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Messages - valiea987

Off Topic / Favorite underrated anime
Apr 25, 2016, 04:13 PM
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu!

This show is so amazing. When they were making the main series, Full Metal Panic, they had all these opportunities to turn it into a funny, joking anime... Instead, they gathered all those ideas together and made them into a series. In this show, the main character is a seemingly emotionless soldier living undercover and going to high school to protect a girl who is one of the main characters in the main series. While there, his military training and single minded focus is juxtaposed against people in their everyday lives, solving problem like a suspicious hair next to his shoe locker by detonating it with C4 just in case the hair was from a terrorist trying to assassinate him... In a high school.

The show is full of laughs, and I can't recommend it enough. I don't know much about anime... So I don't really know if this is like a super popular one, but I haven't really heard any of my gamer/anime fan friends talk about it before, so hopefully it fits!
Player Announcements / Just a heads up
Mar 07, 2016, 05:02 PM
Have fun in Vegas!
Suggestions Archive / CD Wiki
Feb 21, 2016, 06:16 PM
Apologies! Life has been hectic. I'll start writing for this as soon as stuff calms down a good bit more.
General Discussion / Extreme lag issues.
Feb 03, 2016, 09:32 AM
thorien Avatar
Hmm, the issue has solved itself it would seem. No idea what caused it, but seems to be gone... For now.

Suggestions Archive / CD Wiki
Feb 02, 2016, 10:35 AM
I forget why we haven't done it either.
Player Announcements / Happy Birthday Oni!
Jan 28, 2016, 08:41 AM
Happy birthday!
Okay everyone, it was reviewed and approved. If you would like to play in this game specifically designed around high end epic characters, sign up!
Alright everyone: The grand story is entirely written, and the first plot has been submitted to the admins for approval. So this is happening! If you want an even tailored specifically to your high level characters, jump on in! Post your times if you haven't yet so I can pick the time that works best for all of us.
Hey all,

So I've done a ton of writing over the past day, and I am in the final stages for this. Can those interested in a 25+ game chime in and let me know what times work for them so I can schedule it appropriately? I'd like to do the game reliably once a week. Just let me know what times work for you!
ServerQuestions / Question for Admin and DMs
Jan 04, 2016, 10:26 AM
Yeah, the door was meant to be unlocked. When it went in, it wasn't. Things have been hectic for me lately so it hasn't been a top priority to pester Vincent, especially in light of all the other stuff that happened with the database.
Player Announcements / I LIVE!
Dec 31, 2015, 09:52 AM
Howdy all.

I realize it has been 2 months since I posted this. I -have not- abandoned this, and I am looking to put my focus on this in the coming days. My father was diagnosed with cancer, on top of having to deal with students who procrastinate until the last two weeks of class to try and get all their work done. It has just been a very stressful past two months, so I wasn't able to do much with this.

Drop me a message here or in a PM if you're still interested in this. I should still have all your PMs and stuff.
Haha! Merry Nikolai Day! That's really amusing. ^.^
Welcome back, and yay about grades!
Player Announcements / So, uh. Hey. :D
Dec 14, 2015, 06:32 PM
Welcome back!