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Messages - dndpro

There can be a vast difference between chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, and coffee cake but . .  they are all desserts. I think what kelitayu is saying is both constructive and true. This server needs more -categories- the majority of the PCs on this server are beautiful human/elf/halfelf women. I have to strain my eyes to spot a male and I have yet to spy a single gnome, halfling, dwarf, or halforc.
Not only are almost all the PC's women but they all act and look the same.

Belladonna said, "You have over-simplified the vast difference of characters on this server." And I reply that no, no kelitayu has not because the player base has already over-simplified themselves.

D&D has -always- been about a lot of things. . .  not -just- portraying a character lol. .  Belladonna, you have over-simplified the vast complexities of D&D.

Please limit discussions to -constructive- criticisms, or suggestions. Flat out telling people that their view is wrong or that their feelings are invalid is neither helpful nor community-building.