensional array with a fairly simple header).

Then again NWN is a harsh mistress and inclined to piss on everything you try to do, but that's why I mentioned that testing would be the actual painful part.
The system is not as hard coded as seems to be believed. All epic feats are accessible through feat.2da and can be given different requirements. Creating an underlying system to support selecting epic feats pre-epic levels would be entirely viable. The only limitation I can think of is that the ECL modified PC would need a feat added at a certain level VIA LETO, but this is one of those things that NWNX can solve. On the other hand, using epic AB/save progression is a lot less viable without extensive scripting, admittedly.
Suggestions Archive / Making Monk Suck Less
Mar 17, 2015, 02:36 AM
Calabask Avatar
I think you might be able to get around that with NWNX, actually, but don't quote me on that.

NWNX Weapons allows you to basically define an arbitrary number of on-hand and off-hand attacks. That's for Windows hosts, though as far as I know the server runs on Windows. It'd be easy enough to keep it consistent so long as you had some include to calculate the appropriate attacks per round and update them for the event target in the module OnEquip and OnLevelUp. I think the other option under the local variable modifiers, "ubab", might be able to disable/enable the attack progression but I didn't dig around enough to confirm.

Not that I think that monks really need to be nerfed, honestly. Losing the BAB progression and attacks would hurt them pretty bad when they're already hurting.

Edge Avatar
It's irrelevant anyway, we don't use NWNX for various reasons. Vincent can give the full list if he desires.

I probably should read all of the new posts before making responses. Derp.

Even if the server doesn't need any NWScript functionality from NWNX it might be worth at least getting CD on the new NWNCX listings server so that people can see it when they're browsing servers. Increases the visibility, etc. but I have no idea if anyone uses those listings very much. I find it funny some places still fudge their player count.


ServerQuestions / Test Module
Mar 13, 2015, 01:03 PM
As a suggestion it might be an idea to include some sort of area for testing character builds in the module that you can access when initially making a character. Just flag the character as not being able to enter the module and make a note that people should only make test characters to use in it.

Also, not sure what the interest in this would be like, though it's possible to make a module that includes scripts that don't have an exposed source. The process if it's a point of interest:

1. Compile the .nss (the NWScript source) files either through the Aurora Toolset or through an external compiler.
2. Completely delete the content of the .nss files but do not recompile. This is best done by exporting a .erf with the desired scripts and then using a text editor to avoid accidental compilation.
3. You should now have two components, the .nss and the .ncs (compiled NWScript source). So long as you don't recompile the script, the bytecode of the NWScript source will reflect the original file.
4. Pack these back into a module, i.e. a testing module, and check the functionality. So long as the bytecode is compiled properly there shouldn't be any issues if the script source is blank.

This isn't flawless -- there is at least one NWScript decompiler I think. Still, it makes it less of a problem if your concern is exposing scripted content publicly.
Suggestions Archive / Warlock
Mar 08, 2015, 02:53 AM
I will warn that this class is pretty easy to break mechanically if the implementation is done in a certain fashion. For those that played Neverwinter Nights 2 when it was young you might remember that Chilling Tentacles was hilariously broken and could be stacked for something to the effect of reflex save vs. 200d6 damage. Add in a dash of really stupid AI that can't even pathfind tilesets and you win everything ever.

IMHO this class tends to polarize heavily: do it one way and it tends to be amazingly bad, do it another way and it tends to be horribly good. Things like unlimited spam of stuff like invisibility, darkness, etc. allow exploitation of the bad NWN AI to no ends, and stackable unlimited AoEs will always result in horrific exploitation of pathfinding.