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Messages - twilightvixen

belladonna Avatar
Nov 16, 2015 16:35:38 GMT -5  @belladonna said:
You can learn a language by spending 2 skill points on them.  You leave the skill points unspent (don't put them into any skill), then post a LETO (along with the IC way they are learning the language).
Oh thank you! And sorry slow replies, not really the forum liking person usually heh.
Yeah I've never cared much for the animal language unless using the pnp spells to talk to animals. My character can't even learn sylvan due to int restrictions :(, but druidic is the secret language that druids learn and keep secret by oath as edge said.
Not too important but hear there isn't a scripted druid language on this server like I've seen on many. Just thought would suggest such added for druids to auto get as a default language to have.
Thank you to those have rped with so far as well as those talked to ooc! Been an amazing welcome to the server. Love this place!