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Messages - blackhound

Vincent07 Avatar
blackhound Avatar
 Yes, I'm aware it's an exploit. But I'm also of the opinion if I'm alone on a sever at 4am or some other ungodly hour and there's literally no one harmed by my cheesing my death except my characters imaginary gold, it doesn't behoove me to care much nor will anyone be apt to bring down the hammer in my experience.

You realize you are basically admitting to exploiting the system and taunting me to "bring down the hammer" for it?  >.<
It wasn't really my intention for that statement to come across as a taunt Vince, I'm sorry if it did. In reality the few instances where I've done this have been at such obscure times that no one but myself would even notice due to low server population during the early morning hours of operation. My point was more to illustrate the fact that The death system is so lenient it never struck me as a penalty to let an enemy kill me and respawn, that in and of itself is sort of an issue in my opinion. While I could see me walking away from the computer to go get a drink while enemies pound away at my character until it dies being viewed as an exploit, I think we can agree it's not really the sort of thing that could so easily be policed, anyone could claim to have fallen asleep under such circumstances for instance. At any rate my statements were not meant to be in any way incendiary or as some manner of barb to the server staff and if I've done so, I apologize.
Vincent07 Avatar
As an aside, I am presently considering removing the 'free' death for characters over ...say... level 8 or 10.  Having to click "Respawn" should not be a painless matter imo.
 I 100% agree. Death should be more than an inconvenience. Currently, it's not.
Edge Avatar
You do know that's considered a system exploit, right?
 Yes, I'm aware it's an exploit. But I'm also of the opinion if I'm alone on a sever at 4am or some other ungodly hour and there's literally no one harmed by my cheesing my death except my characters imaginary gold, it doesn't behoove me to care much nor will anyone be apt to bring down the hammer in my experience.
Edge Avatar
Multiple deaths do cost XP, if you die within a certain time limit.

Moreover, lost cash isn't a minor inconvenience for everyone. Some of us do not have massive stores of easily-expendable gold on our characters, nor the ability to easily and/or quickly recuperate our losses. And the loss of gold results in a loss of ability to get resources such as scrolls, potions, or healing kits that are increasingly necessary to survive adventuring, meaning that less gold = even less of a chance to survive an adventure. It's a nasty little cycle for those of us who don't have the on-hand resources to survive in the first place.
 I don't know, Death has always felt like something of a joke to me on CD, I'm not saying that to ruffle anyone's feathers but it's more or less a free trip to town for a cost.  I've died on purpose to save the long trek back laden with spoils on some characters.
Off Topic / Picture Battle!!
Dec 21, 2013, 01:39 AM
Off Topic / CD the Movie - Casting Call
Dec 20, 2013, 08:12 AM
dom101 Avatar
Caleb Hawklin, played by Heath Ledger.

 Heath Ledger dead yo! Can't be pickin no dead foo's !
Off Topic / Picture Battle!!
Dec 19, 2013, 07:23 PM
Off Topic / CD the Movie - Casting Call
Dec 19, 2013, 07:19 PM

Hugh Jackman As Aeryk Glover (some black hair and he's good to go )
Off Topic / Picture Battle!!
Dec 19, 2013, 01:42 AM

Off Topic / Picture Battle!!
Dec 18, 2013, 09:37 PM
Player Announcements / Happy Birthday!
Dec 16, 2013, 04:36 PM
What? No Gifs? Pfff Fuck that,  here you go hyde!!!

Happy Birthday Broprah Winfrey!
I wanted to likewise give my thanks to everyone I've had the pleasure of interacting with as Aeryk, the names are to many to list but I shall try: Bass,Arti,Lotus,Rhea,Caprice,Morwen,Cataline,Krystenna,James St Bell,Hydaro, Shezzarin, Nadia,Sage,kelendel,Gabriel,emily webber,tatiana and I am Positive I've missed a few. For the record even the most minor interactions have had an impact on how I view my time here On CD and I wanted to thank the community as a whole for making it enjoyable thus far :) Keep up the great rp guys
Player Announcements / An Announcement
Dec 15, 2013, 08:37 PM
Vincent07 Avatar
So, this shiny new forum has a number of new functions, one of which I am going to ask everyone's opinion of before I consider enabling.

That being, the shoutbox.  It's basically a chat panel.  Anyone logged into the forums can basically use it as a chatroom.  Is this something any of you would like to use?
Do it!
We all knew this would show up, just a matter of when.

 I want to take the time to formally thank Head Trauma for putting a spin on my characters life and pulling from the characters background to help mold an undeniably amazing turn of events. Thank you Head Trauma, you are a king among men.