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Messages - bsmith

Player Announcements / Hi there
May 25, 2015, 11:41 AM
I admit, I hadn't paid attention, but I am pretty certain I had played with this copy on another server a while ago. But it could be just that.
Player Announcements / Hi there
May 25, 2015, 11:32 AM
Hey there

So I finished downloading the haks and tlks. Then I started the game, joined the server, made a character and then couldn't enter because a tlk was not in place. 
So I went back and placed it in the right folder. I think. (Under haks and tlks, next to the standard ones.) Then I try to join the server again and now it sends me an error message that my CD key is already in use. 

Have I spurned the gods? Should I sacrifice my firstborn? Do I need to say the magic works, klatu verta nektu? 

Please help :D

And looking forward to join you all soon.