I do agree with all of the points above. Another reason that's probably a factor in the culture and stance here is the progression systems and general stance towards PvP, as well as server congregation culture. Being barred from Arabel is essentially being told 'you can't play your PC unless you like long long stretches of idle loneliness in a game whose entire redeeming quality is social interaction'. PvP is a mess on NWN in general and this server seems to largely have the stance of try and avoid it when possible. Which is good because the XP/progression system here is not tuned for a PvP experience that'd be enjoyable or even fair in the vague sense that NWN uses fair. A PC that's been played for a longer number of days will as an unavoidable rule be stronger than a PC that hasn't been played as long, there's no catchup or surpassing. So an evil character that's created can never expect to 'fight' out of a situation. I imagine, as a reasonable newcomer but someone that's had a lot of experience with PWs and enjoys mulling on game design thoughts on the side, that these things also contribute to a culture where 'evil' PCs are generally tolerated and not investigated if they make an effort at being hidden, blending in, acting normal, and basically not drawing excessive attention to themselves or their evil traits. Although the blunt take on snowflake preservation was also partially true and rather amusing.